Urgent help needed!!!!!!


Active Member
This is my first grow. i am using the technaflora product line the recipe for success. into my 3rd week of veg. all was going well till i got a new ph meter the hanna ph gro chek. opened it up calibrated it and hooked it all up last night. woke up this morning and checked ph agian and it was a little too low. so i added some ph up. when i got home my ph was all the way up to 8.5!!! and i got what looks like burn spots on the bigger fan leaves. i know what happened i am using a 400 wat hps and six supplimental cfl's, and while i was adjusting ph light from the cfl's got into my reseviour thus causing the ph readings to be scewed. now question is should i flush with freshwater or just make new nute solution. i am using ro/di water and if i should flush what is the proper procedure?


Well-Known Member
First off welcome to rollitup, if you havn't already you should read the grow faq and check out all the stickied threads throughout the site.

now on to this ph issue.

In my experience, you should pretty much never have to use PH up, unless of course you have wacky well water or something but you have RO so it should be a non issue.
Ph meters are a hassle and the strips are much more accurate, (imho) but since you have one you'll have to figure out its foibles and quirks.

If i were you i would go with fresh PHed water and ride that for a day or two, A little fresh water never hurts and usually helps.

Best of luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
PH meters have a response time, meaning it takes awhile for the readings to stabilize. When I first started using the meter I would add a conditioner (up or down) take a reading and adjust some more. The problem was I didn't wait long enough for the readings to stabilize and always screwed up the water. As for light getting in the water, not likely, my fish tanks get lots of light and the PH will go up or down because of other factors like dead plant matter, fish shit, etc., the organics break down and build up nitrogen which lowers the PH. New gravel, water, rocks will make it go up. Good luck growing, it can be as satisfying as a good joint!


Well-Known Member
PH meters have a response time, meaning it takes awhile for the readings to stabilize. When I first started using the meter I would add a conditioner (up or down) take a reading and adjust some more. The problem was I didn't wait long enough for the readings to stabilize and always screwed up the water. As for light getting in the water, not likely, my fish tanks get lots of light and the PH will go up or down because of other factors like dead plant matter, fish shit, etc., the organics break down and build up nitrogen which lowers the PH. New gravel, water, rocks will make it go up. Good luck growing, it can be as satisfying as a good joint!
it should be noted that light causes algae to grow and algae can affect ph.


Well-Known Member
it should be noted that light causes algae to grow and algae can affect ph.
Sure I've dealt with plenty of algae problems ...but he was saying that he thinks the couple minutes worth of light that got in his res. changed his pH.
I can't imagine that much algae would grow during the day to bump the pH to 8.5.