def. look like nute burn, however u said u had Ph prob. so u could have a lockout on hand flush the hell out of em then leach em. re check ph and ppmMy plants are in about week 5 of flowering and my top growth looks like crap, the buds look fine and so do the bottom leaves.
I'm using the nutrients.
and i had ph problems a while back but that should be taken care of.
any help much appreciated!
what kinda of set-up are you running???are you using organics or syn's???did you flush with a mild-nutrient solution or did you not put nuts in the water at all???you said the ph is 5.7....i will assume your using a recirculating hydro set-up...ebb and flow???if this is the case when you flush in hydroponics use a mild nutrient solution if it is FloraKleen.....and with change the water out with fresh water add Clearex run your cycle twice and then change again..add nuts...mildly at first....then back on normal schedule with in a day.....i also thought often do you change your reservoir...doing this more often can save you from a lot of problems..especially defiently something to watch out for during flowering..mainly cause your plant uses more of it....
sorry that last post was meant for someone else....drain to waste systems are a lot easier to you have a airstone in the resevoir?????that will help with the algae growing also is the resevoir covered...light and heat will cause growth...well humidity as well.
what color is the leaf stem??