Thanks fer the kindness! Do ya got a link to yer grow?looking fuckin great man i go myself a rubbermaid grow check it out it aint quite as good but im a noob
You shud fucking make one. Dude, I built THIS, you go build somethin else
The bottom fan is drawing air in. both fer cooling as well as to get the plants strong. Check out my top link in my sig (ya gotta cut it and paste in yer address bar, tho).Exactly!
Is the fan pulling air in or exhausting heat/stale air out?
Anyways, fucking great job. Have you used it yet and does it keep the temps nice and low? Keeping my closet below 80F is a daily struggle.
Quote =
Where in the hell am I?
Got a 400W air cooled hood that I'm runnin a conversion bulb on fer veg @ 18/6.
Why NOT 24/0 ?
24/0 & 12/12 Wurk$ GRE@T fur ME.
Even Odd~Hour "$tre$$" iz a NEAT way to have Virgin~Female$ make Female~$eedz. $tre$$ iz EZ to "Find" for Nooby~OOPzer$". OOPz, i FurGot. Huh ? What ? I Kun't Remember, Occifur HicUp. hicUp. Got a Match, Occifer ?
Nice to hear that 'yer 400~Watt ain't TOO0o HOT. My OLD 150~Watter$ "were", not "ARE"~Occifer, HOT Enough without being BoxXXXed. I bought NEW 400~Watt HP$ & ju$t kun't imagine it being Cu$tomer~Friendly enough w/o a Cool~Tube, but YU $@Y that Fan~Cooled iz Cool~Enoug, $o THANKz
Water~Filtered iz Be$t.
Empty Jam~Jar, Lamp~Bolt (Threaded~Rod) & $urgical~Tubing make$ L!FE Much~$@fer.
Want Black~Water or Black~Lungz ???
Outa $creen ?
U$e copper~wire ball to Block Hole.
$uck through "Cr@ck" $creen that KUN'T "Break"
Thats it. I hope that y'all were @ least entertained!![]()
I have 2 exhaust fans now. 1-8" inline fan comin off the light, and a 6" inline fan that I cut another tight hole in the box to fit in. I bought both fans @ the local indoor garden shop. Ya can get the PC fans @ Best Buy, Fry's, possibly RadioShak, dependin on where ya are. Sometimes, some ACE hardware stores have them, as well.where can I find those pc fans alot of people use? and the wiring for them..
also what type of fan do you use for exhaust?
I have 2 exhaust fans now. 1-8" inline fan comin off the light, and a 6" inline fan that I cut another tight hole in the box to fit in. I bought both fans @ the local indoor garden shop. Ya can get the PC fans @ Best Buy, Fry's, possibly RadioShak, dependin on where ya are. Sometimes, some ACE hardware stores have them, as well.