

Well-Known Member

who here skates?

i haven't for years, but i've been looking to get a new board for getting about on.

I also have a halfpipe in my field which regrettably hasn't had much action.

what's a good all round board?

i've been looking at this one seems like a pretty decent set-up. thoughts?
i've been skating for 12+ years. I started when i was 7. Dont get a worldindustries like above, those are terrible. Elements are fine, like the one you have in your link, but there are better quality decks such as Baker and Zero. It's all on preference but the element will definently do the job.
Hahaha man I was thinking about making a thread too, now that its getting warmer out. Been skating since I was like 10. Right now ive been skating Plan b boards, and grind king trucks. I went out skating the other day and landed a couple kickflips and varials so I was pretty pumped after not skating all winter to get back out and land something.
I'd get some silver trucks, some girl wheels ^^ i love the girls spinning ^^ and they have good wheels...

and the deck i would buy chocolate or DGK....

Bearings go with bones... :)


and yeah i skate :)
I fond my old Tony Hawk board. It is the old school type where it only flares up on one side. I had it when I was pretty little and never knew any tricks. I want to grab it and ride some hills.
cheers for all the responses guys!

well, i still haven't made my mind up about which board to get. i think i might go for the one i linked in my first post. seems pretty good, for the money.
I use to skate a lot haha.
I loved my set up :).
It was an element featherlight.
Blue Angle bearings (either go with them or Redz)
Independent Trucks, wheels don`t really matter, just if they`re hard or soft, but I had spitfire.
I`d suggest building your own complete setup instead of buying a complete though.
I don't skateboard, but I do longboard a lot. Nothing is better than the feeling of bombing down hills while high, it's priceless haha.

I had a pretty sweet Dregs board but it recently broke, so I'm looking for a new one. Dregs is the only type of board I will ride, they are like non other. Any other longboarders out there?
You could also just buy a blank deck, like an atm. Cheaper and pretty much the same thing. I used to only skate blanks when i was a kid and had no money.
almost 8" resin 8 ply deck, royal trucks, reds and blank wheels and to finish the list off.... blown up knee:sad:. if im really careful sometimes i can still get my fakie 360 kickflips. buy an almost deck or some other new technology deck and some rictas and some tensor or royal trucks and you'll have an amazing setup
I don't skateboard, but I do longboard a lot. Nothing is better than the feeling of bombing down hills while high, it's priceless haha.

haha, sounds good.

i was looking at long boards, but decided not to get one...not now anyway.

never tried one before, but they certainly do look like fun :)
They are pretty fun. Really smooth ride, it feels like your almost gliding. If you get one I would definetly recommend a Dregs, I had a Sector 9 once and it wasn't that great.

Longboards are really chill in my opinion. You can just cruise around and it will be fun haha.
They are pretty fun. Really smooth ride, it feels like your almost gliding. If you get one I would definetly recommend a Dregs, I had a Sector 9 once and it wasn't that great.

Longboards are really chill in my opinion. You can just cruise around and it will be fun haha.
i short boarded for years and got really good but when i went with my friend took me nightime long-boarding that was some scary shit. pitch black and going over 40 will make you think WTF am i doing here. im glad i had some board experience for that
I don't skateboard, but I do longboard a lot. Nothing is better than the feeling of bombing down hills while high, it's priceless haha.

I had a pretty sweet Dregs board but it recently broke, so I'm looking for a new one. Dregs is the only type of board I will ride, they are like non other. Any other longboarders out there?

i have a small sector nine to cruise around with.