What might be stressing my Hemi here?

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
What might be stressing my Hemi here?

You can see the very slow bloomer at the bottom has small flowers only but healthy leaves, very confusing on why she did'st react like the hemi, maybe the hemi is preparing for harvest? I'm at 101 days 66 day of flowering
Reason the numbers are high is because I started 12/12 to early by 2 weeks :sad:



Well-Known Member
What might be stressing my Hemi here?

You can see the very slow bloomer at the bottom has small flowers only but healthy leaves, very confusing on why she did'st react like the hemi, maybe the hemi is preparing for harvest? I'm at 101 days 66 day of flowering
Reason the numbers are high is because I started 12/12 to early by 2 weeks :sad:
wow!!those buds are pretty small what are u feeding it and what lights are you using?

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
good just makin sure. what r your temps? those gals look dried out

I would rotate the plants daily in there 3 gal buckets with an equal nute solution and because the late bloomer seems to have avoided the nutes burn possibility, tells me the hemi is about ready to take down with it's ability to produce pollen coming to an end.

So I belive now it's not nute burm but life cycle considering how the late bloomer looks great and could possable be the best of them all.


Well-Known Member
didnt say nute burn. overfert does not always wind up with the plants buring. I think there are some issues with your grow room including temps and ventilation. these gals do not look anywhere near what they are supposed to even for a hermie. possibly a light leak. the first three pics there are obvious deficiency there but more importantly the overall health of the plant. the last pic if that has been flowering for more than 3 weeks than you have a light leak. or a major nute imbalance.
just my 2 cents so take no offense. if u want post all your shit and we will try to help you. if not, good luck with all and keep searching the net

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
didnt say nute burn. overfert does not always wind up with the plants buring. I think there are some issues with your grow room including temps and ventilation. these gals do not look anywhere near what they are supposed to even for a hermie. possibly a light leak. the first three pics there are obvious deficiency there but more importantly the overall health of the plant. the last pic if that has been flowering for more than 3 weeks than you have a light leak. or a major nute imbalance.
just my 2 cents so take no offense. if u want post all your shit and we will try to help you. if not, good luck with all and keep searching the net
Dude it's not a light leak or nut burn for the fucking 3rd time the last picture should make it apparent with the great health is shows in the same space same nuts same everything bad diagnostic, o yea no offence


Well-Known Member
ok stimie, your plants look like total crap. your 'healthy' one is on its way to looking like the rest.
was just trying to help, you obviously have some major issues going on, with your plants too.

ur plants resemble nothing like anything I have seen at 90+ days of flowering.

Major Tom

Well-Known Member
ok stimie, your plants look like total crap. your 'healthy' one is on its way to looking like the rest.
was just trying to help, you obviously have some major issues going on, with your plants too.

ur plants resemble nothing like anything I have seen at 90+ days of flowering.
OK Boner I'm ready for your misguided diagnostic of me and my plants
Air in from the bottom, carbon out, smells like fresh bread dough

My space would make a photographer jealous of the pitch back 12/12
Tempt very constant and kept btw 62 at night and 76 during the day.
Tower fan during the day
Harvest WAS NOT 90+ days but 65 @ 101+ TOTAL

Also I did mention that I was misinformed on the starting date by almost 2 weeks for 12/12

Thus the sure guarantee of smaller buds, Mr. Jump to conclusions :dunce:

All plant where moved daily
All nutes where equal, GH Grow Bloom Micro some Liquid Karma at the end
Ph average @ 5.7

Ran KLEEN 36 hours before picking

Tempt NEVER where higher than 80 and mostly 76
Humidity 60-90 during veg
Humidity 40-60 Bloom

Reason I believe confirmed by others on other forums the final flowering cycle was coming to an end and the folding and yellowing was the plant revealing its end and confirmed by the tri’s also turning all cloudy on the way to amber so the breaks had to be put on in the weeks to come in drying/curing.

Read my journal first before you let OJ go free

I guess thanks for your patients too .... Boner

Going for a ride now, dam grow, hope my next ones better.... dam it