/t/e/c/h/2/0/9//-r These Enought Cflz-/killakali


Active Member
You should post the total lumens that would be more helpful. Is that aluminum foil on the walls? If so you should go with Mylar aluminum is not very reflective, and causes a lot of heat issues. I'm new to this but I'm pretty sure this information is sound.


Well-Known Member
You should post the total lumens that would be more helpful. Is that aluminum foil on the walls? If so you should go with Mylar aluminum is not very reflective, and causes a lot of heat issues. I'm new to this but I'm pretty sure this information is sound.
No. Aluminum foil actually causes "hot-spots" that burn nice big holes through your plants leaves. Rip it down and put mylar up or use white panda plastic. Or, paint the walls flat white.


Well-Known Member
My Walls Are Already Flat White And You Are Right It Does Get Pretty Hot Rite Now Its At 89 Degrees So Tear The Foil Off Then??

Btw Thanx For The Tips Man


Well-Known Member
Good man. The CFL's shall be enough for vegetative growth. However, you will want to increase the warm whites when you start flowering.

Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Got Cha One More Question Just Got In Those Hydroponics Nutes Three Stage I Fed Them Yesturday Do I Feed Them Again When I Water Or Feed Them Once A Week


Well-Known Member
Feed at 1/4 strength of the recommended dosage on the bottle.

I typically feed my plants every other watering. So if i water them with plain water, 4-5 days later, I will feed them with nutes. It's not necessary to feed nutes to your plants at every watering.