Jack Flash SoG Journal

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
2nd week into flower. 1500 ppm, feeding twice a day, ten minutes at a time, dawn and dusk. A little too tired to tell much more right now. :sleep:


Old Frog

Well-Known Member
3rd week still hovering around 1500ppm.

Might get more hydroton by the end of the week to prevent any light pruning of the roots.

Ph remains at 5.9-6.0

Kolas starting to take better shape. I count around 80 decent sized heads per tray, ranging from four to nine inches tall.

That's it for now. :peace:

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Newer pics with different camera. The humidity in the room is getting into the mid-80% range by the girls' morning, so got a Dayton dehumidifier for $375 to mitigate that issue a bit. The next big toy to get is the atmospheric controller from IGS because this fine tuning is getting a bit tedious even for me. Hell, in two months I'll need to fire up the AC unit anyway.

Fan leaves are getting pretty dense. I've pruned away most of the under carriage foliage below the first trellis line, but more needs to be done tomorrow night.

The image resizing on this forum makes some very blurry renditions out of the originals.

Some upturning on the leaf serrations tells me the humidity is too high, and maybe the foliar spray needs to be cut back.



Well-Known Member
I saw your post over in the crazy clowns thread im glad i did these tables are beautiful! What is the power bill like when your running that much power?? Awesome setup!


Well-Known Member
Hey old Frog, very professional set up mate.
I think you should be called 'Farmer Frog' with a 'field' like that. lol
Your going to have yourself a huge field of colas by the end of this.

Can I ask why you are folia spraying when your humidity is so high, seems to be no need for it?
Also what's your temps get up to at the canopy with all those watts?

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Hi Winkdogg and Mammath, thanks for stopping by!

What is the power bill like when your running that much power??
That particular room sucks around $210 USD a month.

Can I ask why you are folia spraying when your humidity is so high...
Also what's your temps get up to at the canopy with all those watts?
The foliar spray is part of the feeding regimen I'm currently adhering to. The Liquid Light and Penetrator really seem to be helping when on a once a week schedule. I tried twice a week (as recommended by a friend) and saw the leaves on a couple of plants turn up a few days back. Back down to once a week is fine I think. The dehumidifier does the trick, keeping things relatively dry.

Highest temp reached thus far is 25c on the nose, and that's with all six 600w HPS running. The HEPA intake is on 24 hours a day, bringing temps down to a low of 17c during the girls' nighttime, and keeping them in the mid 20s during the light cycle. :peace:

More pics in a few days!


Well-Known Member
Highest temp reached thus far is 25c on the nose, and that's with all six 600w HPS running. The HEPA intake is on 24 hours a day, bringing temps down to a low of 17c during the girls' nighttime, and keeping them in the mid 20s during the light cycle. :peace:
Cool, those temps are perfect, no wonder they're thriving. Well done.
I do love to see a good fresh air intake but that HEPA looks the shit. For a room that size it's perfect.
Because your sucking fresh air from the outside, do you think the difference between winter and summer temps will affect your inside environment much?
All the best.

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
@ Mammath: When it starts to heat up during the A.M. hours this spring I'll put the hepa on a timer so it shuts off thirty minutes after the lights do, and five minutes before they come back on in the evening. Wall-mounted AC unit will take care of any heat issues later in the year. I shut down operation from July through September anyway and go on holiday, just keeping five clone mothers alive.


Active Member
picture of health m8, nice grow....looking forward to seeing 80 colas like your avatar.....i got some superskunks going at the moment, kinda hoping for similar buds. KS

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
Well I went and got way too high tonight, and can't work the camera or the adjustment levels colour-wise to save my life. Nevertheless, here are the crappy pictures for your viewing enjoyment: :blsmoke:

4 weeks in and they look pretty good... I'm bumping the ppm lvl down to 1350 for the next two weeks because the girls seem a little peckish to me.

Six lanky sativa rogues (SilverHazexCough1) have taken over the second tray, which means I'll have to take them down two weeks later than the Jack Flash. I may just tell them to fuck off and chop everything at once and trash the premies. Otherwise it starts to interfere with my projected finish time in July on the second batch. I refuse to grow in July or August; it's too much of a hassle.

Those are the sativas in the far tray...

I played with the tint and temp. one way...

And the other... Whatever, this will do for the time being.



Well-Known Member
Don't worry mate, your poor camera skills don't cheapen what's going on in your room.
Looking might fine. That is going to be an absolute shit load of prime bud. :weed:
Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
I know i have seen that stuff on a jobsite before ??? It was orange i think it held hay or straw "bundels" looks like the ferfect material for a v-scrog too!! Gotta get a roll! THANKS FOR THE LINK:)

winkdogg, it's a horti-trellis - not the nylon one - but the plastic one here. the stuff rocks!

Thanks mammath, i hope they keep doing what they do best, despite my efforts contrary... :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I think im haeded in that direction but in a much smaller scale:) and i still love soil:) im going micro-sog soon ,why not go up the walls too!