PC planter stealth grow. First time.



WOO It's my mums birthday today and I just got my seeds and PF strain spores (magic mushrooms) in the mail! What a day to celebrate. Gonna be mad busy this week. So here it is, lets get it started.

Time to get the ball rollin' on my grow case here. I know I'm a noob on this site, but I have definitely done my part on the research. I'm not a know it all but I surely do know enough to hold my own on this project. I will be needing tips, pointers and assistance if you see me doing anything wrong. It would be much appreciated. I've learned plenty from this site and have seen what problems to avoid. Research Research Research. I've also taken a Hortaculture class at my highschool and I've been given tips from certain people.

I started out with my old Aspire X-cruiser case.. It's a 17" mid-tower and I know it's pretty small. If I use a solo cup or a 4" pot, I'd probably have like 12"-13" of grow space which won't yield as much as I'd like. I'll use an LST/Scrog method with a screen that I have. The screen has 2x2 squares which I think should be fine. I bought some mylar windshield cover from the automotive section at meijer for like 5 bucks and wrapped it around tightly in my case. I sealed the Light leaks and securely fitted down the mylar with Duct tape. Amazing stuff and it never fails.

So any comments telling me I'm wasting my time for an 8th should be kept to yourself cause honestly, I'm doing this just for me and some buddies so we can enjoy summer a little better.

I used velcro to install this power strip and I will be adding strips of velcro near the bottom when I germinate so that the light source is at least 2 inches over the plant. Velcro sounded more simple to install than a rail.. and it only cost me like under a buck.

I picked up these light socket converters from home depot at about $2.19 each. I'll be using 2 6500k 150 Watt equivalent CFL bulbs for Vegging and then 2 or 3 TCP Fresh Odor eliminating 27W 2700k bulbs ( not sure what the equivalent is ) for the flowering stage. I know this is an autoflowering strain but I'm still going to use the right Kelvin temperature for indoor growing. ESPECIALLY since they eliminate odor. Carbon will NOT be enough. Speaking of Carbon.. I'm going to need to install filters before I get to the stinky stage and I need a good way of doing it.

I will be running a continuous 20-4 or 18-6 light schedule off a light timer. Depends, because I don't want TOO much height in my case as its small :/.

Odor eliminating CFL @ 2700k

I have knowledge in obtaining very well results with air ventilation and cooling from building pc's. 120mm Exhaust in the rear, 1 80mm Exhaust on top and 2 80mm intake from the front. This allows for cool air to pass through the bottom and cool off the hot light source a bit and air off the plants with a nice summer breeze. Or... Room temperature breeze.

I have done LOADS of reseach on the best, quietest fans with the best CFM ( Air flow ) and have come up with buying the ENERMAX UC-12EB 120mm Magnetic Baraometric fan and the other 80mm sister version. These fans are pricey. About $15 for the 120mm but it will be WELL worth it as they are super silent and produce an optimum amount of air flow. In my case, I could lie to my parents and say I'm running a server in my room next to my pc case so then I can get any fan, but silent is best to avoid those kinds of questions. That and SLEEP. Can't sleep with loud fans.

I have a nice 7A 12V Adapter that can power plenty of fans :D.
Shot a picture of it with my spongebob..
Sponge thing that I'll be using to raise humidity if i have to.

As I stated in the above, I will be using odor eliminating bulbs for the flowering stage and that won't be enough so I will need Carbon filters for both my exhaust areas. I would need a real good method of doing this because I've seen plenty. I just don't know which to pick out. I'm not worried about this until I can smell the skunky but beautiful odor :P.

Okay.. Here's where most of you will totally hate me. Before I stare planting the seeds, I picked up Expert Gardener Organic soil from wal-mart because it contained Dolomitic Lime which helps keep the ph level balanced. I need to get a test kit and keep it at like 6.5/7. Right? I do have a separate bag of perlite (for my shrooms) that I can use if I need to make any additions to my soil. I do have a bag of Miracle grow potting mix that I don't think I'm even going to touch. Would the expert gardener organic mix be okay to germ the seeds in or would I need a topsoil, vermiculite, perlite, dolomite lime mix? I just don't want to shell out TOO much money. I need to buy vermiculite anyway :P.

Umm, That pretty much covers it.
I posted up some photos. Enjoy them!
I will be updating at 1am central if my seeds sink. I'm starting a 2 seed soaking in spring water until it sinks and then a 24 hour wet napkin method to get the roots to explode.

I really do need help with my growing medium, so please give that a read up there and tell me what you think. I can take a photo of the expert gardener bag and the facts list behind it. Gonna need info on nutes too guys.

I'm going to go celebrate with the mom for a bit and take her out to dinner. I'll be back to chat later. Keep checking for updates as I'll be doing one EACH day.




7 hours pass and 2/2 ak47 seeds are still floating in the shot glass.

Just updating for the heck of it.


SUCCESS! 10 hours passed and one of the seeds has sunk!

I will be adding that seed into a tupperware container with moist towels and let it sit until the root shows while I patiently wait for the other one to sink and then repeat the same step.

I added a picture of the seeds in the shot glass when one of them sank and I added a picture of the case with the shot glass under the scarf which is warm and dark and the Tupperware container under that fisherman hat. The seed that sank was placed in a small zip bag with moist pieces of paper towel, then placed in a closed Tupperware container that had big moist sheets around the inside for humidity.

I will update again tomorrow.

I'm stopping at ace hardware to buy seedstarter mix tomorrow as well.



Well-Known Member
Nice and clean little setup. Hope they stay short. I wander how cool you could keep that with a 150W ?


Nice and clean little setup. Hope they stay short. I wander how cool you could keep that with a 150W ?
Thanks! It surprisingly doesn't get hot at all. Stays around the optimum 70-80 Degree range and fluctuates from the temp of the air going around my room.

The CFL bulb is so cool that I can touch it and turn it while its plugged in. EVEN if it's been on for hours. No joke. I love it. But that would be this particular bulb I'm using for the moment until I make a home depot run.

It's just a regular 5500k CFL.


2nd seed sank at about 14 Hours and now soaking in the Tupperware container with the other seed.


9 AM this morning and both seeds have a tiny piece of white coming out their asses so that root is slowly pushing through. Lookin good so far and it definitely looks like I'll be planting TONIGHT.


OKAY! so I see the roots have come out a tiny bit longer. I'm going to let them sprout out just a little bit more and then I'll place them in peat pots with Seed Starter mix and water. I'll take pictures of the seeds with the roots sticking out when they do. I'll be up all night. I'm currently doing a PF TEK shroom thing and my bottles are now sterilizing. Then inoculation!


Well, I was in a rush today when I woke up so I didn't take any pictures. Sorry.
I panicked because I figured maybe the roots were soaking too much.

I planted them in peat pots with seed starter mix and watered them a bit.
Now to wait until something pops out ;)


Waiting patiently for the sprouts to emerge.
This could take 48-72 hours. I might see something by Sometime on Sunday.

When I do.. I will take pictures and post them.

As for the shrooms. I've inoculated my jars and They are incubating. Waiting patiently for the white fuzz. I'll do a journal on my shrooms as well. I'll post occasional pictures for fun on here too.

Keep it real to whoever is watching.


Alright. Still nothing above the topsoil today but I moved just a tiny bit of soil off the top and noticed 2 small green leaves.

So that's a really good sign. I covered it up again and watered.

did the same with the other seed and it looked like it was dried up pretty bad.
Maybe root damage or something.

I'm soaking another seed now as I want to have 2 plants going in case one is a male.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear one is showing promise, fingers crossed it's a she.

P.S What are those smell proof bags like? Was thinking about getting a couple myself.


Glad to hear one is showing promise, fingers crossed it's a she.

P.S What are those smell proof bags like? Was thinking about getting a couple myself.
Thanks man, I hope it's a fem too :]
I woke up this morning to find 2 sprouted leaves that were on their side. lol. I moved a bit of the soil and found the root facing up so i re-positioned it down and faced the leaves up. Hope this didn't do any damage.

Those bags are amazing by the way. Totally smelly proof, just like it says.
I should get me some more.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I hope it's a fem too :]
I woke up this morning to find 2 sprouted leaves that were on their side. lol. I moved a bit of the soil and found the root facing up so i re-positioned it down and faced the leaves up. Hope this didn't do any damage.

Those bags are amazing by the way. Totally smelly proof, just like it says.
I should get me some more.

Just a word of advice, It's not wise to ever try to peak at the roots while in soil. I know its tempting but it should be totally avoided. If leaves are growing then chances are the roots are doing fine. <3


Just a word of advice, It's not wise to ever try to peak at the roots while in soil. I know its tempting but it should be totally avoided. If leaves are growing then chances are the roots are doing fine. <3

Haha, SO tempting. I just wanted to see why in the world it grew slanted. It looked like it was LST'ing itself somehow.

I did it carefully ;)

When I came back to check on it 10 hours later, I noticed that it locked in to the soil, faced up right, grew taller and opened up the sprouted leaves a bit!

So far so good!

Now I'm going to take pictures of it and post the update.

Thanks for the tip!


Here it is.

I took this pic last night when it looked healthier and the soil was fairly moist.

this morning, I woke up and the soil was totally dry that my plant was wilted and looked sick.

I watered right away and made sure not to add too much.


I've got another seed presoaking and it's doing great.

As far as my shrooms.
Day 3. No growth yet.



Well-Known Member
To keep it moist and humid while its small try putting that smell proof sealy bag over the top a few hours after you water it.


To keep it moist and humid while its small try putting that smell proof sealy bag over the top a few hours after you water it.

Yeah, I'm actually using half of a water bottle over the peat pots and it fits perfectly. It really helped the plant look better again.