Is it better to harvest a week early or a week late?

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Well-Known Member
If you don't feel you're very good at picking the optimal harvest time for your plants (despite reading the literature), do you think you should error on the side of harvesting a little too early or a little too late?
I do have a 30x magnifier, but I still can't see a change in the trichromes, even when the plant was probably past harvest. Maybe it's because I have a colour deficiency?
Can it keep gaining girth after peak harvest?

Also, does anyone know if potency peaks quicker than it degrades?
If you don't feel you're very good at picking the optimal harvest time for your plants (despite reading the literature), do you think you should error on the side of harvesting a little too early or a little too late?

The correct answer is a week early. The plant’s THC level will not be as high as it would be if waiting until the plants properly mature but waiting a week to long will result in high quality compost.

Once a plant reaches a certain point the THC begins to break down and more CBN is created and the result is when smoked it causes the person to feel ‘messed up’ rather than high.

Some, many in fact, confuse that for potency. For quality herb CBN levels should be kept to an absolute minimum.

Where the confusion comes from is some people prefer a stone, a couch-lock body buzz and that comes from higher amounts of CBD which dulls the mind and the body while still giving somewhat of a decent high.

High levels of CBN will dull the mind and the body but with a decreased amount of high to accompany it but because the dulled mind and body affects are felt some confuse that with being potent high in CBD herb.

It would be a mistake to intentionally grow plants for an extra week, or for any additional period of time, in hopes of gaining a slightly larger yield at the cost of reduced levels of THC and increased levels of CBN.

For optimal results, which will vary from person to person depending on their preference in either more of a high or more of a stone, a person wants to do their best to attempt to harvest at some point from when the trichome color is milky white to amber, or some combination of the two if they want a combination of a head high and a body stone.

Harvesting earlier or later will assure that what is most desired will not be achieved but harvesting later rather than earlier will result in decreased levels of THC and higher levels of CBN.

While you also have reduced levels of THC if harvested early at least you do not have the increased levels of CBN so it is preferable.
No, it doesn't keep growing. Peak harvest is the peak harvest for a reason.

I'm red/green color blind too, but I can see a difference in the trichomes. Not huge, but it can be seen. My guess is that you are just too early and there just aren't any amber. Look at this:

I assumed peak harvest was synonoms with peak potency NOT with biggest size.

I'm not really red/green color blind, I'm color defienct, which means I don't see one of the primary colors with the same intensity as the others, which makes some colors not appear the same to me. Thanks for the link.
Harvest a week late and then consider waiting another week. Most harvest too early until they have more experience. Your plants will tell you when they are done.

good luck
Harvest a week late and then consider waiting another week. Most harvest too early until they have more experience. Your plants will tell you when they are done.

good luck

+1, don't think I have ever seen someone harvest too late...other than outdoors.
+1, don't think I have ever seen someone harvest too late...other than outdoors.

About two years ago I had a crop that was close to being ready to harvest. One night I checked the trichomes and a few were beginning to turn from clear to milky white, but only a few. I took a small bud that was beginning to turn and quick dried it and tested it and it had a very strong clear head high.

That night I woke up with severe pains. The next morning I went to my Doctor and he sent to the hospital for tests. I was admitted and the following morning I went into surgery. I was kept for the rest of the day and night and was released the following morning and was home around 11:00AM.

I checked my plants and the trichomes were all brown. I turned off the lights and harvested shortly after and tested another bud and the strong clear head high had become a weak body stone. No amount of drying and curing made an appreciable difference.

So in roughly 60 hours, or two and a half days, my crop went from almost perfect according to my tastes to being compost. It was indoors and it grew to long and it only took roughly 30 to 36 hours to change from being all it could be to being compost.

While I cannot remember another crop changing so rapidly that is an example of just how fast things can change and why it is important to keep on top of things and to never arbitrarily set a date of when to harvest no matter what your trichome color may be when you check because if you wait that long you might end up with compost as I unintentionally and accidentally did.
I guess I should have worded my post better....of course there is an optimum time to harvest......preface my original post with - Most new growers....
So, what was the pain from?

Gall bladder … it was shot and the entire area around it was very infected so that is why I was held for a day after surgery. Everything the surgeon touched during the operation would bleed so I spent the day and night on antibiotics.

What made it ok though was he also gave me a morphine drip even though I didn’t hurt in the least after the surgery so I would hit the little red button very often and I cruised through the day and night smiling.

Most people's votes go to 'harvest a week late', although we can take Brick Top's experience with a little more weight, I still find it hard to believe that the THC can degrade as quickly as you say Brick Top!

I've taken to just harvesting the main cola and other significant buds off a plant, and giving the smaller, pop-corny buds an extra week or two. I created another post in regards to this as well - was wondering if anyone else did the same, and if they did, how they dealt with the flushing situation.
They say, when you think it's ready,
give it another week.
Strain matters too, and what kind of high
so correct times will vary
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