Contact Obama about his reaction to legalizing marijuana


Well-Known Member
As some of you may know there was an online town hall meeting held at the white house yesterday in which questions were asked by a live audience, as well as questions voted on by the american people. The highest ranking question voted on by thousands of people was about the legalization, regulation, and taxation of marijuana. When mentioning the question president Obama gave out a laugh and then sidestepped the question totally dismissing the concern of million of his supporters. NORML has a letter to Obama that is prewritten for you, all you have to do is put in your name, email, and address (don't worry, it's just so they know you're a real citizen). I urge everyone on rollitup to take part in this so that our voices our heard with a resounding boom. Here is the link - . Please go and send your letter right now. It takes about thirty seconds.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that sees taxing a moderately addictive substance to solve the budget prroblems the government created in the first place as immoral?
I don't want to make this into a pot is addictive debate, I think we can all agree in some way it has a special place with us that any other good (tv computers cars) cannot fill. I also don't support states raising tobacco and alcohol taxes to fund their stupid programs. Any tax is stupid. Sin taxes are dumber. Excessive energy consumption taxes are the dumbest.


Active Member
I done did mine but That somebitch dont care, if you voted for him you got coned. He could give a damn bout the common people till 2012 then he'll be all for the little man agin. All cops , and politicians are hypocrits and cons. He is not gonna help our cause he already said he was clling of the dogs in leagle states yet they continue to bust them. he a liar. I wish he would just tell the truth and say it's bissiness as usual in Washington taxaion no representaion just like its always been. Free country my ass>

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
fuck em
you gotta look at yourself as an activist not a criminal. Do it, give your real info and dont worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that sees taxing a moderately addictive substance to solve the budget prroblems the government created in the first place as immoral?
I don't want to make this into a pot is addictive debate, I think we can all agree in some way it has a special place with us that any other good (tv computers cars) cannot fill. I also don't support states raising tobacco and alcohol taxes to fund their stupid programs. Any tax is stupid. Sin taxes are dumber. Excessive energy consumption taxes are the dumbest.
I'm not saying that it should be legal just to help our economy and create jobs (which it would do), I'm saying it because I've believed it before our country was in trouble. It not only would keep alot of our own money in our country, it would save the taxpayer millions by not spending so much on jailing marijuana users and also by not spending so much on the "war on drugs". It would also save countless lives along the Mexican/US border, and also in our own country because dealers and cartels wouldn't have anything to fight over. Police could focus more time and money on more serious criminals. There is no sense in arresting responsible adults (some stay in jail longer than child molesters), who are doing it for themselves and not bothering anybody. We all know it is safer than alcohol and tobacco.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that sees taxing a moderately addictive substance to solve the budget prroblems the government created in the first place as immoral?
I don't want to make this into a pot is addictive debate, I think we can all agree in some way it has a special place with us that any other good (tv computers cars) cannot fill. I also don't support states raising tobacco and alcohol taxes to fund their stupid programs. Any tax is stupid. Sin taxes are dumber. Excessive energy consumption taxes are the dumbest.
alcohol is legal. tobacco is legal. those two substances are probably some of the most addictive on this planet. wouldnt a slightly addictive (if you really believe it is) weed be much more moral to legalize?

and to the poster who said obama doesn't care.. i couldn't agree with you more.. ever since he got into office his cabinet has flat out said he is not for legalizing OR decriminalizing marijuana. all he is for is ending the federal raids, which i may add he hasn't come through on yet.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I have stopped smokin weed a few times for drug tests when trying to get a job. I can say for me it is in no way addictive. Its more of a habbit, if Im used to watchin a certain tv show and I get mad because its not on that am I addicted to that show? Addiction to me means that your body will go through some kind of withdrawls if you dont have it. I am certain no matter how many tests are done they will find no one that suffers from any symptoms when they dont have their smoke.
Anyway I know you didnt want to start a debate but I just thought I would throw that out there


Well-Known Member
yeah, addiction is what happened when i quit smoking cigarettes. i was an ass to everyone around me.. i had constant headaches, sweats, shakes... felt like horse shit.. the worst thing i have encountered from quitting weed is maybe wanting to be high.. never go into withdrawls tho.


Well-Known Member
Man I would so do this letter if you didn't have to put your address.

I understand your concerns but do you really think that they are going to go to everyones house that writes the letter? Besides, just because you agree with something isn't enough probable cause to go to someones house anyway (even though they aren't going to).

I'd like to say good job to all of those who have gone and participated.