What happened to Ryan Moats is terrible.


Well-Known Member

A Dallas police officer drew his gun during a traffic stop of Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats last week in which the officer kept Moats from going to the hospital room of his dying mother-in-law, the Dallas Morning News reported.

According to the report, the officer, identified as Robert Powell, stopped the vehicle being driven by Moats in the hospital parking lot for going through a red light.

Powell later told his superiors that he drew his gun but did not point it at anyone, according to the Morning News.

Moats's wife and another relative ignored Powell's command to stop and went inside the hospital, and Moats's wife reportedly was by her mother's bedside when she died.

Ryan Moats and another man remained outside while Powell lectured Moats, wrote a ticket and threatened to arrest him even after being told that by Moats that his mother-in-law was near death inside the hospital. After a delay of about 13 minutes, according to the Morning News, Powell allowed Moats to go inside the hospital, that after hospital staff members and another police officer interceded. Moats's mother-in-law, Jonetta Collinsworth, already had died by the time Moats arrived at her room, according to the report.

Dallas police department officials have issued an apology and have reassigned Powell to dispatch pending an investigation, according to the Morning News.

The entire conversation between the officer and Moats was recorded by the device in Powell's cruiser.

According to the Morning News, part of the exchange went like this:

Moats: "You really want to go through this right now? My mother-in-law is dying. Right now!... I got seconds before she's dying, man!"

Powell: "If my mom was dying, I'd probably be a little upset, too, but when I saw flashing red and blue [lights], I'd stop."

Moats: "If you're going to give me a ticket, just give me a ticket.... All I'm asking you is just hurry up."

Powell: "... I could charge you with fleeing right now. Understand what I could do.... I could make your life very difficult."

By Mark Maske | March 26, 2009; 4:34 PM ET

I know you've heard of this in one capacity or another.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
Heard about it on SportsCentre. This kind of shit is happening way too often. When are they gonna learn that the only way to punish idiot cops like this is by making sure they never put on a police uniform again.


Well-Known Member
Heard about it on SportsCentre. This kind of shit is happening way too often. When are they gonna learn that the only way to punish idiot cops like this is by making sure they never put on a police uniform again.

Yep, and this kid is on admin leave...which is Bullshitese for paid vacation. He'll be back on the beat harassing more people in no time.


Well-Known Member
Its lame that you pretty much see these kinds of articles every damn day...

I don't know why that asshole is on paid leave that is just fuckin ridiculous. He should lose his job


Active Member
I don't know if firing the cop would be fair. He was just doing his job. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of cops out there that do moronic things every day but if he just let him go then why wouldn't he just let everyone go that said their mother was dying in the hospital or my wifes having a baby. What it all comes down to imo is hes a cop doing his job, when someone doesnt listen to you when your a cop, you have to use force. It sucks that it turned out the way it did, and by no means am i sticking up for cops, but he was just doing his job.

edit: well i just read the article and didn't realize that he held him up for 15 minutes.. that's complete bullshit, once he explained to the officer his situation he should have let him go for sure.


Well-Known Member
Its lame that you pretty much see these kinds of articles every damn day...

I don't know why that asshole is on paid leave that is just fuckin ridiculous. He should lose his job
Once the civil suite starts, the idiot will be on unpaid leave...like fired comes to mind. These cops that do crap like this generally do not stay cops.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if firing the cop would be fair. He was just doing his job. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of cops out there that do moronic things every day but if he just let him go then why wouldn't he just let everyone go that said their mother was dying in the hospital or my wifes having a baby. What it all comes down to imo is hes a cop doing his job, when someone doesnt listen to you when your a cop, you have to use force. It sucks that it turned out the way it did, and by no means am i sticking up for cops, but he was just doing his job.
They were parked in the hospital parking lot and others went into the building. Listen to the tape, I think the cop could have used a little discretion...but he wanted to prove he was Johnny Badass. I mean he has their vehicle for shit sake. Not like they will leave without him knowing.

He exercised bad judgment, and in his line of work that is a horrible trait. Generally, it is we the peons that end up paying the price for it.

I know several officers in various police forces and I have respect for what they have to deal with every day. They see the bottom side of humanity more often than not. For that, they have not allowed their position of authority to override their common sense.


New Member
The article I read said that twice a nurse came outside and asked the officer for him to be able to come in because the mother in law had coded 2 times and the officer was still an asshole about it.

By the time he made it inside, his mother in law had passed.

This is clearly an abuse of power, a hospital nurse not only confirmed his reason for running the red light, but she even asked for him to be excused from the harrassement of the officer. All this over an insurance card.

What has our world come to?

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
I don't know if firing the cop would be fair. He was just doing his job. Don't get me wrong, there are tons of cops out there that do moronic things every day but if he just let him go then why wouldn't he just let everyone go that said their mother was dying in the hospital or my wifes having a baby. What it all comes down to imo is hes a cop doing his job, when someone doesnt listen to you when your a cop, you have to use force. It sucks that it turned out the way it did, and by no means am i sticking up for cops, but he was just doing his job.
You're also supposed to use discretion when doing that job. Obviously if you pull over two guys and one says the others having a baby then that's where you ask questions.

On the other hand if you pull over a frantic looking man and woman who you can see is obviously about to have a baby, do use common sense and say, geez, maybe that baby's life is worth more then the ticket I'm gonna give them and you escort them to the hospital.

It's not like you give them a pat on the back and tell them to get lost, you're following them to the hospital and you contact the hospital to let them know the situation.

In this case the cop should have realized what was more important, letting the man see his dying mother-in-law of meeting his damn quota. It's police officers like this that give the ones that know how to do their jobs a bad name.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
The article I read said that twice a nurse came outside and asked the officer for him to be able to come in because the mother in law had coded 2 times and the officer was still an asshole about it.

By the time he made it inside, his mother in law had passed.

This is clearly an abuse of power, a hospital nurse not only confirmed his reason for running the red light, but she even asked for him to be excused from the harrassement of the officer. All this over an insurance card.

What has our world come to?
Not to mention that at one point another police officer was trying to convince him to let the guy go.


Well-Known Member
i literally just saw that on espn... thats fucking awful. he was a dick even when the nurse came out. the dude needs a good ass kickin... bring that power trip down a little...


Well-Known Member
i literally just saw that on espn... thats fucking awful. he was a dick even when the nurse came out. the dude needs a good ass kickin... bring that power trip down a little...
But oh no.....he doesn't get an ass kicking......HE GETS A FUCKING PAID VACATION!!

that is some bull


Well-Known Member
Damn cops. I hate to hear about cops abusing their authority, and I seem to hear (and witness) it alot.
I think its funny that the first American settlers came here for freedom and for the pursuit of happiness, but now it seems like we have fewer freedoms and liberties than most countries. wtf happened?
I hear Canada is the friendliest country in the world (according to yahoo! and my friends). Maybe I will move/


Well-Known Member
this makes me hate cops. seriously.

I don't think any cop will have my respect for the next 10 years, maybe even longer if shit keeps happening like this. this is seriously fucked up.


Well-Known Member
this makes me hate cops. seriously.

I don't think any cop will have my respect for the next 10 years, maybe even longer if shit keeps happening like this. this is seriously fucked up.

*Cop walks up to your car*

Cop:"Hello I am God...the Alpha and Omega, please provide me with your license proof of insurance and registration"

Ryan: " My fucking mother in law is dying!"

Cop:"I know it is I who called her home"

Ryan and family:"I want to see her before she passes on!"

Cop: "I don't like your attitude...You will not see your mother UNTIL IIIIII say it is time."

*2nd officer and two nurses come outside*

2nd cop/nurses:" Let him inside, his story is 1000% valid, and they should be at her side"



Well-Known Member
I can understand why he drew his gun, people were getting out of the car. That's a big no no. But once he figured it out they should of let him go inside. Chances are it will be taken to civil court, he'll lose his job, then get his ass kicked and won't be able to do much about it.