Never get my clones to work


Well-Known Member
well here i go again i have tried and tried with clones and had no success what so ever.

The mother is healthy.
I use dechlorinated tap water.
Under CFL 24 hours
Using water and air pump.
clones cut on 45 deg under water, and used hormone, tap off excess and put in the bubble water with humidity dome.

Most of the time the clones just start to rot.
I have tried soil and all sorts of things
so i am making a journal.

Any advice would be appreciated



Well-Known Member
need more info on temps please. inside your dome should be around75-80 f and around 95 % humidity for 2 days or so then start to bring humidity down slowly(cut holes in top of dome) gradually make bigger holes and let more air in. should help with mould. do you have your little ones on a heat pad?? the new shoots like to be warm any ways hope i could help taker easy bud


Well-Known Member
are you growing in dirt or hydro of some sort,i see the mothers a dirty girl lol,is that a 125w cfl you got there? if so too big, just use a plain ol 23w,heres how i do it and i get 100% hitrate:warning no rooting hormone involved:i use smallest size peat pots and seed raising mix(modify to perlite or rockwool etc for hydro),the same sort dome you got i think very similar,1 23w 6500k cfl,blackstrap mollases,tap water,scissors,i do 12 at a time.. heres the procedure:fisrt get a cup of hot water from the tap(not boiling)stir in mollases about a fifth of a teaspoon,it needs to be fully mixed,pop it into the fridge or leave out until its room temp,when you cut your branches leave the base of them in tap water till you ready to make the clones,take your branch and make your first cut,just below or slightly touching a node,use the edge of the blade to scrape off a layer of the bark about an inch long down the side of the stalk, place clone in about an inch deep cup of the mollases solution for 30+ seconds then pot it, also when you make the cut in the top of the clone between 2 nodes, pinch it flat before you cut it so the wound seals quicker.
After youve potted all your clones and put them in your dome mist them with a few good squirts(not each,altogether)and a couple squirts round the sides,you dont wana get it wet just damp,keep the dome closed with the cfl over it,open to mist4/5 times a day in the first few days,after that,just 2 or 3 times,never water the pots themselves after the first time,just the leaves,if the peat pots start looking wet sit some paper towels in there for a while til they soaked,when you got 2 or three roots sticking out the sides its time to transplant


Well-Known Member
oh ya almost forgot to open the lid one or twice a day to let fresh air in


Well-Known Member
"Most of the time the clones just start to rot."

Two words: NO DAMP. Your plants are damping off and you need some No Damp.


Well-Known Member
i think scrapeing that inch of bark off makes a big difference,every 1 ive ever pulled out and had a look at,the roots started growing out of the scrape first not the cut,some of em dont get any roots cominin out of the cut.
I dont use any heat pads or towels around the dome, i dont modify the dome in any way,until cfls came around i used a 60w incandesant, if i dont pinch the stem before i do the top cut i often get a tuft of fluffy white mold on the cut but it never spreads or seems to stunt it it just seems to help the wound seal then goes away


Well-Known Member
another thing is,im not a big fan of creating a high humidity enviroment,i mean,were not tryin to grow shrooms in there are we?humidity plus warmth equals mold.when i open it up to mist i blow in there a bit to get some new air and co2,i try to keeps the leaves wet as opposed to having the air wet,the last ones i did the temp was around 18-20C dunno what that is in Fs ,thats about all i can think of on the subject of clones. toketoke


Well-Known Member
I do it real simple and it seems to work everytime. I put my cuttings in egg cartons with soil. I cut my cuttings on a 45 degree angle and then shave the back of the cut. Get the soil real wet - spray them and then cover with a clear plastic cake covering dome (from a safeway cake you know?). I have this under 4 - 23w cfls with tin foil under the plants so that the dome catches alot of heat. If you don't put tinfoil under the plants I would recommend a heating pad with some cardboard over it. Oh yeah, i'm using shults take root. If you follow my link in my sig you'll find a post dedicated to my clones and different things I observed. After I cover them with the dome i leave them alone unless the soil dries out - Might spray them every other to third day.