My clone wont stand up


Active Member
Ok this is my first time cloning and I used a setup very similar to this Last night I took a cutting from the bottom of a mid size very healthy plant. The cutting was the same color as the main stock and it had several sets of leaves below the growth tip. Also it was about 3 1/2 inches long. So I trimmed off the extra leaves then dipped it in rootone and placed it in a peat pellet and burried that most of the way into soil in an aquarium. I misted the soil that was already a bit moist right out of the bag and misted the tank sides. I have a full hood with an aquarium fluoro on top of the aquarium and left that on all night. I woke up today and the plant had fallen over and the leaves can't support them selves the base of the stem looks fine, but the top looks like it is dying. Anyone know what I did wrong? Oh one more thing I used little scissors and it kind of crimped the cutting when I took it is that bad?


Active Member
Pics would help a lot.
I am paranoid of pictures and the humidity was probably the problem. I didn't have anything in there to keep the temp up and it was probably about room temp since normal fluoros put off almost no heat. I will add another CFL light to increase the heat on my next attempt.