Why do my leaves keep getting spots?

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
My plant is about 3 weeks into flowering and she keeps getting brown/bronze splotches all over select leaves and where the spots are its crispy. I have no idea why this is happening and it keeps happening more and more. Also I noticed today one of the leaves had like a bright white spot on it, any help will be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
And its hard to tell from the close ups, but they might be over watered as well - root rot? symptoms look the same - lets figure this out!

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
yeah man lets do it. I have no idea about root rot im using a white bucket and water it 1-2 times a week, last watering was actually the first time I used nutes in a while (experimenting on oragnic growing) but felt that maybe it wasnt getting enough nutes. Turns out its not that but if im watering 1-2 times weekly sometimes even less, I dont get what is going on. this is the second time i may note in seeing white on one of the fan leaves, both of which have been located at the very bottom.


Well-Known Member
Describe your brown spots. Mine normally start small and just start multiplying until the leaves are all brown and dead. 1-2 times a week doesnt sound like an overwatering issue. Did any of your nutes have Magnesium or Ca?

Maine HomeGrown

Well-Known Member
Ill have to check up on the nutes to see what was in them but yes my leaves as well start out with tiny dots then multiply till a huge part or the whole leaf is taken over by these spots. Spots are always the same color and always have a crisp touch to them, sometimes tips of the smaller leaves are still soft when discolored.


Well-Known Member
Sweet I'll check back on this later.. but did you read my thread? Put my mind at ease on any of the problems and check your watering too cuz fdd is a smart man


Well-Known Member
Check your ph. looks like a mag def. I get that issue if my ph drops. Once I get back up to 5.5ish her leave begin to get the color back


Well-Known Member
Alright so its either Mg or calcium? How do I go about making changes in effort to reverse this.
Mg is found in common (like in a grocery store) epsom salt. One tablespoon per gallon of water. Calcium is in lime I believe - I havent given them lime treatments yet... but you can overdo mg and lockout ca I believe.... mg seemed to help for me but spotting continues so I think I may need ca too.... let me know what works for you