My Plant is Into Bondage...


Well-Known Member
Hey Ive got my second plant here, the first was so beautiful but it was a stupid boy! :evil:

I don't know what, if any, signs I would be looking for on this plant to show or indicate its sex? It is only four weeks and one day old. I've also got it pinned down, some bonzai style LST....

As you'll see I burned the hell out of the bottom leaves with Nutrients but I flushed it so I think Im good now.

Where I topped it, something weird is growing... it looks yellow in the photos, any ideas?

Please tell me what you think, I don't want to be let down by another BOY!!!

Thanks for you input!



Well-Known Member
when you over nute your plants the get burned and also when there is to man nutes in the soil new growth is oftne deformed prolly just left over butes


Well-Known Member
Here are the most recent pics of the new plant. i've really strapped it down good, to keep it short. its starting to curve now, so the training is working!

when will i know if its a boy/girl? any signs i can look for this earlY?

The plant is 5 weeks old today! (since seedling, not including germination)

thanks all!



Well-Known Member
Im still getting new growth showing yellowing edges and what not... a little deformity left in the older bits, but they mostly burned up and died and i picked them off. How can I stop this yellowing? Should I do a full flush??



Well-Known Member
after reading that link (thanks hash lover) im not really sure if its nute burn or not enough nutes. Any ideas????



Well-Known Member
here are a few pics as of today, I've tried to capture the yellowing i'm concerned about - i'll take any ideas, too many nutes, not enough? too much light? am i just an overbearing mother?

thanks all!



Well-Known Member
Hello! I have pinched all the "weird looking" leaves, and flushed, and fed, and then watered a little more, and wow what a difference.....

Here are my latest photos - Monday will be the beginning of week 7 vegetation. I made the mistake of topping this plant prior to my decision for LST, which is a bummer, but I am pleased with how its looking now.

Please let me know what you think!
xokimmi :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Thanks Moose! I get nervous everytime I see any yellow, because I dont know what causes it... It seems i just have to keep pinching older leaves as the new branches grow in, is this normal?



Well-Known Member
kimm some leaves wil always die usaly te first sets of a plant will turn yellow so dont sweat it of a majority start to show yellow then you deffinalty need to nute it btw what is your nutting scheudle and what are you using or if its int he begginign of the post ill refrence it


Well-Known Member
kimm some leaves wil always die usaly te first sets of a plant will turn yellow so dont sweat it of a majority start to show yellow then you deffinalty need to nute it btw what is your nutting scheudle and what are you using or if its int he begginign of the post ill refrence it
im just using nutes on a non specific schedule - every couple weeks? ive only used it twice so far or maybe three times i forget. the plant is 7weeks old not including germination/seed time. should i be giving it more? when should i go to 12/12? I already have about 7 good tops growing, and a few more starting. Can i just veg until my greediness is satisfied?
xokimmi :weed: