Growing around...parents!

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I just wanteed to know if anybody has had experience with growing around parents and if anybody had any suggestions on how to grow indoors with parents. i Know it seems dumb but my situation parents almost never come into my room, I dont plan on growing enough to sell, just to supply myself. The plant is probably gonna be small and i am probably going to trim it often to keep it from getting too big... It will be in my closet with CFL's and i was wondering if anybody has done it and what tips would you give me thanks:fire::leaf:
i see what your sayin but what if i grew outside beacuse there is like woods a couple houses down from my house anyway i could grow outside
dont do it unless u care if they find out cause they gonna find out trust me hahahaha

i thought i was slick too but i got busted:finger:
oh hell yea i jus got busted TODAY

the sad shit is tho i was 2 weeks away from harvest!!!! :-(

she threatened to call the cops so i got rid of all the evidence...

so either be 100% sure you WONT get busted-- nah fuck dat-- 300% sure they wont smell it, or stumble upon it, then proceed to grow a plant or two at the most... thats only if you absolutely HAVE to at home...

my advice

MOVE OUT with some roommates who smoke then (rent a house) then dedicate one room to growing that way you know they wont care-- just make sure your parents (or anyone who would call the cops) doesnt come over (or to that room)
my parents always used to find my plants. i grew one in my room. then one on the doorstep. i pretended it was some kind of rare plant. HAHAHAHAHA. didnt seem to fool my parents. both plants were cut down. parents are like hawks, log books. they know everything and watch everything. but ill tell you when i was 18 i grew 3 plants by a bush and noone ever found those but me. lol. unless you are damn good, i would grow outside. even then its a risk. but of course, u gotta think of it as a serious matter, no failing right? but dude if its your first time, do your research because those 3 plants i planted, i didnt get much bud from them. they didnt get much sun there, i was only able to check on them maybe once a week if i was lucky, and i never even fed them nutrients or anything. of course, i did get something, smoked it and got plenty high.

if you follow the basics you will get bud and be able to grow outside just fine. better safe than sorry was always my motto.
i am actually still in highs i need to wait one more year

lol yea i jus graduated from highschool and now a freshman in college...i grew some back in highschool...

but be aware u will prolly get caught

and hell u can prolly move out now... get a job then a car then rent a house...
oh hell yea i jus got busted TODAY

the sad shit is tho i was 2 weeks away from harvest!!!! :-(

she threatened to call the cops so i got rid of all the evidence...

so either be 100% sure you WONT get busted-- nah fuck dat-- 300% sure they wont smell it, or stumble upon it, then proceed to grow a plant or two at the most... thats only if you absolutely HAVE to at home...

my advice

MOVE OUT with some roommates who smoke then (rent a house) then dedicate one room to growing that way you know they wont care-- just make sure your parents (or anyone who would call the cops) doesnt come over (or to that room)

that sucks man. you should have just harvested as it was. when i harvested that crop i grew outside, i remember i hung them in the trunk of my big ol caprice classic. :bigjoint:
well, i find myself in the same situation as you, but idc what my parents think, my mom comes in my room atleast every other day. and no she doesnt let me blaze, if she only knew i could only imagine how much shit id be in, BUT thats why i took woodworking all throughout highschool, cause i made a cabinet w/ a false back and all i have to do is hook up the electrical part and im done, looks like a normal cabinet from the front but when you remove the back its like heaven, bottom line everyone gets caught by their parents, just make sure they were into the same shit your into when they were your age. Also, if your grades are good, then they dont have shit on you, always good to keep that in mind. grow indoors and outdoors but keep it small. have fun, Peace.
depends where you live how big your section is & how smart your parents are
if your parents own a cow farm out in the middle of nowhere your pretty set haha
but be aware u will prolly get caught

and hell u can prolly move out now... get a job then a car then rent a house...

lol no see you have to understand me...i blaze and get b+ grades. My parents dont even know i drink let alone all the cigs and weed i do with my friends so if i tried to move out now that wouldnt go so well. so i think i will just grow outside and if it doesnt bud so well who gives a fuck the dude at my pizzeria i work at grows like a mothafucka and he has some dank shit that he sells to me at good prices so i will document my outside growing and we'll see how it goes
well, i find myself in the same situation as you, but idc what my parents think, my mom comes in my room atleast every other day. and no she doesnt let me blaze, if she only knew i could only imagine how much shit id be in, BUT thats why i took woodworking all throughout highschool, cause i made a cabinet w/ a false back and all i have to do is hook up the electrical part and im done, looks like a normal cabinet from the front but when you remove the back its like heaven, bottom line everyone gets caught by their parents, just make sure they were into the same shit your into when they were your age. Also, if your grades are good, then they dont have shit on you, always good to keep that in mind. grow indoors and outdoors but keep it small. have fun, Peace.

yogi bear is right. but man i didnt even graduate high school. sometimes tho, its true, you just gotta not give a crap.

but one thing i gotta mention too is, that for me at least, an indoor grow where i can watch it is much better. i learned so much being able to check on my babies 100 times a day lol. and now that i think about it, my outdoor grow was pretty worthless. if you can pull it off inside i would, because even if you were to get caught and shit, the EXP you would get from a controlled indoor grow would be worth much more than some bud you smoked and got high from.
but then again i dont know your situation and stuff, how it works around your house. etc.

also can you guys see my profile pic? cause i cant see it
i grow right down the driveway and had they come in here the past few days i would have been busted, i got the filter and locks on the bedroom door and now im good, but in a closet in your parents house, you cant have the proper ventilation and odour control you need without them catching onto something
grow outside!
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