Fat Chicks WTF

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bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im not judgemental or a mean person im very nice to everyone and anyone unless they give me a reason not to be. that said i simply feel that people for the most part NOT ALL are lazy and have excuses or reasons for any problem they have. this epidemic has grown much worse recently. when i see schools get out and otherwise healthy children are very overweight at such a young age it is a problem. obesity is overtaking tobbacco in the numbers that die from there lifestyle choices this is a somewhat new problem if anything i feel bad for people.


Well-Known Member
im not judgemental or a mean person im very nice to everyone and anyone unless they give me a reason not to be. that said i simply feel that people for the most part NOT ALL are lazy and have excuses or reasons for any problem they have. this epidemic has grown much worse recently. when i see schools get out and otherwise healthy children are very overweight at such a young age it is a problem. obesity is overtaking tobbacco in the numbers that die from there lifestyle choices this is a somewhat new problem if anything i feel bad for people.
Poverty is often the underlying factor, and what has changed "recently" is the division and distribution of wealth has become more imbalanced. The areas where childhood obesity is at it's worst is in the inner city, rural Midwest and Southeast, and BIA reservations without casinos... Not stable countries in Western Europe or suburbs with Wild Oats markets. The reality for many poor working Americans is after the rent, lights and heat (excuses), what remains is allocated to food and medicine. Ramen noodles, mac & cheese, hot dogs and bologna will keep the kids from crying at night, for a fraction of the Starbucks sucked down by the fortunate. The healthiest foods are the most expensive while the deadliest are made affordable to most.


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
it is true eating well comes at a cost most cant afford i experience this myself. you can eat relatively well cheaply but only if you have a good understanding of nutrition which most people dont have and even then its hard. quality of food has declined with regards to how meat is produced today compared to 60 years ago good compounds for fat loss are now non-existent such as c.l.a. also all these nutrient deficient processed foods compound the problem even more and then there are large amounts of h.fructose corn syrup trans fats etc.. in everything. but i also will say that people are less physically active than they have been in the past we are after all genetically the same as our hunter gather ancestors there was no sitting around back then. this applies particularly to children when i was young we were always playing outside for hours daily. with technological advances video games etc... children spend far less time outdoors which gets the ball rolling early for poor lifestyle choices in adulthood. there are many new problems facing people but at the same time we all have a personal responsibility for our health and our childrens health knowledge is power.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, cuz everyone is put here to fit YOUR personal definition of beauty, or else they suck.Too bad we can rid ourselves of that pesky individuality...you could be fucking yourself.
lol, everytime i quit weed i loose like 20lbs. But there's no female biggie smallz! All i'm saying is, guys can be fat, that's how we're made. Girls can be hott, or else they commit suicide.
Nah, Like I said, I'm not a thin girl, so I'm not offended.But I'm not here to date, so it doesn't matter what I look like,you should like me or not based on who I am,not what I look like.We will all get ugly in the end.And your body is not a wreck.
lol stoney isnt that rare a breed...im a personality girl...if i click with a guys personality...it doesnt really matter too much what he looks like...lol. i mean...as long as hes not dirty/greasy/sketchy, etc. and that whole "guys can be fat thats how were made" is bull. women naturally have more fat on their bodies than men because we are designed to bear children. so if any sex is supposed to have more body fat than the other, then women are designed to have more body fat. and its possible to be big, and attractive. stoney and I are proof of that...lol. i know my body is a wreck, lol, but i make up for it with a pretty face, a nice rack and a rockin personality :D
*edit* i am NOT saying that stoney is big...i totally worded that wrong...sorry dude...i just meant that you can have some extra weight and still be attractive
You know what I think it is?HFCS.It blocks leptin, which is a hormone that tells you to stop eating, and to burn fat.I've been reading about it a little.Wow.
im not judgemental or a mean person im very nice to everyone and anyone unless they give me a reason not to be. that said i simply feel that people for the most part NOT ALL are lazy and have excuses or reasons for any problem they have. this epidemic has grown much worse recently. when i see schools get out and otherwise healthy children are very overweight at such a young age it is a problem. obesity is overtaking tobbacco in the numbers that die from there lifestyle choices this is a somewhat new problem if anything i feel bad for people.


Well-Known Member
Do you know how many good looking chicks there would be if they stopped eating like fucking slobs..........................I see these fat chicks at clubs and shit and you can tell they spent time on make up, hair ect............and think to myself wow if you spent that much time at the gym than dudes would want you....they spend hours on there hair and clothes and it dosent mean a damm thing you are still fat and disgusting and thats why guys don't want you. I'm at work the other day eating lunch and this fat chick (about 230lbs) tells another female coworker "I don't know how you are so skinny" You must not eat anything" and by no means is this girl skinny prob 130ish maybe more....and this fat chick eats her lunch and then goes to the vending machine and gets some powdered donuts and a mountain dew......WTF................think about all those fat chicks with pretty faces.........think how many pretty woman would be out there if half of them wernt fat bodies, were not asking for much just a normal human female (not boney model types)

HAHAHAHAHA Only in America! Fucking fat sluts! mmmmmmmmmmmm stretch marks!

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
im an idiot sometimes duh. anyways anythings possible most companies simply use corn based sweeteners for there cheap price i feel any processed non-natural sweetener is bad white sugar etc.. i still consume them sometimes but there to be avoided. even in higher quality sports drinks you will find maltodextrin which is corn based but not as bad on insulin levels but diabetics should really avoid these. lately ive been eating better than i normally do not as much for weight loss but because i feel crappy when i eat crap. ive been eating veggies fruits lean meats of various sources and whole grains. once you have done this for a while you have no interest in poor quality foods as they make you feel sick. also its good to eat small meals frequently this makes your body less efficient at storing calories because it is not worried about the next meal in a way removing the starvation state which attempts to store all calories for future use. like i said were the same as our ancestors this was a survival trait but for now its not needed until society collapses which may be near. endurance athletes will often purposely eat only a meal a day during some times of the year to improve mitochondrial function for increased ability to get as much use out of every calorie but for your average person this is bad and will lead to weight gain. the good thing is the body can be trained to waste calories or conserve them.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm not really rich, so buying organic is expensive. I just eat anything I want in moderation. But I only eat once a day,so that doesn't help my metabolism.Either way, we're gonna die.
im an idiot sometimes duh. anyways anythings possible most companies simply use corn based sweeteners for there cheap price i feel any processed non-natural sweetener is bad white sugar etc.. i still consume them sometimes but there to be avoided. even in higher quality sports drinks you will find maltodextrin which is corn based but not as bad on insulin levels but diabetics should really avoid these. lately ive been eating better than i normally do not as much for weight loss but because i feel crappy when i eat crap. ive been eating veggies fruits lean meats of various sources and whole grains. once you have done this for a while you have no interest in poor quality foods as they make you feel sick. also its good to eat small meals frequently this makes your body less efficient at storing calories because it is not worried about the next meal in a way removing the starvation state which attempts to store all calories for future use. like i said were the same as our ancestors this was a survival trait but for now its not needed until society collapses which may be near. endurance athletes will often purposely eat only a meal a day during some times of the year to improve mitochondrial function for increased ability to get as much use out of every calorie but for your average person this is bad and will lead to weight gain. the good thing is the body can be trained to waste calories or conserve them.


Well-Known Member
Poverty is often the underlying factor, and what has changed "recently" is the division and distribution of wealth has become more imbalanced. The areas where childhood obesity is at it's worst is in the inner city, rural Midwest and Southeast, and BIA reservations without casinos... Not stable countries in Western Europe or suburbs with Wild Oats markets. The reality for many poor working Americans is after the rent, lights and heat (excuses), what remains is allocated to food and medicine. Ramen noodles, mac & cheese, hot dogs and bologna will keep the kids from crying at night, for a fraction of the Starbucks sucked down by the fortunate. The healthiest foods are the most expensive while the deadliest are made affordable to most.

Ya, becasue there are so many fat poor people in African who cant affort healthy foods.

Maybe we should teach these people of "poverty" that they can still make healthy choices, even without the funds of the rich.
Even eating all that high carb high fat food isn't forced appon them by anyone. What about all these people on food stamps program and Federal and State aid. They seem to be the fattest of all. The could be buying more healthy alternatives to crap they buy. grill your chicken, don't fry it.. Don't put a stick of butter into your Greens. Alot of their food choices are just that, Choices. No one makes them eat from McDonalds dollar menu. There are plenty of healthy choices for a buck. A box of Whole grain pasta and a couple of cans of tuna fish could feed a family of 4 dinner. Throw in a head of lettus and a cuccumber and you have a better meal. Most of these people eat 3500-4000 calories a day, which is completely unnessary. 2000 calories are fine, as long as they are good calories. 4000 shit calories doesn't help your body at all, thats the problem here.

You can buy an apple for the price of a snickers, but they don't. You can buy an sparkling water for the price of a coke, but they don't.

Excuses Excuses Excuses. What is wrong with this country. Accountabiltiy for your actions and choices is what we need. It may not be thier fault they got fat, but it sure is thier own fault that they're still fat.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Right.Choices.(with a few health exceptions.) Accountability. But it's YOUR fault if you treat them badly just because of what they look like,right?:blsmoke:
Ya, becasue there are so many fat poor people in African who cant affort healthy foods.

Maybe we should teach these people of "poverty" that they can still make healthy choices, even without the funds of the rich.
Even eating all that high carb high fat food isn't forced appon them by anyone. What about all these people on food stamps program and Federal and State aid. They seem to be the fattest of all. The could be buying more healthy alternatives to crap they buy. grill your chicken, don't fry it.. Don't put a stick of butter into your Greens. Alot of their food choices are just that, Choices. No one makes them eat from McDonalds dollar menu. There are plenty of healthy choices for a buck. A box of Whole grain pasta and a couple of cans of tuna fish could feed a family of 4 dinner. Throw in a head of lettus and a cuccumber and you have a better meal. Most of these people eat 3500-4000 calories a day, which is completely unnessary. 2000 calories are fine, as long as they are good calories. 4000 shit calories doesn't help your body at all, thats the problem here.

You can buy an apple for the price of a snickers, but they don't. You can buy an sparkling water for the price of a coke, but they don't.

Excuses Excuses Excuses. What is wrong with this country. Accountabiltiy for your actions and choices is what we need. It may not be thier fault they got fat, but it sure is thier own fault that they're still fat.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
if you shop smart you can eat well cheap but you will have to prepare the food a small price to pay for how good you feel once detoxified of garbage food. im on as thin a budget as anyone else believe me.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Since I live alone, I buy either 'Lean Crusine' or 'Healthy Choice' meals everytime I'm at the grocery and see them on sale. Usually 2 meals for $5.00us. Maybe they taste like hospital food to some people but they're much better than I can cook. About 250-300 calories per meal.
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