o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)


Well-Known Member
just a bad asthma attack nothing to serious....:-) out for a couple of days but if i cant do better on the lung fuction i will be back in on thursday,,,lucky i have an understanding doc and he let me out so i could do some watering...:-)


Well-Known Member
just a bad asthma attack nothing to serious....:-) out for a couple of days but if i cant do better on the lung fuction i will be back in on thursday,,,lucky i have an understanding doc and he let me out so i could do some watering...:-)
haha :blsmoke: that's great man, what a kickass doc.

lookin forward to your recovery and some more awesome pics :)


Well-Known Member
just a bad asthma attack nothing to serious....:-) out for a couple of days but if i cant do better on the lung fuction i will be back in on thursday,,,lucky i have an understanding doc and he let me out so i could do some watering...:-)

glad your better. astma attacks suck,the breathing treatment takes for ever,sometimes they give you like 5treatments in a row till your broncs resume their normal size.


Well-Known Member
i hate to love you man ... that thing doubles in buddage on every pic.. no bud close ups though? i think those would be a nice treat also .. also, if you need help trimming some i'll buy my plane ticket right now, just tell me when you're ready


Well-Known Member
i hate to love you man ... that thing doubles in buddage on every pic.. no bud close ups though? i think those would be a nice treat also .. also, if you need help trimming some i'll buy my plane ticket right now, just tell me when you're ready
hi mate .i have put up a close up but i need to buy a macro lense for my camera to give a good resolution pic up close .
so maybe by the time i finish this grow i will have that lense .:-)

mate all hands on deck for the trimming part ...:-)


Well-Known Member
So since you burn the majority of the crop do you even go through the trimming, drying, curing process???

Seems like alot of work to trim it all down for the fire pit!



Well-Known Member
So since you burn the majority of the crop do you even go through the trimming, drying, curing process???

Seems like alot of work to trim it all down for the fire pit!

i trim what i keep,
i will take all the best buds and burn the rest.
i mean i still keep a fair bit of what i grow ,(i have quite a few friends come and stay the weekends and they smoke a fair bit me i smoke a little so i keep a bit for these social occasions) .
a lot of good smoke still gets burned


Well-Known Member
o4 can ya take a pic again,its aboot 3pm and they must be glisining in the sun.

i got a question for ye...do you have an outback steak house in australia? i saw a commercial earlier and i thought to myself do they have an outback down under?:?:


Well-Known Member
o4 can ya take a pic again,its aboot 3pm and they must be glisining in the sun.

i got a question for ye...do you have an outback steak house in australia? i saw a commercial earlier and i thought to myself do they have an outback down under?:?:
nah mate it is bucketing down here and i aint getting wet for no one.dont need to go back to hospital just yet.

dont know about the outback steakhouse thingy...:-)


Well-Known Member
nah mate it is bucketing down here and i aint getting wet for no one.dont need to go back to hospital just yet.

dont know about the outback steakhouse thingy...:-)

do a look around and see if there is an outback. if you dont have one in sralia then that would be pretty insulting,bc the announcer speaks with an austrailian accent and there is no obsh in the place where it suppose to originally comefrom


Well-Known Member
do a look around and see if there is an outback. if you dont have one in sralia then that would be pretty insulting,bc the announcer speaks with an austrailian accent and there is no obsh in the place where it suppose to originally comefrom
Even better, one of the members of "Flight of the Conchords" (fucking hilarious) is a Kiwi and he does the commercials for Outback in like 06'.

I believe it was an inside joke cause he doesn't do much stuff like this, especially in the show they're renown for their hate towards aussies haha. It's all in good fun though.

Check it out.


Well-Known Member
sooo it looks like the key to big plants is using an organic fertilizer, fish in this case. i was wondering if i do this outdoors in the woods will the coyotes come around and tear the roots apart looking for thie fish?


Well-Known Member
With all the rain and such a bushy bush, are you worried about mold?

I'm sure you know this, but after my buds got rained on last season I just went outside and shook each branch. So much water came off it was crazy. Like a wet dog that shakes.

Keep it up man. simply amazing.


Well-Known Member
With all the rain and such a bushy bush, are you worried about mold?

I'm sure you know this, but after my buds got rained on last season I just went outside and shook each branch. So much water came off it was crazy. Like a wet dog that shakes.

Keep it up man. simply amazing.
not really worried about the mold ,sativas handle the moisture better than indicas,
sativas with there light airy buds allow air flow through the buds but the indicas dense buds are a little more susceptible to mold.


Well-Known Member
not really worried about the mold ,sativas handle the moisture better than indicas,
sativas with there light airy buds allow air flow through the buds but the indicas dense buds are a little more susceptible to mold.

how are the plants this morning?