Anyone use Bat Guano with Adv. N. Iguana Juice?


Well-Known Member
Currently using Adv. N. Iguana Juice grow for veg. I have what appears to be Nitrogen def. Is it overkill to ad some Mexican bat guano or Peruvian seabird guano to help a little?


Active Member
Ive used bat guano in the past with good results but often what looks like a def can be ph related. Have you checked your soil ph? I find 6.5 works well for me.


Well-Known Member
Ph could be part of the issue. I have been using one of the color ph code drops method not a digital meter. I am staying in the yellow 6-7 ph but it's not that accurate I don't think? I am looking into a digital Hanna ph / ppm meter now. Maybe that could fix my plants?


Active Member
Ph could be part of the issue. I have been using one of the color ph code drops method not a digital meter. I am staying in the yellow 6-7 ph but it's not that accurate I don't think? I am looking into a digital Hanna ph / ppm meter now. Maybe that could fix my plants?
could be, have you tested the run off from the bottom of the pot when you water?
I reckon fish emulsion is pretty good as a fertilizer maybe try that if your ph is in order. You can find it at most garden centers.


Well-Known Member
I just got sum cavemans organic bat guano ,,,its like a black/brown powder,, i dont know at what stage your ment to use it ,,,,,,,, npk 8-1-1 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
can u make a foiliar spray? I would also bet that the ph was a problem too. If you have been feeding all that store bought nute then it would prob have everything.

A floiar spray is fact acting. ALos a nice topdress is cool. Like a tbs. Also fix the ph.

Bat guano as a filiar spray is awesome. It also acts as a fungisite and inscticide I have read.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
If you are a home gardener, make a liquid tea for foliar spray using ¼ cup of guano to 2 gallons of water. Adding Citric Acid to keep the pH between 6 and 7 will keep more of the phosphorous and calcium in solution. Do keep the mixture in an open container, as the citric acid will cause gases to form. Let it sit for several hours before applying. Again, any sludge can be directly applied to the soil around plants.


Well-Known Member
If you are a home gardener, make a liquid tea for foliar spray using ¼ cup of guano to 2 gallons of water. Adding Citric Acid to keep the pH between 6 and 7 will keep more of the phosphorous and calcium in solution. Do keep the mixture in an open container, as the citric acid will cause gases to form. Let it sit for several hours before applying. Again, any sludge can be directly applied to the soil around plants.
MY GUANO IS ALREADY Ph6 so do i just brew a tea up with water only.
my guano is NPK 8-1-1 high nitrogen .
what stage of growth may this be good for????.
veg only ????????:weed::weed:


Active Member
MY GUANO IS ALREADY Ph6 so do i just brew a tea up with water only.
my guano is NPK 8-1-1 high nitrogen .
what stage of growth may this be good for????.
veg only ????????:weed::weed:
ya ..only use it during veg. that is when nitrogen is needed then swith to somthing with high potassium and phospherus for flower


Well-Known Member
Currently using Adv. N. Iguana Juice grow for veg. I have what appears to be Nitrogen def. Is it overkill to ad some Mexican bat guano or Peruvian seabird guano to help a little?
Hey Relaxed I use iguana juice with no probs. So it could possibly be something else. I also sprinkle some epsom salts on top of the soil in my pots too. About 2
tablespoons worth per 5-7 gal containers. Iggy juice makes some sweet smellin buds too.

Arizona Dude

Active Member
There are two types of Bat Guano, high nitrogen and high phosphorous. Your plants need lots of nitrogen during the vegetative stage and when they start flowering they need more phosphorous. There are a lot of different organic nutrients to use to feed your plants. The best things you can give your plants is compost, the more the better and it won't burn your plants. The high phosphorous Bat Guano is comonly used during flowering. It can be mixed directly into the top soil around the plants or can be disolved in water and sprinkled around the plant as a liquid. Just remember that the number one thing that new growers do wrong is apply too much fertilizer. Even organic fertilizer like bat guano will burn your plants if you use too much.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments. Went to HD and bought some blood meal 12-0-0. Gave a dose of 1/2 table spoon/gallon after soaked for a couple hrs. Today they look much better! I also bought a dig Ph meter that should arrive in about a week. I think I hit the mark on 6-7 ph using the color drops method for sure last night. Glad I am not color


Well-Known Member
the nutes im guna use is good for nitrogen so i just faut the high nitrogen guano ive got might be over doing it, my nutes should be here today, sweeeeeet,
well i might just give them a little weak guano tea avry 2 week or summt
what ph meter u gettin i hate these colour things