o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)


Active Member
Agreed, fucking monsters indeed.
When you add the fish at the beggining, whats the liquid you add in the bucket with the fish? and have you found certain types of fish to be better than others?


Well-Known Member
Agreed, fucking monsters indeed.
When you add the fish at the beggining, whats the liquid you add in the bucket with the fish? and have you found certain types of fish to be better than others?
that is just rain water it was raining when i did it,and fish is fish none are better...:-)


Well-Known Member
can you show us some stem porn? I wanna see the main stem on that thing. It must be atleast a foot in diameter....


Well-Known Member
sooo it looks like the key to big plants is using an organic fertilizer, fish in this case. i was wondering if i do this outdoors in the woods will the coyotes come around and tear the roots apart looking for thie fish?
Not just fish, but rolly-polly fish heads!


Well-Known Member
Not just fish, but rolly-polly fish heads!
lol ... but yes coyotes will rip those things out of the ground .. fish products arent recommended for woods/guerilla growing due to critters love eating fish and will dig up your beauties (they bug up mine with bone and blood meal maybe even my molasses)


Well-Known Member
hey ive just read this entire thing (took me like 2 hours)... and im amazed.

im planning to grow a couple of plants this summer, and i got 2 quick questions:

1) how do you feminise the seeds yourself? O4aUsErNaMe mentioned that he feminised the seeds that would grow into the monster plants. i rly wana know :P


2) will any outdoor strain grow like that if treated properly? or is it just some specific strains? im gona be planting in 2 weeks or so, so i need ANSWERS >:D

thanks now in case i forget to say it later :P