I give up!


Well-Known Member
So I have been growing 38 plants in 4" rockwool, on top of a co co mat in hydroton, under one 1000 watt hps on a light track. I am in week 6 of flowering.

My ppm has been rising the whole time. I raised the height of my floods, I added a cover to my reservoir, and none of that has seemed to work. I also have a small thrip problem. My roots look fine.

I am using botanicare's organic nutes, humboldt county products, and some advanced nutrients.

I am up to around 700 ppm in week 6! I have some leaf curl and my plants are not in perfect health. My ppms have not dropped at all, it's like my plants never feed and I am always adding water. I have flushed my plants with clearex about three-four times now.

My buds continue to grow and are getting decently danky, but I am sure they would be bigger if they took in more nutrients?

Any other suggestions? I can't afford a crappy harvest.

Am I just screwed and should I just wait it out? It is a 8-9 week Indica. . . . . .


Well-Known Member
So I have been growing 38 plants in 4" rockwool, on top of a co co mat in hydroton, under one 1000 watt hps on a light track. I am in week 6 of flowering.

My ppm has been rising the whole time. I raised the height of my floods, I added a cover to my reservoir, and none of that has seemed to work. I also have a small thrip problem. My roots look fine.

I am using botanicare's organic nutes, humboldt county products, and some advanced nutrients.

I am up to around 700 ppm in week 6! I have some leaf curl and my plants are not in perfect health. My ppms have not dropped at all, it's like my plants never feed and I am always adding water. I have flushed my plants with clearex about three-four times now.

My buds continue to grow and are getting decently danky, but I am sure they would be bigger if they took in more nutrients?

Any other suggestions? I can't afford a crappy harvest.

Am I just screwed and should I just wait it out? It is a 8-9 week Indica. . . . . .

Maybe you should try flushing out your system. When I grew with organics all that worm shit, etc gets stuck in there and could be getting washed in when you change the res and raising the PPM...maybe?


Well-Known Member
I am am growing with liquid organic nutes, not poop. I have been flushing on a regular basis. This is one huge headache!!!!


Well-Known Member
Not on a ebb an flow table! Although I did veg them for too long and they are crowded, how would that keep my ppms rising? There is plenty of room for their root system. . . . . Not to mention my buddy is growing 80 of the same strain in the same size table and is feeding them twice as much and his plants are healthier but his buds are not as dank, it's fucking wierd. I am not ever growing this strain again indoors. . . . And I am only vegging one week max before I flower.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad everyone has such great ideas that can help me right now. I guess I will re post in the hydroponics section. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.


Active Member
Have u checked ur ph levels? This could be causing nute lockout i had same prob,my ph was miles high and plants went to chronic heaven:'(


Active Member
Have u tried emptying res,clean then fill up again checking at every step,i hate having grow probs,makes me want to take a hol in amsterdam:-)


Well-Known Member
O yeah. I clean the shit outta my res with 35% H202 before every refill or flush. I will just have to pray to the Gonja God for a good harvest I guess. . . lol!