2nd grow(Bigbang, Power skunk and bagseed)

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
they got a grow video that says it smells like green apples, they got a taste wheel on their site that big bang has apple-peach smell, and yes so far mine smells pretty sweet/fruity

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
I could see it being peach. The more I smell it the more I think peach is it. I do love peaches though so thats awesome

Well Im going into the doctor today to see if I can get him to give me a script for pain. I broke my hand a few years back and it never healed right. It pretty much always hurts but I have gotten used to it. I think that it might be enough to get him to give me something. Ill take that to the canniclinic and see if I cant become a legal user. I think this might work.
Wish me luck lol


Well-Known Member
Let us know how this goes. I am waiting on a copy of my records at the moment. Once I get them I will be calling cannamed.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
the more I read the better I feel
He did give me a pain killer/anti-inflammatory. I have to go to an addition hand specialist as far as my doctors concerned but I think I might just be able to get my records and give it a go. I have x-rays from about 2 years ago and that seems to be recent enough

edit: I checked out the cannamed sight and they are a lot closer to my house(only about 20 min) but going off of the thc foundations web sight I think they might be better for me. They say your records have to be within the last 3 years so I think that would be better

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
heres a quick update

temps been 66-79
rh @ 30-40%

I chopped the shwagg yesterday. It was showing male flowers and didnt want to fuck up my other plants. I checked the trichs and they were about 90% cloudy so I think I just missed out in a few grams but the smoke is where I like it.
the big bang didnt stretch much I think its because of the earlier problems. It has a nice amount of resin and smells more and more like fruit(peach?) everyday

I still have 3 power skunks and 1 big bang in there. I have 3 power skunk clones and 1 big bang clone in there to see how they do with no veg. I have a clone of power skunk, big bang, and lemon skunk that I will be using as mothers for my next grow. I probably wont use the power skunk as a mother because they grow to tall though.

heres some pics, please excuse the dog hair on the big bang lol


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
I like your big bang, what day into flower is it?? it looks like its been swelling up very quick now. i got 3 big bang and only one of them is really looking like its gonna be a big yielder but overall the strain is real nice and trichome production comes in early too with that very true fruity smell (i cant tell apple or peach on either just fruity but i have always had a bad nose).

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
its about 30-35 days. It was in the back of the bunch and I kept looking but couldnt see any flowers then one day I turned the plant around and it had lots lol
so under 5 weeks. Its the smallest plant I have right now by far but your right about the trichs. Looks like its gunna be great smoke and it makes my garden smell very nice.

It did just smell of skunk but i chopped my shwagg plant because it started to grow a bunch of male flowers.. Go figure. I intentionally pollinated it because I loved how fast it grew and flowered but the herm at the end pretty much sucks. I am going to have a couple dozen viable seeds from her though.
She was only at 38 days of flowering but her trichs were all cloudy. I really wanted to keep her in there one more week to bulk her up a bit but I had no choice but to get her away from the others.. Oh well, I probably only missed out on a few grams. thats what Im tellin myself anyways lol
here is some pics of the lady I just chopped. She is gunna be ready just in time for the april 20th celebrations :bigjoint:


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
very nice my man, what did you cross that bagseed with??? i was watering tonight and just confirmed that peach smell on 2 of my 3 big bangs and just like yours its slowly creeping in!! i like this strain alot so far i have no regrets, getting pics up in a bit check em out later!!

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Yeah I will for sure check your pics out. I love watching grows and now that I have some decent genetics its cool to see the different results people get with the same seeds

It was a male from the same strain that I pollinated her with. I took some pollen off the males sack she had and but some on a lower branch of the power skunk. I can see that a few seeds are starting. I just wanted to see what I could come up with because seeds are so expensive. I do plan to drop a few hundred more on a good variety of seeds though.
I have 3 different kind of shwagg seeds(i labeled them bs1,bs2 and bs3), 2 super silver haze, and one hawaiian snow. I also have a clone of lemon skunk, power skunk, and big bang. Oh and a seed I pulled out of some purple kush(thats what they said it was) going right now as well. A decent variety of different genetics


Well-Known Member
Not bad! What could you have done with the same light setup? Could you do better? What do you know now for your next grow journal? By the weigh, let us know the weight when you get it cured alright? Good Job! Now you gots bud for a while and you don't have to buy it! :)

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
a very shot while lol. Its dry enough for curing and I ended up with about 27 grams minus a sample or 2... I suck LOL
I gotta keep my hands off the shit but its hard because Im broke and it already taste and smell pretty good. Gets me really stoned.

I still have the power skunks and big bang going for a few more weeks, and 5 clones that have been flowering about 1-2 weeks. Sucks that I couldnt do the shwagg just a little longer. Im sure I woulda ended up with another 1/4 or so..

Oh as for my light and my next grow. Im going to do a clone grow, the mothers are about 4 weeks old so this next weekend will be my first real batch of clones. Im going to take 10 clone every 2 weeks starting this weekend. I figure it will take 2 weeks(max) to root and 1 week of vegg. Just in time for the ones I have going to finish up. I will pick the 8 best and put them under my light. I have 3 tray under my hps and I can fit eight 1/2 gallon bags in each tray. If I fill a tray every 2-3 weeks I should be able to get about 2-3 ounces every 2-3 weeks. I dont want to spit out numbers before I have even tried it but the 2 clones that I have flowered with no veg got me about 10 grams each. I could probably get that number up to 14 so 2-3 ounces off of 8 should be easy to do

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
here some dried but not cured buds from 38 or 39 days of flowering. It was a crazy fast little fucker. To bad I could let her go one more week
Very good shwagg seed gets me really stoned and I do love the high. Very clean and energetic
Makes me wonder what they did to the poor plant this came from to be bricked up and sold as crap lol

edit: if you look closely in picture 3 you will see why I had to chop...


Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
you mean the two little yellow things starting to come out close to the top of the nug? it looks like some dank as herb, good genes in that bag seed


Well-Known Member
I can't believe it was done so fast! What is your secret? I love Pic #3, makes me hungry! Rolling one up tonight. Got to buy some swisher grapes tonight. Thanks for the pics. When u starting another journal with the rhino?

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
you mean the two little yellow things starting to come out close to the top of the nug? it looks like some dank as herb, good genes in that bag seed
yep those damn bananas.. but Im really happy with the smoke. Who knows if maybe I wouldnt like it as much if I had let it go longer

I can't believe it was done so fast! What is your secret? I love Pic #3, makes me hungry! Rolling one up tonight. Got to buy some swisher grapes tonight. Thanks for the pics. When u starting another journal with the rhino?
Yeah its crazy. My mom is growing a few of these shwagg seeds and she found the same pheno. Hers has been flowering for 33 days and all the trichs are cloudy. I think she said she is going to let hers go for a couple more weeks. Im sure she will need to harvest around 45 days though.

This really quick finisher is the one I pollinated. I got a couple dozen tiger striped seeds from her. Im hoping to keep this lilltle lady going. Id love to have a 5-6 weeker in my arsonal

Oh and heres my new journal. Ill put all my clones in there also


Well-Known Member
Dam, I think you got a good strain. You should name it and review it. I would like to get more info on it! That is super fast to finish. I think faster then any other strain you can grow!

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah. Very lucky..
I going to try to single out that trait. If I can get a fairly consistent 5 weeker then Ill name it and claim it as my own for sure.


Well-Known Member
Got my med records today showing migraines and lower back pain. Got my appt with Cannamed tomorrow :) Legal soon ...

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Quick update
temps have been between 66f-80f
25-35% RH

45 days of flowering for the power skunk and big bang in the front. Im hoping to chop on 4-20 but probably wont... Oh well. Maybe one plant but Im not worry about it either way
I 4 power skunk clones in flowering so I decided to try some of that berry sweet shit on one and see if it actually works. We will see

On autopilot for the most part

I got my x-rays today and am going to a hand specialist in a couple of weeks. After that Its on to the clinics.
So how did the doctor go Doog?

