Can you clone from a clone and so on?


Active Member
hello ladies and gents. new to posting here but have been around browsing for abotu a year.heres my question if you clone from a clone does it loose some potiency?i started with clones and do not have a mother plant so just wondering if i clone again from the clones i already have . thanks all


Well-Known Member
Its a genetic match to the mother, so if the mother was potent the clone should be too.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
hello ladies and gents. new to posting here but have been around browsing for abotu a year.heres my question if you clone from a clone does it loose some potiency?i started with clones and do not have a mother plant so just wondering if i clone again from the clones i already have . thanks all
thats all i do is cut clones from clones. i have'nt seen a decress in potiency.:bigjoint:shit still is narly.:bigjoint:


Active Member
thats all i do is cut clones from clones. i have'nt seen a decress in potiency.:bigjoint:shit still is narly.:bigjoint:
ok thats what i was thinking but wasnt sure, so clone from a clone from a clone and all is good.. just had to be sure didnt want to waste my time vegging the next set of clones,, thanks all


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ok thats what i was thinking but wasnt sure, so clone from a clone from a clone and all is good.. just had to be sure didnt want to waste my time vegging the next set of clones,, thanks all
its a lot easier when you don't have to worry about a mother plant allthe time. i take all my clones from the lower branches.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
a clone genetically speaking is the same plant as the mother, so no matter how many generations of clones later, they are genetically still the same plant.


Well-Known Member
The genes will stay the same over time, but the longer they're around in the same place, the longer disease/viruses/nastiness gets to figure out how to weaken and get control over the plants immune system... etc... its basic genetic biology, something I have a very limited grasp on. I'm sure you can keep it going for years and years without problems - but technically, over time your genes can become compromised. If you kept strict records you may even see the quantity per plant slowly decrease (that's what I've read at least).


Well-Known Member
Dude builed your self a little area if you dont allready have this area all you will need is for 2/3 ft flouesents,i don't belive that any one who is growing to smoke needs more than the light that i'm suggesting to you a couple of down lighters you know the ones. Some dudes have above pictures.these light force all the light down on too the will need a fan but i put them on a timer so it comes on at least 25 minutes a hour.before we get into the mother plant issue is that air movement is key to a good cannabis plant[the plants of the lord him self] the air movement will give the clones airmovement toughening up the stem and giveing plenty of co2 bro.the down lighters your talking 5 for both but you will need some exstension cord so that the down lighters will needbulbs that are 100watcfls these don't use no where near has electric has that off the old style light fittings.the good thing is these plants love these kind of .room.always have more than one mother just in case.when they get around 1 to 1 and harf foot in height you can either top orby squeezing the plant and countint to 20 the plant will fold over then the plnt will grow up the existing plant alongside put a tie wrap along side the bend and they will do the good thing is has soon has the plant grows ift or a little bigger.but a word or advice to feed the clones nothing i do all my clones in rockwool cubes these seem to have a better success rate at least 95%.but the main thin about haveing a mother bro is that your plants flower for anything from 8/15 week,this means clones would be laying arond for the same lenth of time.with haveing a mother you can take 3/4 week before end of harvest get these clones going in rockwoolcubes and water ph at around5.0 5.5 spray the cubes first thing in the morning and last thing at night.alsoone of the most important thing in seedlings clones is a propagator leave the vents close for first few days.thenopen the vents and spray the leaves and the undersides of the leaves this can be done one time a day but most of the time they get two feeds i only spray the plant when theube looks dry just mist it so it is not wet through.always take a few more clones than you need just incase some just are not hs strong has oters pick ot the ront runners leave in the propagator till roots show.i make the hole for the lone comeing out of the bottom rather than the top to bottom this means the plans will take longer to see the roots if you dont make a hole in a cube comeing out of the sides.stick to the feed all the through till the clone get roots then go up to around 6.0/6.5 and keepthe light inces of the tops of the plants put your finger if it too hot higer a little but only a tad .i am a great beliver in the plants should always have close internodes this means rest or it will through you some nice bud .but you willneed to up the power a 1000watt h.p.s/h.i.dgoodluck hope it helped.