+rep corona sucks bad+rep corona sucks - havent tried dos equis though.
I wouldn't go that far, but it is my least favorite Mexican lager. Sol is quite good and Pacifico isn't bad either.+rep corona sucks bad
Although Guinness has a robust flavor, the draft version has fewer calories and less alcohol than Bud. The "export" version in the bottle is stronger in the States and even stronger in Europe and the Caribbean.The new Heineken mini kegs are pretty damn good. I prefer Guinness though, I wish they had those in kegs. I like beer that can keep a spoon upright..
Try Negro Modelo. It is a nice amberish Lager with enough flavor for Ale drinkers but mild enough for the Lite American Lager swillers. It is the only good mex beer I have had, though I have been told that Carte Blanc is good and Negro Modelo's lighter sister Boheimia is alright. And of course in Mexico do not drink the water...drink the beer, it was boiled first, and has a pH which does not favor harmful bacteria. Or drink the coke! It is made with cane sugar instead of HF corn syrup, and the Diet is the same formula as Europe which was released in the U.S. a few years ago as Coke Zero.mexican beer good? please what is the key ingredient in beer? water. when you go to mexico what do they tell you what not to drink? the water!!! naw j/k but i'm not a fan, Dos Equis is good but i am sick of corona, that shit is nasty
Don't bother...it is what they feed the tourists in TJ/Ensenada (step down/up the culture ladder from the Corona joints) while the locals drink Tecate or Bud. If you must Drink Dos Equis, the Amber version is better...and no green bottle!+rep corona sucks - havent tried dos equis though.
Yes Summit Uses drastically more hops than Heineken, if their beers tasted skunky, it was old and had been exposed to significant UV light if in a brown bottle. The skunkyness is a flaw called "light skunking". Your Heineken in a 12pack is protected by cardboard and is less skunky than a 22-24oz bottle or 6 pack. The cans have zero skunking. Most breweries take great measures to prevent light skunking, mainly with brown glass. Sam Adams has been going the extra step of having the card board 6 pack holder extend up the full height of the bottles, even though they are brown glass...a sunny window by a display case could skunk a slow mover. Some breweries get away with clear glass by using a hop concentrate that is mainly for light bittering and does not include the full molecule that photodegrades (one of the alpha acids)If you like a good skunky beer try any of the Summit company's, i swear those guys go through more hops on each bottle than Hienneken does on a whole batch.
I am always accused of being Irish, so not qualified, but I totally agree. The more beers I taste the more open I am to tasting and enjoying new beers. There was a time I would scoff at any yellow beer, but I now enjoy beers that have more subtle flavors and even respect the consistency and "clean" flavor, or more correctly lack of yeast flavors and fermentation by products of the BudMillerCoors. It is very difficult to brew a beer that is as light as a Lite American Lager. It is done with impeccable sanitation and the addition of corn and or rice to lower the protein content of the 6 row malt which grew best in the U.S. as opposed to 2 row european malts (the US now grows both).in my experience and im irish so qualified to make beer comments. the favorite changes overtime drinking my favorite of 3 years ago is not my favorite now nor will my favorite now be my favorite in 3 years peace.
Couldn't disagree more about Dos Equis. I only drink the green bottle, as the amber bottle does nothing for me but foster the urge to hold my nose. Whoever told you that Carta Blanca is better than Dos Equis doesn't know what they're talking about, though it is a decent beer that's simillar to Tecate. Also, most of the people I know will tell you that the beer tastses much better in Mexico than here in the States. I don't know why it's true, but it is. Not just in the coastal/border towns either, I discovered the same trend deep in Mexico City.Although Guinness has a robust flavor, the draft version has fewer calories and less alcohol than Bud. The "export" version in the bottle is stronger in the States and even stronger in Europe and the Caribbean.
Try Negro Modelo. It is a nice amberish Lager with enough flavor for Ale drinkers but mild enough for the Lite American Lager swillers. It is the only good mex beer I have had, though I have been told that Carte Blanc is good and Negro Modelo's lighter sister Boheimia is alright. And of course in Mexico do not drink the water...drink the beer, it was boiled first, and has a pH which does not favor harmful bacteria. Or drink the coke! It is made with cane sugar instead of HF corn syrup, and the Diet is the same formula as Europe which was released in the U.S. a few years ago as Coke Zero.
Don't bother...it is what they feed the tourists in TJ/Ensenada (step down/up the culture ladder from the Corona joints) while the locals drink Tecate or Bud. If you must Drink Dos Equis, the Amber version is better...and no green bottle!
thats a matter of opinion, personally i think corona tastes was better than that watered down clydsdale piss bud makes+rep corona sucks bad
yes, i find that to be true as well. Additionally if one drinks in a bar from tap beer, and that bar (think dives) doesn't keep up with cleaning their lines....all kinds of nasties will grow in there. Many a hangover is from dirty tap lines.budweiser products are awfull and produce a hangover from just a few beers. i use to work at a bar and would drink many different beers. besides alcohol content some beers just make you feel like crap. good quality beer gives less of a hangover even if you have quite a few.
yeah and it's just a matter of opinion what your favorite beer is, and i don't believe i have said anything positive about budwieser either, and you saying it tastes like watered down horse piss is just your opinion alsothats a matter of opinion, personally i think corona tastes was better than that watered down clydsdale piss bud makes