Freedom, where are'th thou?


Well-Known Member
So lately ive been reading up on what Obama has been doing, and how other people feel about his actions. ..Im starting to really wonder wtf is going on in this country. I grew up in the 80's and 90's and even though in the early 90's we were at war, things in America felt good. Basically no one cared what was going on becuase things werent all that bad. Hell pre-2000 life was really good. Businesses were starting left and right and everyone was making money. Then once Bush came to be president, and the war on terrorism began, and America was struck in the heart right at ground zero (9/11), it seems people have really began to become selfish and all about themselves, while the American government begins to control our lives MORE and MORE everyday.

Is this just a reaction to modern societies quest for individuality, and TRUE FREEDOM? ...Is that why the government is enforcing more and more laws to keep us in our place? ..Is it our lack of loyalty to the government that offends them? Have we truely fell for The governments rope-a-dope? ...DO WE EVEN HAVE FREEDOM ANYMORE?

The United States of America: The land of the FREE, and the home of the BRAVE. Does this still hold true?
Nope. You almost have to wonder if all the conspiracy theorists are right. We're being dumbed down. Education is being watered down. Words are being done away with. Police have more power than ever. You can't even discipline your own child without being threatened with jail time. We're being stripped of our individuality. Our money is being diluted, our food/water polluted. Pills forced down our throats for the slightest of illness. It's a crock. But it isn't the President. He's just a puppet in blue blazer who does whatever he's told by the powers that be.
Nope. You almost have to wonder if all the conspiracy theorists are right. We're being dumbed down. Education is being watered down. Words are being done away with. Police have more power than ever. You can't even discipline your own child without being threatened with jail time. We're being stripped of our individuality. Our money is being diluted, our food/water polluted. Pills forced down our throats for the slightest of illness. It's a crock. But it isn't the President. He's just a puppet in blue blazer who does whatever he's told by the powers that be.

True true, but you can not forget its our fault too. We let it happen right before our eyes because we are too caught up in our own lives (and lies) to care about what the government is doing. ...maybe we should ALL begin to care about what the government is doing, not just 5-10% of the population, and its investors. ..But im thinking its too late, maybe im wrong?
9/11 was an inside job. And to answer your question no we have lost much of the freedom we once had.

america figured out that blaming terrorism is an easy way to take our rights away. "patriot act". inorder to stop terrorism from happening .. we must tap ur phones inorder to get leads... u bettter let us do it or american will DIE :fire:

its so easy to blame them because they can NEVER stop it... NEVER ! they will blaming terrorism til all our freedoms are gone !
True true, but you can not forget its our fault too. We let it happen right before our eyes because we are too caught up in our own lives (and lies) to care about what the government is doing. ...maybe we should ALL begin to care about what the government is doing, not just 5-10% of the population, and its investors. ..But im thinking its too late, maybe im wrong?

Exactly, we shall revolt one of these days my friend...
Its good to see that im not the only one out there who feels the need to change what is going on... I hope they dont take our guns away though, I mean how are we to fight back with sticks and stones?

...On another note, i wonder if those in the US military would actually kill an american citzen? If we had a Society vs Govt war, who would those in the military fight for?
i was just to mention the gun thing. the laws keep getting more strict... longer waits for permits. etc.

this is a vid from 2000 ... wonder what they have going on now.


you can find more vids like that. it's not a good thing people.. not a good thing.

(i could talk about this stuff forever)

this has beengoing on for a long time. we have shit freedom were basically going to see everything come to sense sooon.
Dude that video just blew my fucking mind. ..and to think that was basically 10 years ago.

i need to hit the mega millions very very soon :(

..atleast the rich have rights
True true, but you can not forget its our fault too. We let it happen right before our eyes because we are too caught up in our own lives (and lies) to care about what the government is doing. ...maybe we should ALL begin to care about what the government is doing, not just 5-10% of the population, and its investors. ..But im thinking its too late, maybe im wrong?

No. You're correct. We're so wrapped up in our jobs, marriages, children, hobbies and favorite television shows to care. We're constantly attached to our cell phones, and Ipods to give a shit about what the government is doing.It also has to do with our lazy disposition and our dependency on someone else to make our decisions for us. We love the fact that we can just sit back and let someone else take the reigns. We've relinquished our control, and we only have ourselves to blame for it. The other 90% doesn't care. They believe our elected officials have our best interests at heart. When people talk about the corrupt things going on within government you always get the same cockamamie answer. " Why would our government intentionally hurt us?" Well once you've relinquished all your individual power...why the hell wouldn't they?
its going to take another revolution to take control of this country again, but being there is atleast 300,000,000 people that arent going to fight, i doubt it will ever happen. ... We are forever bent over and at the governments disposal. FML.
Nothing in this world can contain a spirit that is truly free. The key is inside yourself. So instead of worrying about what anyone tries to tell you that you can or cannot do, worry about what you SHOULD do and then do it. Follow that simple rule and I find that things tend to flow as they should. Granted the rule is not absolute and the world is not perfect. But that is the only way to live life especially in light of a government that, I agree, is too powerful and controlling. "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds."
Nothing in this world can contain a spirit that is truly free. The key is inside yourself. So instead of worrying about what anyone tries to tell you that you can or cannot do, worry about what you SHOULD do and then do it. Follow that simple rule and I find that things tend to flow as they should. Granted the rule is not absolute and the world is not perfect. But that is the only way to live life especially in light of a government that, I agree, is too powerful and controlling. "Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds."

having a free mind is awesome. however, the more ur body gets enslaved.. the harder it is to have a free mind
You think you're losing freedoms in America? You're complaining about our situation? MOVE! Go to a country where there's NO freedom and see how you like it. Travel to Guatemala or El Salvador - 70% of the world lives in the conditions they do. I don't like losing freedoms, but there are a LOT of unsubstantiated statements in this thread...A LOT!

Be serious here people. Put the ganja down for a second and use your logic. Do some research. Then make a coherent argument rather than saying things like "9/11 was obviously an inside job". Don't complain about lack of education when your arguments reflect a lack of education themselves...

No offense, but come on man...
People have aright to be pissed. You should be pissed. What, because we're not a third world country we have no right to complain...pretty weak. Losing freedom may not be a big deal to you but it is to most.
People have aright to be pissed. You should be pissed. What, because we're not a third world country we have no right to complain...pretty weak. Losing freedom may not be a big deal to you but it is to most.

Provide evidence for this loss of freedom. I don't mean some stupid Youtube video - show me evidence. What can you no longer do that you could previous to 9/11? I honestly don't even know what you're talking about.

When you say freedom, I think of existential notions of freedom, which NO ONE can take away. You always have the ability and the freedom to do most do it! So again, what do you want to do that you can no longer do since 9/11? Give an actual argument.

I always entertain conspiracy theories - hell, I'm a philosophy professor - but I haven't heard anything with meat on this thread.