Sorry Hayduke but that depends on the culture. Go to singapore and try and find some gum.
I assume you mean that they are not so disrespectful as to throw their gum on the ground or that gum is culturally repulsive rather than gum is prohibited in Singapore and the prohibition there works because everybody either has so much respect for the law or they fear the repercussions.
My analogy was comparing other instances of prohibition which again, simply does not work. It actually has a negative feedback...tell a teenager not to do something and they will...Lie to them and tell them that Marijuana is dangerous and leads to stronger drugs and 25 years after aids 1 in 4 teen age girls have an STD. They just assume they are being lied to about everything, and it is ok to lie and misrepresent things if the ends justify the means. They know adults mean well with drug misinformation. Great lesson if your future is politics or hedge funds.
But yes I am sure that if a school in Singapore banned chewing gum, the threat of being beaten with bamboo may suffice. But I would not want to judge their culture on the harshness of their justice system, that being said I think I'll just take your word for the fact that I would have trouble finding gum in Singapore whether on the ground or in the store, and not go to Singapore!
In the Netherlands where there is of course no prohibition of Cannabis, fewer people of all age groups smoke. More people by % drank during alcohol prohibition. Prohibiting humans from that which they desire is not possible...people getting beaten and imprisoned in shitty corners of the world as well as the good ol' USA is proof. The 16th President knew this 169 years ago and spoke of it in the Illinois Senate before prohibition brought crime to Illinois politics.
Hopefully I was clearer this time.