I like your way of handling the situation. I've done that enough times to decide to go with adding a 600 digital to my 400 for a 3x5 1/2 foot area. That should be good. Go with the 600 as long as you cool it. Much more light for the price, like you said it's hardly any more money than the 400. More light =Fatter buds!!I got my uvb bulb today and put it in with the other lights. You can barely tell its on, but who knows, we'll see what happens......... maybe i shoulda ordered 2 of them?
Thats some nice buds with the 150's, im thinkin about getting a couple more 150's, just because of how close to the plants you can get them.....but im also thinking of a 400watt cooltube, but a 600 is almost the same price...... so many dam choices, what to do, what to do..... smoke another bowl and think some more...
hey man i harvested today. I got about 1/2 an o to 3/4 of an o. Really trippy bud.
He's got a monkey on his back now roll! We knew he would want to grow again as soon as possible. I Wanted to try growing Ice. But didn't get any good ones from my order. The free ones are doing great though. Remember with the right pruning you can help keep a plant small and get really good bud to leaf ratio. I got my Ice from here, would like to try it again but get it from somewhere else. I'm going to wait until I see what the third strain looks like though before I buy more. Maybe.Ahh i see you do have future plans... ive been checkin out this Bubblicious strain, its supposed to have huge yields and looks so dam good, check this link out...