
One Day I'll get it right

I think I feel a bowel movement coming on ..

I've read so much in the last year or so..and the one constant is even the pro's get their asses bitten at times......

Thanks for sharing..

Whew it was quick and painless .. all better now ..
No pain, no strain... just sit there and drain....

here I sit broken hearted....
Paid a dime and only farted.....
next time, I'll take a chance..... save my dime and shit my pants......

You pay now....or Oh boy...!!








Scratch and sniff............. :mrgreen:

That second pic has to be the best picture i ever took
Thats the way uh uh uh uh I like it....thats the way, uh uh uh I like it.....



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I'm sorry osssifer...I'm under the aclcafluence of inkohol and some tasty chronic....

Actually I'm in fine shape...had some scoff and a coffee.. got some fine weed now...... and yes vette, ya weed....... it'll last a day or three.. thats the difference between commercial crap and connoisseur stock.. the needed amount per day... but I'm preaching to the choir with you.. N'est pas...???
I'm sorry osssifer...I'm under the aclcafluence of inkohol and some tasty chronic....

Actually I'm in fine shape...had some scoff and a coffee.. got some fine weed now...... and yes vette, ya weed....... it'll last a day or three.. thats the difference between commercial crap and connoisseur stock.. the needed amount per day... but I'm preaching to the choir with you.. N'est pas...???

Oui mon cher. Vous etes si bonne! T'aimer!!!
:hug:Fabulous China, thanks... and you?:hug:

Doing very well, thank you for asking.

So, going to any shows this summer? I think I am going to pass.... ticket prices are out of control. (and they boys are great.... but they will never be the same without Jerry, just my humble opinion)
Practicality rears it's ugly head here as well China. I'd love to see the boys, but...

"I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac, A little voice inside my head said don't look back..." ;)

:peace:Cherish the memories you've got and enjoy today for what it has to offer :peace:

Practicality rears it's ugly head here as well China. I'd love to see the boys, but...

"I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac, A little voice inside my head said don't look back..." ;)

:peace:Cherish the memories you've got and enjoy today for what it has to offer :peace:

Oh yes, I will cherish all the memories. When I saw the $100.00 ticket prices...... yikes. I think I will check out where Darkstar is playing. :-) Fake it until you make it.

Now.... if someone would give me a ticket.... I would be right there. :mrgreen:

Do you ever do any festivals? I always wanted to do Gathering of the Vibes but never made it.

I did go to Mt. Jam the second year and had a great time. Robert Randolph was there.... what a great guitarist.
Here in RI, we have some decent small festivals, Reggae, Bluegrass, Blues, etc... Always a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, not unlike the shows we're talking about, the Newport Blues & Jazz fests are becoming prohibitively expensive... Also not unlike yourself however, ticket me and I'm there :blsmoke:
Here in RI, we have some decent small festivals, Reggae, Bluegrass, Blues, etc... Always a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, not unlike the shows we're talking about, the Newport Blues & Jazz fests are becoming prohibitively expensive... Also not unlike yourself however, ticket me and I'm there :blsmoke:
Gotta get some beauty rest....:sleep::sleep::sleep:. My bum must be in the dentist chair at 7:00 AM. Crown time...... I keep telling them "I don't want to be a princess" but the insist on crowning me.

Sweet dreams!!!! :hug::hug::hug: