Fox News: Conspiracy Theorists were right

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I am with you micro. Sweaty, your a fucking douche bag. You seem like you are looking for a reason to spread your anti-religious veiws. Who the fuck are you to tell us to remember that there are a lot of inveigling, asinine quacks infatuated with the undoubtedly apocryphal truth? You choice of language demonstrates your bias. Besides, even if micro was wrong for posting this, what kind of person insults someone whom they believe lacks knowledge of the truth? Either an ignorant asshole or someone insecure with their beliefs. I personally think you are too ignorant to be insecure.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm not even sure what he said. What part of what he said is complete BS? I don't know if you've been keepin' up with current events but this is happening. Hey, you know what you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. So everyone don't go to the FEMA camps, except for you SweatyC, you go, you'll have fun. Make sure you ask for a double dose of the vaccine its the bomb. It makes everything taste like candy.

You know I hate to admit it but Maybe we deseve depopulation I mean look not even capable of independant thought. Sad really Humanity held such great promise.

As far as Religion what does it have to do with it. You can look at it either way it doesn't matter.

BTW CrackerJax No and we still will not give a shit.


Active Member
Wow who's really the asshole here?
I believe in honesty....not censorship, sorry. But if you're going to act like a duplicitous, neurotic dunce....then you can probably count on people like me to call you out.

you all have matching avatars. hella cute.
It wasn't planned.
No government conspiracy here.
If I change my avatar's because I wanted to get one with more......cats......yes.....cats.....I love cats........not to cover up 'the truth'.
I think you know too much fdd2blk!!!


Well-Known Member
I believe in honesty....not censorship, sorry. But if you're going to act like a duplicitous, neurotic dunce....then you can probably count on people like me to call you out.
What does censorship have to do with anything I post?,8599,1887303,00.html

I'm not deceiver. I post information that is provided by the mainstream media or government documents.

You would be the first person to "call me out", good job. Most people here know what's going on in the world. You, clearly, have no clue whatsoever. I think you should research what me and other info warriors post here. What's the point of arguing against something you don't even know about?

Educate yourself, then come complain.


Well-Known Member
Did you watch the video SweatyC? What is your bitch? Yeah Conspiracy theorists have in fact been saying this for some time. And now its on a (semi) legit new network. So when C.T.s are right they are still wrong because they are C.T.s or believe in Revolations. Me thinks you protest to much. Like your little secular world do you not want it threatened with thought not approved by you, hmm?


Well-Known Member
Damn it! As usual, I find threads like these, and can only offer two cents and little leftover popcorn.

My view is that there is a good deal of fact to the many so called "truths" offered by conspiracy theorists, but they always fuck up their opportunity to enlighten people by spreading a thick layer of bullshit over good, historical, and well researched facts. Be it embellishment of the truth, blatant lies, mere presumption, or just a creative imagination, it can sometimes be difficult to tell fact from fiction. Just make sure to take what you hear with a grain of salt.

In this case, I believe Dick Morris is right, and what's really scary about all this is, the world leaders used to try to cover this kind of thing up or at least be more secretive- now, they just tell us straight up what's gonna happen, throw their arms up and chest out and say "What?! What the fuck are you gonna do about it?" Arm yourselves people, or nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah love Aliens!! Nuke the site from orbit!! Yeah CT's have their issues no doubt. but ultimatly they are probably right. Their is a group of Bankers trying to take over the finscial world. Of this their is little doubt they admit to it for Christs sake.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
The government will do everything to perpetuate government if we let them...

and sometimes even if we don't

Big P

Well-Known Member
like i said in 4 short years obama will be gone and the new admin will just flip the script again.



Well-Known Member
a new world order would be the very best thing that could happen to this planet. United Countries of Earth!


Well-Known Member
That is to much power to put in the hands of politicians. Have you seen the history channel?? Yeah its all about what happens when men get to big for their britches and deside they know whats best for the world. Check it out some time.

Our Government can't even follow its own laws what happens when the world government breaks its laws. Ain't gonna be an America to come save the day like when Germany desided to go bat-shit crazy.

We need more government like we need a hole in the head.


Well-Known Member
yeah but what's the alternative, we all argue and debate till whatever issue we're arguing about comes to pass. How can we accomplish anything on a global level when we have to get over one hundred countries to get on board? How can we stop climate change like that? Or what about a global catastrophe like a meteor? Thats going to require global cooperation. I'm for less government as well, I just think it should be a global government rather than a bunch of smaller governments.

and by the way, I watched that 'Esoteric Agenda' video...there were some interesting points, but a lot of bullshit as well. Small amounts of fluoride are definitely good for your teeth. And they tell you on everything that aspertane is bad for you, it's common knowledge, and it's your decision if you decide to ingest it. That's the biggest issue here, if we want less government than you can't depend on the government to baby the population and make sure that there is nothing dangerous that we can be exposed to. Life is dangerous, and it's your job to make sure you live as long as possible, not the government's.


Well-Known Member
We get along fine without any global government. It is interesting you brought up Climate change.We don't need global government to fix that as it can not be fixed by man. Humans have made a living out of managing our enviroment clearing forests to make farms and the like but some things are inevitable. Like a tidel wave you can't stop it. I don't think it is our doing anyway.

1. Mars is warming to.
2. under sea volcanos
3. Carbon dioxide is good for plant growth
4. We are sitting at about 385 parts per million carbon dioxide but did you know that durring the cambrian period, the biggest boom in life on the planet CO2 levels where at 7000 parts per million? CO2 is great!! It means increased crop yeild, to feed our sorry CO2 exhaling asses.

A world government would have to garrantee the rights of the people of each nation to violently overthrow its current government. And I know no world government would allow that. And I don't mean just vote them out, I mean string them up. Because many of them richly deserve the gallows.

It would have to have gold as its only currency so their can be no manipulation by banksters. (Gold and or a basket of hard commodities silver, platnum, paladium.) to be money for international exchange.

It must garrantee the sovreignty of each nation as it pertains to firearms, agroculture, banking, drugs, and probably lots of other things.

It must garrantee that foreign troops will never enter a nation with out that nation (or even national sub-division i.e. states) approval. And must never ever enter a nation durring civil unrest. (A world government could never do this it would be there to prop up evil men.)

No their is no way I could reconsile a world government.


Well-Known Member
Well they aren't gonna use gold, they are gonna use invisible, intangible money. THey already have you used to the idea: direct deposit, debit cards, the food stamp card. Thats what the rfid chip is all about, so if you don't go along with the nwo the just shut off your chip and you can't trade period. This is in Bible prophecy but no one wants to fuckin read it. Oh well. The sheeple will be lead to slaughter and not question whats going on til its too late and only the smart guys are gonna be left, but probably not. Considering how all of use that are aware of what is going on still hasn't done anything to stop it.


Well-Known Member
a new world order would be the very best thing that could happen to this planet. United Countries of Earth! would be fucking wonderfull .
we could all live like the chinese too.
little gray uniforms with little gray caps with a large red star on the top of it.
no thank you comrad.:dunce: