DR Darkroom question


Well-Known Member
Does the Darkroom have good insulation.

MY situation.
I grow in a shed, it gets upwars of 115 -130 degrees in hte summer heat. theis is without a light on... so in the summer i have problems.

If i bought a darkroom and put my portable AC unit inside of it. Will it work? will the Ac unit run constantly or is the DR insulated enough to keep a semi ambiant temp?



Well-Known Member
I have heard that like the only way to do it put your light on a cool tube and then just have an exhust with a carbon filter for your exhaust and that would be some nice negative pressure


Well-Known Member
I will cool tube it and all .. but --

will it block heat from teh outside? If i have my ac unit cooling off from the inside on the inside, will it run constantly, or is hte tent insulated enough that it will keep it cool on the inside and only kick on sometiems.


Active Member
I will cool tube it and all .. but --

will it block heat from teh outside? If i have my ac unit cooling off from the inside on the inside, will it run constantly, or is hte tent insulated enough that it will keep it cool on the inside and only kick on sometiems.

have a dr-150, my room gets a little warmer when the light is on in the tent....It's pretty good quality...few light leaks nothing serious...


Well-Known Member
Darkroom is a good product but 115 ambient is not going to work. You mentioned AC, where does the exhaust go?


Active Member
You mentioned the temperature inside is 115, but how is it outside?

If you run a high enough CFM to exchange the air every 60 sec. then you can cool the inside to the same temp. as outside.


Well-Known Member
you will need to exhaust 3 things.

that will be the portable a/c, the light exhaust from the cooltube and of course your main exhaust for the tent.

i would also DUCT IN to the tent from the a/c


Well-Known Member
the outside temp is generally 115 without lights in this area mid summer.

I want ot put the ac unit on the inside of hte grow tent (portable).

I will vent to the inside of the shed that the tent would stand in ... would this work?


Well-Known Member
i said it once, ill say it again

you will need to exhaust 3 things.

that will be the portable a/c, the light exhaust from the cooltube and of course your main exhaust for the tent.

i would also DUCT IN to the tent from the a/c

this hot exhaust air must be vented OUTSIDE


Well-Known Member
ill elaborate for you...

its fine and dandy that you want to put the portable a/c into the tent and vent it outside the tent to the shed.

but that means your ambient air in the shed will sky fucking rocket.... whenever your ambient temps are high, it will be hard for you to lower temps inside the tent.

this is how i would do it. in addition to all you want to do, i would STILL have a big exhaust fan to exhaust the shed's air out the shed....and something exchanging the air fast.

for the portable a/c...you must must must vent the exhaust to a window or outside of the shed. that is the only way they will proper cool. i tend to favor window shakers more than portable a/c as most times window a/c will cool down more efficiently than a portable one.

the window shakers can also fit 'through the wall' style.

for your tent, i would use a cooltube and i would ALSO duct this exhaust from the light outside the shed too...

i then would have another exhaust to act as your main exhaust in the tent.... this should be vented out too..... but wouldnt be necessary if you did everything else.

i know what i say may be overkill....but in my humble opinion i think its needed.

you cant just get a portable a/c and not exhaust the hot air expecting the a/c to cool it down.... it doesnt work like that and your front coils on your a/c will freeze because of all the hot humid air and will cause the a/c not to cool properly


Well-Known Member
i will follow that advise ..
will i need fresh air coming into hte tent for co2 and such? do i need a active/passivve intake.