What the fuck would you do?


Active Member
Ok so my dad has been an alcoholic pill addict on coke and plety of other things im sure. He has been a dealer for all his life so his very familiar with the drug world. Me i went to christian schools all my life and brought up as the "good kid" ive been smoking pot for awhile now. Ok so here is the real question my dad is really depressed trying to get off pills and cant handle it he has been off alcohol and everything else for several years and trying to beat pills hes now at the point where sometimes he is thinking suicidaly. I think he needs to smoke a little and get this anxiety and depression away so he can think and figure out what he wants to do next. But i still live with him and he doesnt know i smoke pot but i want to whip out a J and be like smoke this its natural and will help you better than any other drug but ive always been known as that good kid and i dont want to let him down when he finds out but i really think he needs this. So....what do you guys think i should do? I also think its funny im asking this on a forum is that sad = /


Well-Known Member
It is a perfectly sane idea to ask. Just be wary of some recommendations! Unfortunately, nothing leaps to my mind except, if you can afford it, take your dad on a trip to some nice destination that could distract him from withdrawal symptoms.

You could post the exact same question on drugs-forum and maybe specify which kind of pills your father is popping.


Well-Known Member
So, how old are you? Hopefully over 18, or your membership here could be null and void.

I don't really understand how smoking pot is going to help him. What kind of pills does he take? Are they for something pot has actually been demonstrated to be equally applicable for relieving?

Regular exercise is the best prescription for depression. Maybe you should invite him to play some basket ball(etc.), or go for a walk(jog, swim, etc), and just talk to him. Hang out, have a good time without any pills/drugs/reefer.



Active Member
He not popping anythingthing at the moment but its was usually opiate type pills vics and stuff but he has been off them for awhile it was just when had surgery he had been taking half pills of what the docter gave him for pain but its fucked him up and sent him back into withdrawls. But i really do think Mj will help him im just afraid of what he is going to think of me.


Active Member
He works out all the time and i go with him sometimes too and yes i am 18 freshmen in college thanks =D I just feel that the marijuana will help his anxiety and depression. He took them because he was an addict thats all.


Well-Known Member
Your Dad sounds a lot like me (I'm almost 60).

All I can say is having weed around has allowed my lifestyle to be "OK" despite my on-going battle with opioud addictions. It's important as we age that we feel alright about whatever phase of uselessness we might feel stuck in.

He must be familiar w/weed already . . . maybe try and interest him in growing by giving him a living plant? Certainly gave my current life some much needed meaning.


Well-Known Member
Sit him down, have that talk with him. Tear up if you need to. It will help. Your young and shouldnt have to go through this. Ask him how he feels about pot and if he would consider smoking it or vaping it instead of the other drugs he does. Goodluck i hope it works out. Let us know what you do.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
Ok so my dad has been an alcoholic pill addict on coke and plety of other things im sure. He has been a dealer for all his life so his very familiar with the drug world. Me i went to christian schools all my life and brought up as the "good kid" ive been smoking pot for awhile now. Ok so here is the real question my dad is really depressed trying to get off pills and cant handle it he has been off alcohol and everything else for several years and trying to beat pills hes now at the point where sometimes he is thinking suicidaly. I think he needs to smoke a little and get this anxiety and depression away so he can think and figure out what he wants to do next. But i still live with him and he doesnt know i smoke pot but i want to whip out a J and be like smoke this its natural and will help you better than any other drug but ive always been known as that good kid and i dont want to let him down when he finds out but i really think he needs this. So....what do you guys think i should do? I also think its funny im asking this on a forum is that sad = /
take him to the doctors tell him to go see a counselor there is an uderlying problem if hes always depressed as he been divorced wife died ect..? he needs to get it out and talk to someone may be that someone could be you? have you spoke to him and why he feels like ending it? taking drugs to help with depresion is not the way to help not even anti depressants! fuck i took soroxat that made me want to kill my self even more! no joke they fucked with my mind so much i would wake up 3am in the morning walk down the street to go to work with no shoes on my feet:o waiting for a bus i was there 2 hours and then i noticed the time busses dont run untill 6am and i dont need to start work untill 9am!

the best thing he can do is find a hobby go for long walks and talk to someone giving him cannabis will not help he needs to deal with the underlieing problems smoking cannabis will not help once he comes down the problems will still be there.

tell him you love him and it will destroy you if he takes his own life and show him you need him.

hope he gets better soon.


Active Member
Mr fishy you sound exactly like my dad ive been wanting to introduce him to growing cause its been one of my insterest for the past couple months. Im thinking he is feeling the sense of uselessness too hes trying to get a job and stuff of corse he is still selling too thats what gets the bills paid. But also i agree with you 9inch i agree that there is some problem and i think the problem is his useless feeling He has a wife im his only child im in college and doing good he supports us all and does it well thats why i dont know why he feels useless. He takes walks worksout rest alot i just want him to be happy we talked a little and he wants to go to a little rehab hospital for 3 days or so to clear his head also hes been going crazy with these migranes i think thats just the withdrawls though. Idk its diffcult i told him i would talk to him an hour ago so ill see how it goes Thanks =D keep coming with the sugestions there very helpful.


Well-Known Member
Any trails near you? Suggest a hike or go camping, get somewhere where it's just the two of you, and spark up. Puff, puff, pass!

Who's going to turn that down?

No obligations... free time and recreation... creates the perfect environment to relax and toke.


Well-Known Member
take him to the doctors tell him to go see a counselor there is an uderlying problem if hes always depressed as he been divorced wife died ect..? he needs to get it out and talk to someone may be that someone could be you? have you spoke to him and why he feels like ending it? taking drugs to help with depresion is not the way to help not even anti depressants! fuck i took soroxat that made me want to kill my self even more! no joke they fucked with my mind so much i would wake up 3am in the morning walk down the street to go to work with no shoes on my feet:o waiting for a bus i was there 2 hours and then i noticed the time busses dont run untill 6am and i dont need to start work untill 9am!

the best thing he can do is find a hobby go for long walks and talk to someone giving him cannabis will not help he needs to deal with the underlieing problems smoking cannabis will not help once he comes down the problems will still be there.

tell him you love him and it will destroy you if he takes his own life and show him you need him.

hope he gets better soon.
doctors will give him pills, counselor will most likely give him pills.

weed is truly the only thing that will not bullshit him ;).


Active Member
Ok this is crazy so me and my dad talked he is on coke still thats what he is dealing so he cant get away from it i suggested we start growing together but he says my mom will flip so i tell him we will keep it a secret he didnt really consider it much so idk he said he will think about it though. But right he wants me to deal for him while hes gone at rehab so he can get away from everything but idk thats all weve talked so far he is dealing right now so were gonna talk in a bit this is crazy.


Well-Known Member
Ok this is crazy so me and my dad talked he is on coke still thats what he is dealing so he cant get away from it i suggested we start growing together but he says my mom will flip so i tell him we will keep it a secret he didnt really consider it much so idk he said he will think about it though. But right he wants me to deal for him while hes gone at rehab so he can get away from everything but idk thats all weve talked so far he is dealing right now so were gonna talk in a bit this is crazy.
"Deal for him while he's in rehab"? Are you kidding me? WTF? This reeks of 2 things: 1. He doesn't give a damn what happens to you if you get caught dealing, and 2. He has no intention of getting clean if he wants you to act as a *temporary* dealer while he pretends to clean up. Guess he wants to keep the existing customers for the day he returns to his same old way of life.

This is the LAST person I'd be sharing my weed with and CERTAINLY not someone I'd share grow-op info with.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that anyone who's used cocaine, and sells it, can escape.
It's pretty much gotta be one or the other, as in life or coke dealing? Very hard.


Active Member
Maybe i stated things wrong he wants me to deal for a little so we still have money until he can get clean and find something else we can do we talked alittle more and he is trying to find out what he can do for money he is a very good man please dont think he is trying to manipulate me or doesnt care if i get caught because he does. Its just a few people a day so we have money to live on im not working right now trying to find a job and do college so thats why he still needs to deal while he gets clean but i really do think growing would be a way to keep our family going fuck idk these are all just ideas idk what im doing......


Well-Known Member
Why dont you get yourself a normal job, doesnt your mom work?

I wouldn never, ever, in my life involve my kids with coke. Or anything for that matter. Sounds like he needs to see a therapist.

edit: If your even considering doing this then how do you have the right to even post these problems you have? You tellin gus your worried about your dad but you might deal for him? Worry about yourself. Your a fkn teenager..

fuck..im just getting heated by this. Ugh, i hope shit works out. Dont follow your dads footsteps.

2nd edit: Just read your post above mine. Why dont you tr and move in with a friend or family member. Is your dad out of work? Why doesnt he try and apply for unemployment? There are alot of different ways to go about this than dealing coke...