Claw & Dimpled Leaves Problems

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
hi a dehumidifier is a great investment. i purchased 1 just for my op. i got an expensive one and it has a digital readout of the temp and humidity.
remember with all the water your putting in there for the flush will also raise the RH some. so once the pots start drying out the Rh should also come down some.

i beleive that when people are getting the light so close to the plants is due that they are using a cooltube. i did a vertical grow with a 400 w hps, no cooltube but had a fan on the floor blowing straight up at the light and no reflector. i was getting the plants within 8 inches of the bulb. im making cooltubes for this year.


Well-Known Member
Good call on the light heights, was thinking that myself... Some people say
1 foot above, some say 2 foot above?

It is pretty hot under there so I have moved them to 1.5 foot for the moment.

In other news, the rh whilst lights were on was 61% & the rh whilst lights were off was 73%. Ok, for vegging, but no good for flowering, will have to invest in a dehumidifier.

Two of the plants I flushed yesterday are showing huge improvements so hopefully the rest will follow.

Will post some pics tomorrow.
Yeah, I'd say 2' for a 600w.
You can tell they're loving that sort of humidity during veg. Was that with the extractor fan running during dark cycle?
Good to hear they're improving mate, and look forward to the pics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advise Smoke & Coke.

I did not realize the importance of this :~) I will invest in one before I go into flower.

Here's some new pics mammath...

Yep, both fans are running 24/7.

They don't look that improved in the photos & some of the leaves are still a bit clawish/canue but they whole structure of the plants has changed, they now seem to be growing up & out which can only be a good thing...

How far do you think I am off from putting into the two larger K-Train into flower?

Due to the ph issues I had, 3 plants are are a lot more advance that the other 5.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advise Smoke & Coke.

I did not realize the importance of this :~) I will invest in one before I go into flower.

Here's some new pics mammath...

Yep, both fans are running 24/7.

They don't look that improved in the photos & some of the leaves are still a bit clawish/canue but they whole structure of the plants has changed, they now seem to be growing up & out which can only be a good thing...

How far do you think I am off from putting into the two larger K-Train into flower?

Due to the ph issues I had, 3 plants are are a lot more advance that the other 5.
Thanks for the pics Muff.
Good recommendation by S&C. That is good solution to the problems you may face in flower.
Yes they look to have more of a menacing look to them. Too much RH will slow upward vigor. So will having the light to close, heat, PH etc.
I like the way they're looking.
Branching on those girls looks great, strong and sure. Big strong branches are the first indication of big strong buds.
Nice to see all these are topped ;-) Right on:hump:
You can start flower any time soon, but you need to start all of them at the same time don't you?
Here's an idea, and this is your grow so you decide mate.
If you want cola monsters, which I think is quite possible with these pheno's you have, you need to start a little bit of LST before 12/12.
Tie the branches out to the sides to open the plants up. Basically tie each branch out to the edge of the pots, so looking down, they should end up looking circular once the ends turn back up, (12-24hrs). Below is a pic of what they should look like doing this.
Then give them a few days and turn to 12/12.
Being indica dom' they will then shoot up to form plants that mainly consist of multiple colas :hump:
Let me know if I need to clarify.



Well-Known Member
Hey Mammath,

They still look a bit mutated but much better on the whole.

They are not actually topped, I was considering it but all 3 of the K-Train &
the Cheese seem to have equally high tops which is quite strange. I have
been moving shade leaves away from the side branches to make sure that
all branches/tops are getting light. I think it's due to the ph problem stunting
their vertical growth so they all seem to have grown at an equal speed/height
including the tops.

I have to keep the 2 x White Russians on 18/6 as they are Lowlife Auto's so will
be placing them in my old tent (1m x 1m x 1.75m) with a 400w HPS, I am
planning to move the autos along with any other plants which don't quite seem
ready for the 12/12 flip in 2-3 weeks time. Two of the K-Train are getting pretty
big, maybe 2.5 - 3 foot so may have to act sooner.

Also been considering LST but my branches are pretty thick now, the side ones
are maybe 6-7mm thick, is this too thick to bend?

Do you have any sides pics of your LST?



Well-Known Member
I forgot to say that I did top 2 of the tops on the side
branches on the cheese, will these turn into two colas
or is it only the centre cola which does this when topped?



Well-Known Member
Hey Mammath,

They still look a bit mutated but much better on the whole.

They are not actually topped, I was considering it but all 3 of the K-Train &
the Cheese seem to have equally high tops which is quite strange. I have
been moving shade leaves away from the side branches to make sure that
all branches/tops are getting light. I think it's due to the ph problem stunting
their vertical growth so they all seem to have grown at an equal speed/height
including the tops.

I have to keep the 2 x White Russians on 18/6 as they are Lowlife Auto's so will
be placing them in my old tent (1m x 1m x 1.75m) with a 400w HPS, I am
planning to move the autos along with any other plants which don't quite seem
ready for the 12/12 flip in 2-3 weeks time. Two of the K-Train are getting pretty
big, maybe 2.5 - 3 foot so may have to act sooner.

Also been considering LST but my branches are pretty thick now, the side ones
are maybe 6-7mm thick, is this too thick to bend?

Do you have any sides pics of your LST?

It was hard to tell from the pics but I thought they were topped. If your side branches are the same height as your centre stem without topping that's great.
That's good phenos and may have something to do with keeping your lights so close to begin with. What ever the case ,you've set them up well.
Yeah 3ft means 6ft when finished so the sooner the better with the 12/12 action.
Never too thick too bend, but I understand what your saying. Just maybe tie them slightly outward towards the edges to give each branch more space and open up the plant a bit. They're bushy girls and will benefit from some opening up..
I have attached a thumbnail of my LST side view. I just use some tie wire and hook it to the side of the pot. You can use string and cut little slits in the lip of the pot. Tie a not in the string and slip it behind the slit, it will hold.



Well-Known Member
I forgot to say that I did top 2 of the tops on the side
branches on the cheese, will these turn into two colas
or is it only the centre cola which does this when topped?

When ever you top, any branch or main stem, the nodes underneath your cut will grow out into 2 separate branches.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Mammath...

I will try it with one of them :~)

Sounds interesting...

What are your views on pruning, I have always read not too do it
but these are really bushy girls so was considering removing some
leaves to let a bit of light get lower down.

Most of them are fine, but 2 x K-Trains are pretty wide & the El Nino
is huge in width, very short & really bushy, so much so that none lower
branches get any light, the pot stays wet for much longer than the others
as there is no light getting to the soil.

Will take a few photos...



Well-Known Member
Thanks Mammath...

I will try it with one of them :~)

Sounds interesting...

What are your views on pruning, I have always read not too do it
but these are really bushy girls so was considering removing some
leaves to let a bit of light get lower down.

Most of them are fine, but 2 x K-Trains are pretty wide & the El Nino
is huge in width, very short & really bushy, so much so that none lower
branches get any light, the pot stays wet for much longer than the others
as there is no light getting to the soil.

Will take a few photos...

I had the same dilemma with my last grow, she was a bushy girl. I started a thread to see what other growers thought I should do. Here's a link


Well-Known Member
She's a beauty mate...

Good advise I guess, mine don't look anything like that though :~(

They are still in veg, but here's hoping they do one day :~)

No pruning for me then...

I have added a 2nd fan to the tent which seems to have
improved the 2 x K Train, the new fan goes over the top
canapes where as my other fan is on the floor (12" Box Fan).
It was fine when they were small but I felt that the tops
would like some breeze under the hot lights...

Some of the girls are getting a little lighter green in colour too,
so I may add 1/4 or 1/2 nutes in the next water.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think the majority of the feedback was not to prune and let her be.
I did thin out all the pissy bottom growth which definitely allowed more energy to the top of the branches and increased air circulation under the plant.
...and don't worry, your babies are going to be magnificent man. I'm really looking forward to seeing them progress.
If there lightening off a bit definitely give them some food, they'll love ya for it.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good Muff'.
The BB is branching out all over the place, she's gonna be a good yielder.
The KT's look good to. Probably gonna have about 6 or so big colas plus the main one on them.
I'll be watching these girls with great interest.
All the best mate.


Well-Known Member
Cheers Mammath...

Just seen the pics of your old crop on your new thread.

Excellent work indeed :~)


Well-Known Member
Hey Mammath,

How's it going?

When you say you thin out all the pissy bottom growth, do you
mean all the lower fan leaves which have turned yellow due to lack of light?

How far up should I trim these?

I have a few yellow leaves down there, but most are still green and look
pretty healthy.

I am going to try lst on my next grow but plan to tie the branches
down to give more light to the buds on this grow just to see
how much difference this makes. The most obvious way to
tie them down is to make notches on the rims of the pots and
then use string to tie them down, I was thinking of using a small saw
or drill to do this, but surly using either of these will cause vibration
on the pots which may stress the plants?

I think I may also have to bend the tops on the 2 x KT as they
are getting a bit big compared to the others plants.



Active Member
Im having the same problem, should you wait till they are dry and flush them or go ahead and do it while they still have wet soil?


Well-Known Member
Flushing them either wet or dry is fine mate...

Highly recommend a digital ph reader too.

I used ph 6 water and flushed with 2 x volumes
of my pots... They recommend 3 x volumes of
your pots but 2 x the volume was enough to
bring the run off down to 6.2 ;-)

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey Mammath,
When you say you thin out all the pissy bottom growth, do you
mean all the lower fan leaves which have turned yellow due to lack of light?

How far up should I trim these?

I have a few yellow leaves down there, but most are still green and look
pretty healthy.
I would wait till you enter 12/12 to trim the lower growth out. I try not to remove any leaves whilst vegging until they fall off.
After a week or so in 12/12 I remove all the pissy the little branches and some leaves from the bottom 1/4 of the plant. These won't amount to much because they don't get the light and once removed they don't steal any energy away from the top of the branches.