Wife told me pot was "ruining my life"


Well-Known Member
Man, talk about some major league crazy! Yesterday morning my wife found a little bit of weed in my office, I told her I had quit for her about a month back and did for about 2 weeks. The problem is I was only quitting because she wanted me to. Sadly this was not the first time I had lied to her about my "substance" use. I had been a heavy drinker in the past and while I am a heavy smoker now (I smoke about 2-3 times a day), it is somehow now ruining my life.

Forget the fact that I have lost about 40 pounds (granted, taking adderall helped), I drink MAYBE once a month an then it is like 2 beers (I used to do a 12 pack a night, every night), I am up for a raise (due to putting in like 65 hour weeks) and she and I (my wife) were doing great). She spun this like she was confronting me about my heroin use. I mean I actually loled when she told me pot was ruining my life.

I explained that pot is "ruining my life" just like it would if I were arrested. It has nothing to do with the act of me smoking pot, it has everything to do with other people (her or cops) not wanting me to. Now does it not make more sense to accept someone for who they are and not ask them to change? She claims that since I acknowledge that I was an alcoholic that I can now never touch ANY mind altering substance again. Of course this is funny because I can now drink 2 beers and say, "no thanks, I am driving".

If she wasn't a woman (and actually understood logic) then I would tell her to prove to me that she wasn't an alcoholic (she drinks like 3 times a week, so there is no way she is but she enjoys it like we enjoy pot) then she should give up alcohol for the rest of her life, just because I say so.


Well-Known Member

two pot head = good friend

two non smoker = good friend

one of eash = nothing but head butting, I call it "2 crack heads law" they have a shit life but they stick it out together.


stays relevant.
A lot of women are more emotional than logical, so using logic in resolving the issue could prove to be difficult... Perhaps her problem is something that you're doing, but then again you have lost weight, slowed your drinking, and are up for a raise soon. Tell her that while she is your main inspiration for success (even if its not true), but as a human being you should be able to relax after hard work, and if weed helps you do that- then DO THAT, because you're a grown ass man.

She comes home and drinks a few, so it would be terribly hypocritical to say you cant smoke a couple... Just tell her that youve been working so hard at losing weight, and slowing drinking, so that you could make her happy, and that youve been working so many hard hours so that you could HELP BRING MORE TO THE FAMILY... Tell her that you've been working hard so that you could take her on a proper vacation... Make it seem like you have been working hard for HER, and that a couple bowls is just your way of winding down from the stress and frustration you go through every day.

I think that might help ya bud. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
also a man will find a mate and say "I like this it has most of what I want".

woman "I like this it isn't perfect yet, but give me time and I will fix the broken parts".


Well-Known Member
my wife has never so much as taken a drag from a joint... she has NO problem with me smokeing, reminds me to go water my plants etc...


stays relevant.
Might want to possibly go into some counseling... It would be a good reminder of how seriously you take the relationship, and that you are trying to self-improve for her. This will likely result in her realizing that she is very hard on you.

Perhaps in the middle of a session she might bring up your smoking pot, and you can organically mention how you tried hard to quit smoking, but it relieves a lot of stress - and while you TRIED to quit, it didnt work because you started feeling depressed because of the stress you deal with at work. You love her to death, and when she feels stressed you can appreciate her having a drink to relax, and you sort of feel that you should have the same right.


New Member
One is addictive and one is not.

I had a friend of a friend who was an alcoholic most of his life. he was able to quit by replacing it with weed and counseling. he found fishing to be his curse, since drinking seems natural while doing it (to him anyways). So he fired up a joint when he felt that tug in his mind. It kept him off of that poisonous liquid for the rest of his life. sadly, he passed last year of a heart attack (drinking takes its toll long term), but at least he died sitting on his couch watching south park with a bong in his lap.

I would like to go that way when it is my time. High and laughing.

out. :blsmoke:


stays relevant.
Yeah, my lady doesn't mind smoking... She smokes, cooks, helps me with harvest... I have no clue how having to lie about pot feels, but I am pretty sure this is something anyone can get out of if you use her negative attention to put focus on how hard he was working for her, and that he's just relieving stress from work which he goes to in order to get her a vacation, or fancy gift, or new car. Whatever, If you can get out of trouble with $$$ then do it. I would sooner take my lady to vegas for the weekend than spend a month with an upset woman.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
You should tell do what Randy Rocket said. If it doesn't work then maybe print something off showing the pros and cons of both smoking and drinking and see if she has a different oppinion. If not then she wont be the first person to let logic get in the way of common sense.


Well-Known Member
also a man will find a mate and say "I like this it has most of what I want".

woman "I like this it isn't perfect yet, but give me time and I will fix the broken parts".
Tim Allen said it best..

"Women are like cars: we all want a Ferrari, sometimes want a pickup truck, and end up with a station wagon."


Well-Known Member
fuckin terrible. tell her pot cures cancer and that should shut her up about it ;)

or tell her about how it protects and creates braincells in many parts of your brain, helps hundreds of medical conditions, and increases your quality of life with no harsh side-effects or mood reactions.

seriously, this is ridiculous.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
what randy rocket said is so true i hate controlling people nothing more irritating and well most women are controlling sadly.


Well-Known Member
Maybe pee in her bourbon, just a little at a time. Then gently break the news about her pee guzzling adiction while in therapy. Make sure to take a joint though, it will be quite confusing with all the mayhem but it will pass.


Well-Known Member
Maybe pee in her bourbon, just a little at a time. Then gently break the news about her pee guzzling adiction while in therapy. Make sure to take a joint though, it will be quite confusing with all the mayhem but it will pass.
lmao . . . perfect


Well-Known Member
tell her your new girlfriend has NO problem with it. :wink:
why not she's 3' tall on skates with a flat head for my beer?


Tell her the truth abot your use. She is mad the most (if like MrsRocket) about the lie part not the use. If she can't deal with the level you want too usethe refer to the 2 crack head law. 2 opps have a hard time of it and to make it work boyh have to work it. If she has a 0 tol. sorry you can beat the horse till it's blue and with her last breath will be "I want you to quit". out of you control. Sorry but life?