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[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]3/$125.00[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=-2]+


Well-Known Member
at the moment i cant remember exactly how long it has been since my order was placed using the quick pay method.
im going to say its nearing a week or more since i did so. Not even an email to confirm the order, over at their forum they have an excuse about a vacation and such.
honestly i cant imagine they have been flooded with orders that they are too busy to reply to emails.


Active Member
to me it looks bad i dont trust websites with bad webpages that r basic and look like any high school student that took an intro class to computers could do.


Well-Known Member
it does not look good, i am not claiming anything, but its the same three guys at different websites promoting the thing. So what, any business needs promotion.
i dont care what the site looks like, i was told buy a good guy around the canna community that the shit was legit, so i went for it.
this tuesday will make a week, but i have not received an email, i would at least like an email.
"hey sorry bout that, well get around to it"
or "hey asshole, we took you for a buck 25"
i just want to know.


Well-Known Member
yep... havnt got any email here either.. order them almost 3 weeks ago and nothing...

right now ima go ahead and say this site is bullshit... save ur money guys


New Member
That sucks guys....dont know what to say.....Theres about 20 of us that got our orders .....last Tuesday someone got a order.

Alls I know is ......I GOT MINE :clap::weed::clap: and they are doing good!!


Well-Known Member
three weeks, damn, i still check my email hoping that they had a good reason. I guess i can forget about it


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt trust it and its to pricey .. if they had some rare clone only shit id think about it.


Well-Known Member
i believe those are rare clones, you could spend more for ten seeds and not get anything as good.
the price is well worth the fact your getting some dope genes

but these guys are not running things the right way


Well-Known Member
id really like to order but rule #1 tell no one you grow, rule 2 dont ahve this stuff shipped to your house. the only other house id trust is my parents, but my dad may get busted if i did...

I am also in one of the harshest penalty stats in the usa..

vape i did not mean offence now or before -- but i agree you seem to be pushing alot about this place.. i understand sharing the knowledge, but -- you seem to have alot of info about quickpay and how they work it, and also about others ordering and such... unfortunetely while thsi medicine is illigal federally and it is crossing federal lines... i admit im more of a pussy then my 3 cats.

to bad.


Active Member
Hey Vaped - I made it over here for the funeral.

/lurk off

also sayin high to Pro, BlzBob, toasted and krk


Active Member
Sorry to hear you didn't get your cuts Homes - neither did I. I used quickpay on 3/17 - still waiting. I'll write it off and move forward. I was hoping for some elites for PS (personal stash) and trying a few cuts outdoors. Looks like I'll go "Plan B" and put the 100 cuts I have out and buy some new seeds to look for new moms.


Well-Known Member
it does not look good, i am not claiming anything, but its the same three guys at different websites promoting the thing. So what, any business needs promotion.
i dont care what the site looks like, i was told buy a good guy around the canna community that the shit was legit, so i went for it.
this tuesday will make a week, but i have not received an email, i would at least like an email.
"hey sorry bout that, well get around to it"
or "hey asshole, we took you for a buck 25"
i just want to know.

This is what I was trying to tell everybody all along. The way the people were promoting it seemed more like a scam to me then anything.


Well-Known Member
This is what I was trying to tell everybody all along. The way the people were promoting it seemed more like a scam to me then anything.
I'm not sure people were promoting as much as trying to defend it from naysayers, asking them to at least give them a chance, and a few people actually did receive their orders. I'm not convinced it was a scam but they probably ran into some sort of trouble, whether business, financial, or legal, who can say. I don't think they took enough orders without sending them to be considered a scam yet.
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