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New Member
not looking good guys...sent them my money and everything. i sent it through quick pay so they got it immediately. there is talk on their forums that the business is dead.

I bet your thinking different today huh:lol: they are back and orders are being filled:!: Watch by midddle of nexted week youll be a happy camper

Just to clarify......If you use quick pay..... they dont get the payment that same day..... you get a email comfirmation that the money has been recieved anywhere from 1-3 days later.....thats when CD has access to the funds


Well-Known Member
How come nearly every post you've made Vapedg13, has something about the 'quickpay' system? Are you being honest when you say you don't work for them?


Well-Known Member
How come nearly every post you've made Vapedg13, has something about the 'quickpay' system? Are you being honest when you say you don't work for them?
Probably because he was one of the guinea pigs since QP was only introduced within the last few weeks. IMO, I think he is merely trying to be helpful and explain a bit about the process because it involves a few extra steps and of course due to security, not everything can be in detail.

No more suspicious than someone discussing waiting on delivery for an ebay transaction and mentioning they used paypal.


Well-Known Member
CD probabaly waits un till they receive a certain amount of orders before they send out all the clones, so they dont have the constant traffic of clones!!! Good luck to those who ordered/


New Member
Ok just an update......all clones are doing well except for the GDP..... it has gone into shock and started to produce 3 leafers....she will grow out if it

All the cuts I recieved from CD are healthy and bug free

Photos from 3/21/09................................................................................................. updated photo 3/27/09 (1 weeks growth)

..............................................Here is a photo showing the 3 leafers the GDP is producing................................



Well-Known Member
How come nearly every post you've made Vapedg13, has something about the 'quickpay' system? Are you being honest when you say you don't work for them?

im getting that vibe from him too, and he has posted so many pics of the same clones. prolly trying to make us rly believe..


Well-Known Member
No, I think he's happy and likes showing them off and to let others see that the clones are staying healthy and any info that might help other people who might want to try to acquire the same genetics. Here is another clone (TrainWreck arcata cut) that was from there. It is 5 weeks old and growing..Just another happy camper.:bigjoint:



New Member
im getting that vibe from him too, and he has posted so many pics of the same clones. prolly trying to make us rly believe..

I'm posting pictures because I have a grow log going....People have asked me in pms to see what these clones are ..... how they look.....if they are the real genetics .......most of all how they flower, look and in responce I'm doing a 4 month grow log and posting pictures on a couple different sites.

Thats 3 people now from this website who spoke up on my behalf.... you know why....they are happy campers too!!!

I bet you (negligent mother) will be posting some pictures of your clones....its like we are the proud parents of new baby girls and we are showing off pictures:weed: As soon as you do expect people to pm you asking questions and asking if you can post some more info & pictures


New Member
i would too, you all won't get over it. if you think it's a scam then get off this thread. we get it. :weed:
Funny thing is she does not think its a scam....she ordered.....but negetive people creative negetive thoughts and then people question the validity of CD's website.

Just wait....soon she(negligent mother) will be posting hows she is a happy camper too!!!


Well-Known Member
for whatever its worth.. my buddy just ordered from them. I showed him this thread, sparked his interest and hes got money to blow.

Anyway, he payed with the quickpay method, they got the payment but they still havn't shipped anything yet.. its been a few days. Maybe they are waiting till monday?? idk

we will see


New Member
for whatever its worth.. my buddy just ordered from them. I showed him this thread, sparked his interest and hes got money to blow.

Anyway, he payed with the quickpay method, they got the payment but they still havn't shipped anything yet.. its been a few days. Maybe they are waiting till monday?? idk

we will see
thats sounds about right....they ship on Mon or Tues so people get the clones that week........We have been asked to keep the actual delivery method under our hats or it wont stay stealth.

I had to wait almost a month to get my dont think that I was getting doubtful...Yes I was....Freakin Blank money order to Holland...but CD was true to their words


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is she does not think its a scam....she ordered.....but negetive people creative negetive thoughts and then people question the validity of CD's website.

Just wait....soon she(negligent mother) will be posting hows she is a happy camper too!!!
i was speaking to the guys holding the torches. :fire::-P:-P


New Member
I never suggested it was a scam, i just asked if he worked for them
Nope I dont work for them or even know them....Just a MMJ Grower that was looking for MMJ strains for myself and my wife who has Lupus....Since Cali has the MMJ it only made sense to me to get their clone only strains

We tried some Kush down in Cali ....thats why I bought those strains:weed:
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