Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

stink you the man. hows bubble taste orally? Wouldnt that be nuts if it was the cure for cancer this whole time. Our government would look so bad havin it illegal most everywere.
did you actually get them? so much of there stuff on there site was mis spelled I didnt know if it was a scam or the real deal.
i was curious, but what do you do with all the leftovers from your harvest? i mean all the fan leaves, sticks, roots and all, where does it all go? i mean if someone was kinda nosey they could go dumpster diving and say what the hell is this shit. we got some growers on our hands. I do know the cops can dumpster dive if they wanted because its not inside the house, they dont need a warrant for that type stuff. So my question is, what do you do with all the marijuana 'extras'?
the only extras i get is roots, and as long as you cut the stem off at the roots there is really no way to tell its weed roots. The stem and leaves i grind to a powder and make honey oil out of it with butane gas. You end up with thc free powder that can simply be flushed or thrown away and a bunch of extra smoking from the oil. id never throw out any of my trim without grinding it at least first.
so , would a food processor work for breaking down the leaves (make some hash and not waste it) but for the stems, just make sure theres no leaves and they cant tell the difference? and the roots would be separated from the plant and thrown away in a bag but in a diff dumpster. pretty much sums it up?
i grind up the non-woody stem too, other wise yes, separate from roots and throw it in a ditch lol. it will compost like anything else too if you can compost. but i would always dry and grind the leaves, they are obviously the most recognizable part.
i was curious, but what do you do with all the leftovers from your harvest? i mean all the fan leaves, sticks, roots and all, where does it all go? i mean if someone was kinda nosey they could go dumpster diving and say what the hell is this shit. we got some growers on our hands. I do know the cops can dumpster dive if they wanted because its not inside the house, they dont need a warrant for that type stuff. So my question is, what do you do with all the marijuana 'extras'?

dig a lil hole in the ground and burn emits not illegal to have a fire if its in a lil pit so cops wont say shit if they see you round a lil fire, try roasting marshmellows around it when you do it to make it look straight :p:hump:
Alright so here they are. The 3 tall ones are Hindu Kush and the little ones are White Rhino. I mixed up the Nutes to 1500 PPM. Been running them about 24 hours. My next question is about trimming/topping. I'm obviously looking for yield. Best advice for this system. Any and all opinions welcome. Thanks again.


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hey stink have you ever tried out the hydroponic fog? i am curious if that could be a route to go instead of sprays, just use fog , or maybe use fog as a filler in between of sprays.
Stink - Thanks a million for the awesome thread! You mentioned earlier in the thread that you really like this strain. Do you know where I can find AK47 (sativa) feminized seeds?

Also, I'm duplicating your system (as much as my 8x4 space permits). How would you maximize yield on a perpetual harvest with this set up? I only have 28 sites for flower (2 of your stands) vs. 3 stands. I have 9 foot ceilings....does that help me possibly pursue more sativa strains? If so, will it help yield?

My set up:

- 23 site cloner under 10,000 lumens HO Fl's (24hr lights)
- 16 site veg under 400W MH (18/6)
- 28 site flower under 1000W Sodium (12/12)

All on 1/5 timer

I'm using the same exact nutes (from clonex to clearex....same formulas from clone to flower)

These pics are of my first (from feminized seeds): white widow and blueberry


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hey stinkbuddies
any one had any exp. w/white widow i got a free fem. seed and dont want to sprout it if its mostly sativia i already have that problem w/ice
thanks for any help
well ive finished my second grow in this system.....best result yet.first time i got some weed to show off. my first was good but grassy,no flush. SO I MUST SAY FLUSH IS A MUST! well i love the system thanks for everything stink and everyone else who took the time to help me BIG THANKS!
you cAn check the grow journal in the sig for more pics.:)

Yeah Bra - your second round in - way to go!
Jager - looks like you started your seeds the same way I did. If your intent is to eventually transfer those seedlings into an aero or hydro system, be sure to lose the starter medium BEFORE the roots grow through the netting. My roots were more than 40% outside of the netting when I did the transfer....I practically destroyed the roots in the process of losing the medium.

I'm looking forward to using my cloner in the future. Until then, I just germinated my last 25 seeds (in the floating greenhouse kit). I cut the plugs up before inserting the germinated seeds. First, cut them in quarters vertically, then cut the bottom half off completely and discarded it (that's why they appear to be sitting so low in the holes). My hope is that the roots will take the path of least resistance and stay within the seems of my cuts so I can break the four pieces apart later w/out damaging the stem. Or, maybe the roots will grow down, through the bottom, into the water (6 ML of Clonex mixed in to about 10 oz of tap water)
Jager - here's a closer look. These seeds germinated in a moist paper towel for 48 hours. These shots were taken 24 hours after they were transferred to this floating system.

You can see the seams where I cut the plugs into quarters. This was the first time I looked underneath....was excited to see roots heading straight down!

I'm in Vegas the next three days, when I return, these will be ready to transfer into neoprene collars and 2" net pots for my cloning tub.

Hopefully, the cut-up plugs will simply fall apart into 4 pieces, freeing the root undamaged.


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