Bat Guano experts


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This is my 3rd grow of white widow in soil (mostly organic) and strange things are afoot. Bud formation is outstanding as usual with this strain (7 1/2 weeks flower) & the main difference is that I was adding 2 heaping tbs of bat guano (0-15-0) per 5 gal to the "everyothertime watering" in additon to my normal 1/3 dose of bloom booster (15-30-15) & the plants are acting like they want to reveg? biggest bud is over 14" tall & sick-fat but the tips of the buds are throwing out new growth. No chance of a light leak, I'm pretty sure my timer is working properly. At this point I've been giving just give ph'd water w/ molasses & hope things work out.



Well-Known Member
How close are your lights to the plant? What kind of lights are you using? Could be some form of dreading, but I've never seen it like that before. Check to make sure that your lights aren't coming on during the dark cycle for an hour or so. I don't think it has to do with the nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Its not uncommon for a bit of new growth but DAMN!!

I think your 15-30-15 might be the cause. Thats a good amount of "N"


Well-Known Member
for that far into flower , there doesnt seem to be too much dying off of the big leafs but then again with the color of the picture its hard to tell, but it has to be the nitro. for plants that far into flower it should be way less. nit is gonna promote veggatative growth and keep em dark green through flowering.


Well-Known Member
Oh shit! I didn't even notice that his nutrients were 15 ratio of nitrogen! yeah dude, that's probably whats doing it. Thats more nitrogen than I even use during my entire grow! haha.


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Oh shit! I didn't even notice that his nutrients were 15 ratio of nitrogen! yeah dude, that's probably whats doing it. Thats more nitrogen than I even use during my entire grow! haha.
Yea, I kinda wondered about that, but then I quit with the bloom booster 3 weeks ago & they get massive amounts of water every three days. I read a very convincing thread by uncle ben & he made a good argument for not cutting the N completly out during flower.
Hopefully they will fill out during the next couple weeks.


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How close are your lights to the plant? What kind of lights are you using? Could be some form of dreading, but I've never seen it like that before. Check to make sure that your lights aren't coming on during the dark cycle for an hour or so. I don't think it has to do with the nutrients.
Oh yeah, two 600 HPS about 18" from the tops. I'm pretty sure that my lighting is working properly @ 12/12 - I check on them all the time & would have noticed by now if the timer was fucked up I think.


Well-Known Member
I read a very convincing thread by uncle ben & he made a good argument for not cutting the N completly out during flower.
Hopefully they will fill out during the next couple weeks.
LOL not cutting the "N" completely? Thats more nitrogen than what a good number of us use during veg.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, there is a difference between not cutting it out completely, and feeding it massive amounts of it. Cut down on the N ALOT. Cut it down until about a 3-4% ratio. You should be good then.


Well-Known Member
This is my 3rd grow of white widow in soil (mostly organic) and strange things are afoot. Bud formation is outstanding as usual with this strain (7 1/2 weeks flower) & the main difference is that I was adding 2 heaping tbs of bat guano (0-15-0) per 5 gal to the "everyothertime watering" in additon to my normal 1/3 dose of bloom booster (15-30-15) & the plants are acting like they want to reveg? biggest bud is over 14" tall & sick-fat but the tips of the buds are throwing out new growth. No chance of a light leak, I'm pretty sure my timer is working properly. At this point I've been giving just give ph'd water w/ molasses & hope things work out.
GreatWhiteNorth.... The bloom booster you are using, even at 1/3 dose, is providing too much nitrogen. The goal this late in the game is to have the plant stripping the N from fan leaves as it shuts down. This ensures the last hard push of flower formation, in hopes of reproduction.
Hope this helps......
Keep it Real....Organic.....


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GreatWhiteNorth.... The bloom booster you are using, even at 1/3 dose, is providing too much nitrogen. The goal this late in the game is to have the plant stripping the N from fan leaves as it shuts down. This ensures the last hard push of flower formation, in hopes of reproduction.

Ok, I kinda suspected & have quit the booster a little over 3 weeks ago & am flushing @ each watering w/ the same amount of ph'd water as there is soil. Would have thought I would have gotten rid of the excess, but guess not - I will stay the course w/ molasses & less guano but will not go back to the fert.
Thanks for the constructive input, & I'll keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
GreatWhiteNorth...... If you are mixing unsulphured molasses, one ounce to one gallon of water makes an NPK of 5-1-2 plus or minus one point each. Something you might also cut the mixing strength on..... Just a thought.....
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic....


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"mixing unsulphured molasses, one ounce to one gallon of water makes an NPK of 5-1-2 plus or minus one point each".

Yes, that helps quite a bit - so am I to understand that the numbers are cumulative? In other words if one combined two ferts in the recommended ratio that the #'s compound each other? As in add the N numbers to get total N input, add P #'s for total P etc...?

BTW, where did you happen to come across the #'s for molasses? It hadn't occurred to me that I was compounding things with that - I assumed I was just adding "sugar" to the equation.
Thanks again for your assistance.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
ow damn. That could be my prob. That is why my damn lr2 are not flowering. 2 much N from moleasses! Shit that is like 7 for me! OW, i was obsessed with those bacteria! lol. live and learn.


Well-Known Member
Yes, that helps quite a bit - so am I to understand that the numbers are cumulative? In other words if one combined two ferts in the recommended ratio that the #'s compound each other? As in add the N numbers to get total N input, add P #'s for total P etc...?
Correct. Just add the numbers, thats your total ratio.

Never knew about the molasses either, and I've never had a problem like that before.


Well-Known Member
Your only problem is the N so late into flower. Look at your entire bud. See all the leafy growth along the buds? too much n and the last 5 or so weeks of an 8 week strain should require no N at all, but it varies from plant to plant, but most only like a slight shot of N at onset, I know that I know that the N is your prob.


Well-Known Member
oh yea dude molasses don't have shit to do with N, Theres very very little N in molasses, and if you use molasses it should be pure organic blackstrap molasses. Organic unsulphured molasses contents per Tablespoon........730mg POTASSIUM .......115mg CALCIUM ......14g Carbs........10gsugar........ Iron15% .......Magnesium8% .......B6 10% No nitrogen anywhere in there man. Come on guys, lets not make this harder than it is. It is very simple. K.I.S.S. One once per gallon is entirely too much molasses 1 teaspoon is better.


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A quick perusal of several web sites yielded this info on Molasses.

Molasses (average NPK 1-0-5) is what Bio-Bizz Bio-Grow and Schultz® Garden Safe 3-1-5 Liquid Plant Food is made out of. Molasses contains potash, sulfur, and many trace minerals, it can serve as a nutritious soil amendment. It can be used alone as a fertilizer. (Schultz Garden Safe Liquid Plant Food is an example of this.). Molasses is also an excellent chelating agent. Molasses folier feed or liquid fertilizer, or fire ant spray, can be made oneself:



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Well, if anybody is tracking this thread still - final dried weight is just over 30 oz plus just shy of 1 oz of bubble from the trim. Could have gotten more kief, but I like the "good stuff" & only ran it through twice to avoid the trash.



Well-Known Member
Really, though, it it looked as if the light had been coming on in the dark period.

Believe me, I can relate:

One time one decided to do a little work in the garden 10 minutes before the light was getting ready to shut off. So switched the timer to the "on" setting instead of the "auto" or "timer" setting, so it wouldn't turn off. ANyhow, I did my business, and forgot to switch the timer back on.

So the lights stayed on for 54 hours before I discovered they had been on the whole time. The buds were well formed, 5 weeks into flowering. But it looked as though the once tight bud structures stretched out on evrry single plant in the room. In 2 days' time the buds started to resemble wheat.

Good smoke, but a shitload of stem.