Growing in a Secret Closet

Secret green giant

Active Member
Dear All
I'am just starting in growing my own plant. however i really need some advise from you all...
I currently have:
1. 1- 800-watt MH and HPS dual lighting system.
2. 1- floro lights 2 bars (seedlings, clones)
3. 1- Co2 generator
4. 1- ozone generator ( smell/air cleaner)
5. 1- regular fan
My grow room is about 5L x 4W x 7 tall
my major problems is that i have to keep the closet closed. but there are
no vents or window in the closet. does any of you have any suggestions on
what to do to keep tempreture down? (should i get a smaller light?)
or will the fan be enough?
i'am planing to grow about 15 plants per rotation. i will have 2 stages.
please help i need to set up in a month

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Your light is 800watts?

Please post a link or a pictures

thank you....

Yes, heat can often be a problem... you will need to pay close attention to heat issues.. You should get a thermometer and start thinking of ways to exhaust your LIGHT.. You will definitelyneed to EXHAUST your light..

The heat needs a place to GO.


Secret green giant

Active Member
Yes my light is 800 watts here is the link:
MH/HPS Dual Spectrum Grow Lights=

i looked everywere for equitment. and this was the cheepest place i could

What do you all think about having a exhaust fan from the light fixure goint to the crack of the door. (little opening below the door when you close it)
would this be enought?
my other option was to just leave the closet door open during "Lights On"
(room the closet is connected to is very big room w/window)
last but not least: i currently haver 10 white widow 10 crystal 10 ice2000 seeds. since i'am a amature. what seeds would be the most begginers friendly?
Thank you all,

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
last but not least: i currently haver 10 white widow 10 crystal 10 ice2000 seeds. since i'am a amature. what seeds would be the most begginers friendly?

Ok first things first! Do you live in a house? Some where in this forum I think we talked about you living in a condo or an apartment (I think). If you live in anything but a house your going to have probs. for sure. Ozone thingey is ok but not enough when budding. Try using a charcoal can if you can afford one. They range from $175 on up. Or use this great stuff for clearing the air - Optimum Growth's Oder Killer. Works great. BGHydro sells it.

2nd - Heat prob. for sure. I Would exhaust with door open durring veg. but need to exhaust elsewhere when budding. Up maybe? - an attic? Just a thought.

3rd - White Widow is a very friendly plant to grow and potent! But the smell is intoxicating (very strong like cat pee I guess). Very nice plant to grow.

Crystal and Ice are about the same just different smell! Very nice selection of seeds you have! All three are potent, but Widow is the most potent, then Ice, Then Crystal.


Active Member
there is a device ive seen in my local grow shop that actually acts as a cooler for hps lights
i must find out the name of it..

it basically acts like some kind of a chemical reaction that gives off cold..or i guess to be more accurate takes in heat (endothermic?)

anyone else see one of these???

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
there is a device ive seen in my local grow shop that actually acts as a cooler for hps lights
i must find out the name of it..

it basically acts like some kind of a chemical reaction that gives off cold..or i guess to be more accurate takes in heat (endothermic?)

anyone else see one of these???
Never saw what your talking about, but I have seen and been around cold heat devices for rocketry!


Well-Known Member
well the best thing for u to grow is shwagg, for begginers, Im new to growing too, and if it wasnt for my friend, my stuff would be, i dunno. But he started off w/ shwagg for a bit till he knew what he was doing and now he has like a forest... The weed your growing, white widow and ice is pretty hard growing, but u have us here on this site, so good luck

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
well the best thing for u to grow is shwagg, for begginers, Im new to growing too, and if it wasnt for my friend, my stuff would be, i dunno. But he started off w/ shwagg for a bit till he knew what he was doing and now he has like a forest... The weed your growing, white widow and ice is pretty hard growing, but u have us here on this site, so good luck

I don't like to go against anything anyone here has to say, But I do have to disagree on the White Widow. Of course keep in mind I have been growing better than 27 years, longer I think (old age creeping in). Anyway I give clones and seeds to friends who never grew before and they do just fine.

My Experience With White Widow:
Nute Temp.: 72-74 degrees (F)
Ph: 6.2-6.4 Ph - Mine liked the acid side of Ph vs Alkaline side.
Root temp.: Best kept between 68-70 degrees (F). Nutes taken in easier.
Room Temp.: They love 74-76 degrees (F)
Humidity: Above 65% for veg. and 25-35% for budding. I used a humidifier.
Heat: They hate high temps. (over 80 degrees (F).
Lighting: They do well under CFL's for veg. And HPS for flowering.
Water: I used a "PUR" water purifier the kind that attaches to the sink to help remove hard minerals and chlorine.
CO2: Only what they get from my hot water heater and sometimes I open a window to let fresh air into the house!

Like he said, "but u have us here on this site, so good luck"

See pic's:


Secret green giant

Active Member
thank you all for the ideas. i specially like the one with door knob. (never thought of that)
Yes i'am very worried about the smell. the funny thing is that i just
bought 2 ozone air cleaner from sharper image. that will make 3 air cleaner
and smell removers devises. ( i hope this will work)

I have decided to just leave the door open during "lights on"
and have a fan blow the air to the bedroom. than during "light off"
i will close the closet door and open the window in the bedroom to
air out the air from the closet from "light on"
this will be a pain in the ass... but most secret.
well once i have everything set up i will keep you all posted with
pictures etc. if i run into problems hopefully you all can help me out


Well-Known Member
:cry: :confused: :cry: :confused: :spew:
I have never heard that before.. NEVER!!!
Is that your final answer?

-KNOWM falls on ground and bumps head (knocked out cold)-

i meant best thing for begginers, i heard u basically dont have to attend to them as much as others. shwagg aint hard to get seeds for and aint very exspensive. I think you kind of misunderstood me :(

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hi LEON...

I see your point...
There are a lot of decent strains out there that are easy to grow that give big yield.. LIKE MANGO..

My beef with growing schwag is this.... The risk of growing and the work that needs to be done, out weighs fucking around with shitting strains..

strictly my opinion...

and please forgive me if I came across like a KAK.. I am very playful and do not me harm..


Secret green giant

Active Member
Dear All,

I was wondering how long does it take for a plant in Vegetation state to
Harvest time. is it 2 month?
reason is that i would like to harvest every month or every other month. i would like to know how far apart i should plant my seeds?
can you advise.
Best regards
Secret green giant


Active Member
Green Giant,

Just wondering, what did you ever do to vent your closet? I have a similar setup coming along and the only remaining issue is my airflow.
I'm trying to start up a plant or two in my closet, and i'm a beginner so im not too sure about anything..i have the same problem with heat issues..and i was also wondering which would be better hydroponics or soil? Which is harder? Also if using a clone for the first time is more difficult than just using seeds?..any info would be soooo helpful


Well-Known Member
Hey starting out (Im a beginner, but Ive done cloneing)
Id say soil NOTHING MG, and seeds

Check out my posts, I have 100% success germinating seeds.