favorite beer?


Well-Known Member
It's hard to go wrong when picking an Oatmeal stout.

Anyone tried the ESB from Sierra Nevada? It's that time of year and it was worth every penny!


Well-Known Member
It's hard to go wrong when picking an Oatmeal stout.

Anyone tried the ESB from Sierra Nevada? It's that time of year and it was worth every penny!
never been a big sierra nevada fan, probably cause my buddy drinks their ipa all the time and i think it tastes like shit. ESB is their oatmeal stout you say? im gunna have to try that


Well-Known Member
Sorry, got ya mixed up. ESB- early spring beer. It is created by Sierra Nevada. Was curious if anyone had had one yet.

There are a couple companies that make the oatmeal stout and they are all great. That is what I was trying to say.


Well-Known Member
ESBs are reddish in color. Not quite as hoppy as an IPA but still has a kick to it. As the weather gets warmer people want to drink lighter beers. An ESB is a good transition from winter ales (which are normally quite dark and heavy) to pale ales and lagers (lighter in color and body).


Well-Known Member
Oh, it's past 5pm here! Gonna go grab me a Bass! Bought this when I though spring hand sprung but it snowed again a couple days ago...

Heavy beer= cold weather
Lighter beer= warm weather


Ursus marijanus
I'm suckin' down some Red Hook Pilsner that our local Outlet had on discount. Fine, fine stuff, and a break from my usual: burying a Shovel. cn



Legal Moderator, Esq.
Magic hat, any kind based on your preference. Vermont has been a great state for growing for years, they know how to make a beer to compliment it by God.


Ursus marijanus
In the '80s i sucked down Yuengling "Old German". I could get it for $1.99 a six.
Then we moved to Pittsburgh. Stroh's "Fire-Brewed" in the 16-oz returnables by the case from those state liquor depots. Some of those bottles had been around the block a few times. cn