Too Much Light?


Active Member

i got this lil OG clone 2 days ago.. it didn't have much roots formed.. i.e - they didnt show on the side and on the bottom.. so i put it under 1 T8 light and covered it for a day... a day passes i look and walla.. roots where showing..

then what i did is plant it into foxfarm soil & put it under 5 CFL's & the T8 light....

so i covered it & mist the cup.. so it can get some humidity as well..

is this too much light for this baby?...

i've had some other clones in the past but under different soil & the plant would start to turn yellow n die on me... does this happen because of much light?


Well-Known Member
Im not to sure about clones, but if it was from seed id say loose the glass jar and lower the lights.


Well-Known Member
ya you want the cfls no more then two inches away... have a fan blowing over your plants as it will cool them and strengthen stems


Active Member
ya you want the cfls no more then two inches away... have a fan blowing over your plants as it will cool them and strengthen stems

i've put htem about 4 inches away and its really warm w/ a fan and the leaf's sometime turn yellow... =/

i'll do it for this one @ 4 n see what happens...


Well-Known Member
You are trying to root it in soil, that is going to be a problem, pull it out of the soil put it in the jar and put a lid on it until roots pop out or stick it in water.The lights are way to far away and to dim


Well-Known Member
You are trying to root it in soil, that is going to be a problem, pull it out of the soil put it in the jar and put a lid on it until roots pop out or stick it in water.The lights are way to far away and to dim
I think mthr said they have rooted in the soil so i wouldnt pull it now. Id just lower lights, take the jar off, keep the fan on it and it should keep growing as long as it has rooted.


Active Member
According to the law of diminishing returns, you can never give a plant too much light.

MORE the better! :hump:

But yeah you should move those flourescents closer.


Well-Known Member
:joint:get rid of that FT it must be so low in watts it will just be in the way, and get them CFL 2-4" away and i wood mist them 3 or 4 times a day:blsmoke:


Active Member
yeah i put it in soil after i saw a little bit of roots popping out... the only reason i had the cup was to keep the humidity in..

i took it off now and they are about 3 -4 inches away from the light..

is it normal for the bottom leaf to start to turn yellow?

i thought misting creates fungus n mold?...

THANK YOU all for the help!


Active Member

2 days later.. the plant seems to be getting worse by color and some sort of mold or nute burn?

[pic 1 is of the whole baby clone]

[pic 2 bottom leaf... does it tend to do this when new leaf's are growing?]

[pic 3 - building the lil yellow spot]

[pic 4 - it also looks like its starting out in the tip]

[pic 5 - has a spot as well in the middle of leaf]

[pic 6.... it also looks like its growing on the baby leaf just growing]

now remember i just planted this clone 2 days ago in FoxFarm Ocean Forest Soil mixed w/ Perlite...

i also do have the 3 set liquid nutes soil set.. big bloom, tiger bloom & big grow... i didnt use any when i first wetered the baby after i put it in the soil.. just regular RO water PH tested @ 6.5 - 6.7

i have it under 5 CFL's about 4 - 5 inches away and the temp goes from 78 - 84 @ certain hrs of the day.. i have 2 fans.. one blowing out and one towards the plant

im sure as you can all see the leaf's have this mini yellow tint around the edges forming slowly & they have somewhat curled up tips.. since i first got it.


Active Member
I'm no expert,but it could be leafburn.Are you using any kind of reflector with the CFs?It could be that the reflector is causing hotspots on the seedling,thus burning it.Or it could be the lamps are too close. Remember,I'm no expert,but just forwarding suggestions.:peace:


Well-Known Member
so you say that you have not feed it yet? as it looks like nute burn to me? has that soil go slow reles nutes in it?


Well-Known Member
Closer with the lights, no water, no nutes .walk away for a few hours no watering its drowd


Active Member
soul skunk - i bought the reflector w/ bulb container in one piece from Home Depot

-this pic shows the whole setup.. but i now have the plant closer.....-

dog - i have no idea on the soil.. just read that it already contains nutes and i should not add any with the first watering..

as for you lurp... i have no idea what you meant...