Iran Update...

it's all been prophesied to happen; read the good book"bible" and you will find that Russia and Iran form an alliance to wipe out Israel. Russia is helping Iran build their nuclear reactors, its the war of Ezekiel 38-39. you have been told. I smoke like a champ and don't doubt what the book says is true!

Prophecies can only come true if people make them come true. People came up with them knowing exactly that.

People in power can easily use this type of shit against their populations. If everyone thinks an event will happen because their unquestionable religion tells them it will, anyone in power could manipulate events in the real world to make it seem like that prophecy is actually coming true, or on the way to coming true. That's why almost 50% of the US thinks Jesus will return in their lifetime...
Yes indeed prophecies can only be achieved if one heads in that direction. Iran is heading in that direction. They do not deny this and have said so many times.... what's the problem? They have made their intent quite clear.... even the Pentagon admits this much and Israel is certainly taking them at their word. I do also, but their actions solidify their words. Enriching uranium to weapons grade is a MIGHTY big tip off.

out. :blsmoke:
israel will not live with a nuke armed iran .
BHO is not liked by israel.
israel has a power full lobby in DC.
the chinese have us by the balls and they know it too.
the NK know BHO is a pussy and kim jong is a nut job.
the government printing trillions upon trillions of dollars can only lead to massive inflation a little latter down the road.
the mass amounts of unemployment are going to lead to mass amounts of civil unrest
israel bombing iran will probably set off a huge war in the middle east.
the large amounts of unemployment is also going to lead to further colapse in the credit and housing markets.
our so called NATO allies are not supporting the NATO effort's or treatys and have not been for some time.
merkel and sarkozy want nothing to do with mass bail outs of private companys .
the UN is completely useless . it is just a black hole where american tax payer money goes never to be seen or heard from again.
the russians are all to eager to fire up the war machine as shown by their invasion of georgia.
there are alot of very complex problems that are being bungled and fucked up right now.
cause we have a community organizer who has no sack or experience as president with a pile of banksters in his cabnet that no one has confidence in.
there is the big kicker. confidence . no one has it and everyone can smell how incompatent this admin. is.
its like sharks smelling blood in the water and they are all circling in for the kill.
Yes indeed prophecies can only be achieved if one heads in that direction. Iran is heading in that direction. They do not deny this and have said so many times.... what's the problem? They have made their intent quite clear.... even the Pentagon admits this much and Israel is certainly taking them at their word. I do also, but their actions solidify their words. Enriching uranium to weapons grade is a MIGHTY big tip off.

out. :blsmoke:

OK, Iran is on the road to fulfilling a prophecy, which you claim is the complete distruction of the state of Israel. What exactly are you arguing Cracker, that we should preemtively strike Iran so they cant, that we should put up sanctions so they can't enrich uranium, blockades, what?

All I've gathered from you so far is Iran is developing a nuke, they want to destroy Israel, apparently they will do anything to accomplish that goal, it'll be done by summer 09...

So what'll Iran gain from it? Say all this stuff happened, now what? Did nuking Israel get them anything? Did the end of the world in this prophecy happen? Of course not, so even if they did 'fulfill the prophecy' they're still right where they started... there is no significant gain from nuking Israel from an Iranian perspective, especially if the only motivaion you can come up with is 'to fulfill a prophecy'...
Paddy, you have argued every which way on this thread. You have denied their you flip? You have denied their you flip?

Nuking Israel is the prime objective and will grant them preeminent status in the Middle east, which is their true goal. The Iranians seek to rebuild a Persian dynasty. This will be the key for them. The end game is to wipe out all infidels globally and create a new Muslim world. You should read a bit more.....

As for what to do... yes what to do indeed. Talking has done nothing so far except to allow them the time to gain their nukes. Sanctions have already BEEN in place, but have not provided the deterrent desired effect. What's left? yes, a strike is in order. Will it cause chaos? You bet it will. That will be the price for years of indecision and hand wringing. One of the most important steps to a foreign policy is to know your enemies and treat them accordingly. I was amused at Obama's declaration that he was going to use the Russians to help quell the Iranian threat. What has he been smoking?? :lol: It is the Russians who have been instrumental in HELPING the Iranians gain nuclear technology. We have Iran being helped by North Korea, and the Russians. Now there is a stable environment form which diplomacy will work?? LMAO.... No, it will be up to Israel to commit the hammer to the anvil. They will do so...but the when is unknown. I concur 100%. Strike while you still can. The Iranians aren't going to build one and then just sit on it.

out. :blsmoke:
Are you fucking WELL. IRAN IS NOT GOING TO NUKE ANYONE. In our lifetime, no country will nuke another country. They are too afraid of M.A.D.
You idiot, Men were inspired to write by God to tell the signs of the time so that people would believe . if you associate the writings of the book, they correlate to our very own time. for example: antisemitism re surging, wars and rumors of war, hate, drug use, sexual perversions, kids disobedient to parents, murder,men being boastful and full of pride, the list goes on and on and its happening at a much greater rate than the past. america is on a slipply slope to bringing about globalism under the obama administration. nationalization of banks, a one world currency(russia, china, and european states just called for a new currency run by the imf as a reserve to the dollar called actmetal), pretty soon you will see the government control every aspect of your life(no more marijuana!), how to raise your kids, how much you are worth. and no, men do not control prophecy, its going to happen because God will let it, he's in control. iran doesnt care about diplomacy, islam is not a relgion of peace; thye cut of people's head, termed infadels, for not believing in allah. amadeinjahd? has repeatedly called for the destgruction of israel and russia has its head up thier ass becuase they want the oil reserves israel has. you know why russia attacked georgia, it wasnt over the two breakaway regions they want control of the oil pipeline running through georgia. iran is going to attack israel along with russia and china, the only nation capable of producing a 500 million plus army, and be crushed. and the main ingredient of it all is Jerusalem which everyone claims as their own. watch the news and tell me you dont hear of jerusalem almost every day. wake up your minds dont sleep nor slumber, p.s. Im NOT WHITE thanks for your comment
The Perfect Storm of Prophecy

Copyright © 2009

In recent months, has covered a broad spectrum of Judeo-Christian Biblical prophecy concerning the time of the end of grace - the point at which the Lord will remove His Holy Spirit from the earth - en masse - gathering His church to Himself and delivering the remaining inhabitants of the world into the time of wrath, termed the tribulation period.

As a watchmen on the tower, we stand observing the signs of the times, dead-square in the center of the birthing-pains leading up to the final hour in which the ‘lord of this world’ - the Antichrist - shall be revealed as the secular savior and messiah-man the world has been calling out for. This bold-faced king (Daniel 8:23) who is the prince that is to come (Daniel 9:26), is currently on the world scene in some way, shape or form, awaiting his hour of world rule. This can be known simply because this earth is standing at the precipice overlooking the chasm of disaster, the likes of which has never before been seen in history - and the Bible doesn’t give room for this happenstance to occur more than once. We can see the ‘fig tree’ [Israel] and all the trees [the rest of the nations] beginning to bloom - therefore, as the Lord Jesus Christ forewarned, the time is at hand and our redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28-32).

The signs are spelled out for us in Scripture and are key to being able to stand, fully awake, regarding them for what they are. The list is long and obvious to any who have eyes to see and ears to hear, for, woe to the hypocrites, “you who can discern the face of the sky but cannot understand the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:3)

This time we are living in is one in which ’men’s hearts are failing them with fear for the things coming upon the earth (Luke 21:25-27); global financial strife, drought, widespread famine leading the shortage of food-staples, religious and social upheaval, climactic shifting like the pendulum of a clock ticking away at the seconds until eternity. The world is looking to the established governmental system of rule for peace and security … to protect them in the valley of the shadow of death, yet the Bible pronounces the warning of their desire, “ While they are saying, ‘peace and security‘, destruction comes upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they shall not escape.“ (1st Thessalonians 5:3)

The financial crisis of late begs for a change in strategy by the powers that be [who have been placed in their positions of authority by the very hand of God to bring about His judgment], who control the markets of the world. These men (and women) seek to consolidate all things into one; one global currency, one global government, one global citizenship. These kings and queens of this world look to their own understanding to solve the turmoil the entire globe now finds itself in and none seeks after God. “A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny, and see that you do not hurt the oil or the wine.” A direct reference to a time when the world market will begin to crush those that live paycheck to paycheck while the rich still have their delicacies (Revelation 6:6).

The fear of global warming causes many to shudder in fear, wringing their hands as a testament to their disbelief in the only true God. They see the signs of His return plainly but refuse to give Him the glory nor will they believe His Word, and because He has made these signs evident to them, they understand something is happening but their eyes are unable to see. These lost souls, knowing that He is God, choose to ‘hold this truth in unrighteousness’ - literally suppressing or holding down the truth within their hearts, not wanting to accept responsibility for their actions and admit their sins and seek after the Son of God, receiving salvation. They trust, rather, in their own works of righteousness to save them. Those who choose Christ will be acquitted in the day of trial, those who won’t will get what they want - they will be judged by their actions, their works, their deeds and their hearts - and be found guilty. They do not understand that even one sin will bring about eternal death [separation], mourning, suffering and rejection - never again to receive the mercy and grace shown to all in the here and now. If you here the Lord calling you, today is the day of salvation … answer that call and beg forgiveness in contrition and accept the free gift of eternal life found only in the name of Jesus Christ.

Religion has also reached a climactic point, as the world begins to choose sides. There is no new religion under the sun, only the repackaging of ideals for different cultures and eras. Unfortunately for them that are practitioners of such rituals and traditions, they’re working hard to earn a place in heaven [or whatever name they use in it’s place] but they miss the mark completely. These believe that salvation couldn’t be as easy as a gift and that it could never be found in a Man who claimed to be Deity, then allowed Himself to be slain on a cross. Religion is man reaching out for a god, Jesus Christ is God reaching down to men and relationship is the only way to enter into heaven - through the love of and devotion to the only begotten Son of God the Father, Jesus Christ. Condescension is a four letter word … love.

The right to child sacrifice otherwise known as abortion, but defiantly and proudly termed the ‘freedom of choice’ - has become a cultural hot-potato for those in power who desire only to acquire more power and who use this ‘right’ as a bargaining chip and leverage point. Not ironically, the majority of those who detest and oppose the death penalty for murderers and violent rapists claim the murder of the unborn is a God given right. Woe to those who exchange bitter for sweet and evil for unrighteousness - the wrath of God abides on their heads.

Homosexuality - and the world-wide promotion and forced acceptance thereof - is quickly becoming the tool of this movement to topple any remaining support for Christian values and replace it with anti-family morals and loose social moral responsibility. Tied to this ‘grass-roots’ agenda is the perversion of the many who - despising the moral judgment of any who love the only true God and understand the truth; that homosexuality is purely lust just as any other of many persuasions including incest, bestiality, adultery, pedophilia, and … you name it, choose to support ‘gay rights,’ knowing that to condemn the practice of same-sex relationships also passes the rod of judgment over their heads, condemning them also for their sin of choice. Live and let live being the mantra, they say if it feels good just do it. The heart is deceitfully wicked and emotions a tool of Satan.

Last but not the least of all is the coming together of a Russo-Islamic confrontation of Israel, bolstered by an American administration which is quickly dropping support for the staunchest ally we have ever had in the middle east (or anywhere else in the world, for that matter). With our newly inaugurated president Barack Hussein Obama at the helm, policies are shifting and loyalties are being questioned and in fact challenged by those in the Muslim world who wish to remove the state of Israel from the map and her memory from existence. Whether you believe it is due to his foreign policy inexperience, his lack of understanding the world from inside his narcissistic bubble, or shear evil-minded intentions bent on destroying the children of God from the land which He has given her, one thing is certain - his moves match those of a man who has disdain for the remnant of twelve tribes of Jacob and his policies, no matter how ingeniously expounded or how deeply hidden the covert nature, ooze with contempt for the Hebrew nation.

Regardless, the temperature is quickly rising in this region with an array of items popping up on almost a daily basis. Iran claiming to be a technology and nuclear superpower, gaining aid and intelligence from her closest ally, the Russian bear - has amassed an armament with which she could give any nation a run for their money. Add to this the fact that the UN nuclear watch-dog - the IAEA - has reported that Iran now has enough fissile material to produce a thermo-nuclear warhead with weapons grade plutonium - an option Israel has sworn to eradicate with ‘all options on the table.’ The conflict found in the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel will soon come to pass. Just as unexpectedly as the events of 9/11, our television sets will, one day in the very near future, be filled with the unfolding reports of this war in which the Lord declares, “I will leave but a sixth part in the,” (alive) - that‘s an astounding 85% mortality rate … for those who would remove the nation of Israel from her land and the breath of life from her nostrils.

Be vigilant, my brethren and fellow watchmen on the tower, and continue to faithfully warn the world so as to bring as many as possible to the foot of the blood-stained cross. We are all beginning to see a ‘stepping-up’ of the adversaries attacks against us; in our families, at work, in the public arena and even in the very buildings in which we gather to worship our Lord. The wheat is ripe for the harvest, and yes, this means that the tares are fully grown and trying to choke out as many as they can, to sift us and divide us - and will continue to do so with a growing fervency until the Lord receive us to Himself carrying away His wheat to His barn and reaping the tares up and casting them into tribulation . Be of good cheer and continue in love toward one another, that the world may see the Spirit living in us and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hard times are upon us and even harder times are ahead - avoid them that tickle the ear with a ‘prosperity gospel’, remove yourselves from divisiveness and any doctrine that does not strictly hold fast to the virgin birth, the sinless life, the sacrificial death and resurrection of Christ alone as the means of the ransom of our souls, and the requirement of a man to speak with the lips and believe in his heart to receive the gift. Expose those who are liars, rebuke false doctrine while offering the hand of reconciliation to the brother who returns begging forgiveness. Keep your eyes on Christ and your hearts in the Spirit, of one accord, and look to God to straighten your path and lead you in righteousness, as this world is quickly passing away and all that is in it.

Even so, Lord Jesus, our Savior, Redeemer, the lover of our souls - He who will finish the good work He has began in us; Who is the Author of our faith and to He Who alone is worthy of worship and praise; the only begotten Son of the Father, the spotless sacrificial Lamb of God - Yeshua Ha’Moshiach, the Messiah, Christ Jesus … Come!!! Home
Paddy, you have argued every which way on this thread. You have denied their you flip? You have denied their you flip?

Nuking Israel is the prime objective and will grant them preeminent status in the Middle east, which is their true goal. The Iranians seek to rebuild a Persian dynasty. This will be the key for them. The end game is to wipe out all infidels globally and create a new Muslim world. You should read a bit more.....

As for what to do... yes what to do indeed. Talking has done nothing so far except to allow them the time to gain their nukes. Sanctions have already BEEN in place, but have not provided the deterrent desired effect. What's left? yes, a strike is in order. Will it cause chaos? You bet it will. That will be the price for years of indecision and hand wringing. One of the most important steps to a foreign policy is to know your enemies and treat them accordingly. I was amused at Obama's declaration that he was going to use the Russians to help quell the Iranian threat. What has he been smoking?? :lol: It is the Russians who have been instrumental in HELPING the Iranians gain nuclear technology. We have Iran being helped by North Korea, and the Russians. Now there is a stable environment form which diplomacy will work?? LMAO.... No, it will be up to Israel to commit the hammer to the anvil. They will do so...but the when is unknown. I concur 100%. Strike while you still can. The Iranians aren't going to build one and then just sit on it.

out. :blsmoke:

I don't think the leaders of Iran believe some ancient prophecy is true, I think they use that against their population for control, just like our government uses Christianity in the states against our population for control. That's what religion is, control. I've held this belief the entire thread.

Who are we to decide a preemtive strike is justified?

Why would we be right to bomb a country in an act of war because our intelligence, that has been totally innacurate before, to the point of starting two wars, says Iran could be lying?

Doesn't our government lie about things?

Would it be right for some other country to bomb some part of our country because their intelligence told them we were lying to them about something?

Are you fucking WELL. IRAN IS NOT GOING TO NUKE ANYONE. In our lifetime, no country will nuke another country. They are too afraid of M.A.D.

Thank you, perfect point. Although I think CJ is arguing that Israel is going to be the one that nukes Iran in some kind of totally unjustified preemptive strike and then say "they were going to nuke us, what did you expect us to do...?" and play off the international sympathy card like they always do... (Israeli gov., not civilian population)
how do you know iran is not going to nuke israel?
they keep saying over and over again they are going to destroy israel' i guess you dont believe them.i do.
why you might ask? CAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING NUTS.
i think israel believes them too and that is all that counts.
the reason men to not believe in god is they think they have replaced god with either government or themselfs as being the supreme being in their own lifes.
i guess non believers do not think much about the universe. math science . or much of anything else.
christ is gods only son. not government and not liberals.
you sound like a mindless zombie: government uses religion for control, in all actuality the government is separating church and state. how can i prove it, no more praying in schools, removing the pledge of allegiance which states in 'God' we trust, and the ACLU and all the right groups pushing for a strong separation from anything of faith. no, religion will not control the population only men will try to. If you did your research you would know that Amamdenijahd, the president of Iran, thinks he is the third mahdi and it is his soul intention to destroy Israel. America was founded on Christian faith, if you dont like it get over it. In America we are given the free will to practice whatever we want becasue we are a free country, so dont say religion controls it. Islam is a different beast. It is used to control the population. Women cannot show their faces, girls cannot walk alone with boys they dont know in fear of getting flogged, gay men and women are killed and the brutality goes on. Max420, thanks for being one above the consensus and seeing the truth when everyone believes a lie.Some people get it, some dont.
You cannot apply cold war mentality to a religious regime. It doesn't work. Besides they don't believe there will be MAD. It's all about beliefs, not wishes. Click your heels three times and it will all go away...not.

out. :blsmoke:
I do not care what any of you say, No nukes will be dropped in our lifetime from one government to another. End of story.
When you say our lifetime, just how old are you? I say it is inevitable that Nukes will be used some time in the future, maybe not next week or next year, but maybe like Dec 21st 2012. BTW, who do you suppose one government would drop them on, themselves?
ignorance? I hold a political science Masters degree, which I obtained in the US. What do you hold? High school diploma? Before you open your mouth again you should read two books; Fear's Empire by Benjamin Barber and Nuclear Terrorism by Graham Allison. Once you have a tiny shred of an education maybe then you will be entitled to spred your non fact bullshit. MAD might be from the cold war, but it is still the single greatest deturrent of nuclear weapons for any nation. Dirty bombs and terrorists go hand in hand, but dirty bombs are no where close to the power of an actual warhead. For fuck sake Isreal won't even allow an oversight of their nuclear program, the world doesn't even know how much fissile meterial they actually have. To me that is much more frightening then allowing Iran to try to make fissile material