4 days in Soil still Nothing....???What do i have to Do


Well-Known Member
OK im starting to freak out I put my WW seed in the dirt like 4 days ago and still havent seen anything...I put 6 more seeds in the dirt 2 days ago and nothing...do i need to water or what when i first put the WW in the dirt i had my 400 mh light on for a few hours and it dried the top of the dirt a little so i put a little water to moisten it up again....the other seeds i havent touched ....SO i have 7 plants in my grow closet in darkness...



Active Member
Did you germ. them? If not then keep the soil moist. how far down did u plant? I got 4 snow whites and they came up in 3 days but i germ them.


Active Member
By no means am I a qualified person to any your question definitively, but, I was in the exact same situation that you are in now. I began my first grow by germinating five seeds in a moist paper towel for about three days, then after they had begun to sprout, I transplanted them to soil. Nothing ever happened, no growth, no anything. Since then I'v found that transplanting germinated seeds to soil is a risky maneuver, because you can very easily send them into shock with that method, as well, you must always keep the soil at nice moist level....don't allow it to dry out. Also, seeds that are still sprouting only require about 700 lumens per square foot.

my suggestion, I would try germinating the seeds in some expandable soil pellents (they are dirt cheap at any gardening store or home depot), then after they have developed a sprout and minor root system, transplant them into their permanent soil.

Hope this has helped.


Well-Known Member
well i watered the soil a lil so that it will have some more moisture but i will give them until the weekend before i give up on them


Well-Known Member
idk man i planted a few of my seeds too deep and took 9 days to come out of the soil but it finally did just have patience. if u have too very very carefully remove the dirt with ur hands and look for it to see if its a dud ora baby woman


Well-Known Member
idk man i planted a few of my seeds too deep and took 9 days to come out of the soil but it finally did just have patience. if u have too very very carefully remove the dirt with ur hands and look for it to see if its a dud ora baby woman

Thnkx for the input man...Im just Super anxious and ready to grow lol....


Well-Known Member
ok so this morning i woke up hoping to see a sprout but still more of the same...So i grabbed all my grow bags.....and gently tried to find my seedlings....after finding them all i replanted them just a 1/4 in deep im happy to say the roots are all about a in long or so .....so hopefully they will push thru in the upcoming days ...I have them sitting out on the floor now just getting natural light from the windows...maybe that will help