uk growers


Well-Known Member
hahaha, uk all the way.

but seriously though. if its the same material it wont make a difference. whether its concave or convex.

lets take mylar.... i dont see how that would make a difference except for altering the direction of reflection - bo! bo! bo!

and take foil. that will only change the direction of reflection as well, not heat attributes as they'd stay the same!

just the same thing as ur car mirrors. things in the rear view appear closer than they seem...... that doesnt make them any further away. I.E doesnt change any attributes


New Member
because the diamond mylar is thicker better quality and has the diamond patter to create better light distribution.

if something is concave or convex then the reflection will be altered and that is scientifically proven.

I don't have time to give you lessons though son, i don't give two shits if you carry on believing what you do now or if you bother to do any research on anything and actually learn something instead of being ignorant
I thought so.
pure dickhead.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
only thing about crinkles in the maylar is the same as a light leak in your tent the light is escaping not bouncing back the 'hotspots' thing is BS


New Member
in the point where it is concave the light and will reflect on a focal point, the light will be more intense on this part than others because it is directed at one spot creating a hot spot, it also reflects heat, just as your " car mirrors " do whether or not that makes an effect i am no physicist but i still don't see the point in wasting money on these materials if its not doing the job properly of reflecting the light, which is why again i say flat white is better because thats as flat as the wall and doesn't crease at least with that your going to get an even surface with even light distribution, if you do want a material and your going to spend your money on it, diamond mylar is much better for a flat surface,

whats the point in paying to reflect the light like that if its not directing it in the right direction


Well-Known Member
i don't doubt you have harvested plants, that is not the question, the question is about cheap reflective material for this guys grow,

mylar on paper is slightly more reflective than flat white paint but because it stretches so easily and creases so easily it does create hot spots because of intensity reflected back by the creases, it is not distributing light efficiently,

so if your looking for cheap then go with flat white paint and forget the mylar because its not worth it, if you want mylar spend a little extra and get the diamond type mylar.
Are you sure you're not thinking of Mylar wrapping paper?

I'm talking about the real deal mylar, white one side, silver the other (the good stuff).....

Mylar is DEFINATELY better than white paint.


New Member
theres loads of different types of mylar, all of which i've bought from hydro stores, some have come almost transparent on one side, this was by far the worst then theres a black backed one and the white backed one too, i don't do wrapping paper


Well-Known Member
theres loads of different types of mylar, all of which i've bought from hydro stores, some have come almost transparent on one side, this was by far the worst then theres a black backed one and the white backed one too, i don't do wrapping paper
Well the see through stuff is essecially the same material as foil wrapping paper (which I have used also when I started out).

Good quality Flat mylar is more than sufficient for most Home Growers.

If you want to spend a Bomb on your personal grow, thats up to you, but I prefer to keep things cheap and simple, this is still a dangerous game afterall.