About to order seeds - You pick! pictures ** pick one of the 3


Well-Known Member

KC Brains Mango

  • Strain: Indica
  • Parentage: Mango & KC 33
  • Planting: Indoor / Outdoor (temperate climates)
  • Flowering: 42-63 days / end Sep (49-70 days)
  • Yield: 150g / 800g per plant (indoor/outdoor) 10 Cannabis Seeds per pack
    Mango was grown by KC by crossing KC33 and Mango, a plant that a hippy had been growing for 30 years and let KC use as a cross. A slow starter, her quick burst of growth of up to 3 metres will astonish you. Mango's buds are massive and weighty, growing up to 18 inches in length with an equally impressive circumference. Has a sweet mango smell and taste with an even, mellow body sensation stone.

KC Brains Cristal Limit

  • Strain: Indica
  • Parentage: Cristal & KC 606
  • Planting: Indoor / Outdoor
  • Flowering: 42-77 days / end Sep (56-77 days)
  • Yield: 110g / 750g per plant (indoor/outdoor) 10 Cannabis Seeds per pack
    A very successful indoor variety. This specimen has been grown from Cristal and KC 606. Will grow to a height of 2 metres indoors and 1 metre indoors.

KC Brains California Special

  • Strain: Indica
  • Parentage: Californian & Skunk
  • Planting: Indoor / Outdoor (temperate climates)
  • Flowering: 49-70 days / end Sep-mid Oct (42-77 days)
  • Yield: 130g / 700g per plant (indoor/outdoor) 10 Cannabis Seeds per packet
    California Special is bred from an original American California crossed with a Skunk. This variety has a great body. Height outdoors 2.5-3 metres, indoors 1.3 metres.

you all pick one of these 3!!! - From the attitude seed bank...


Well-Known Member
id spend 10 bucks more and get seeds from green house seed co.

but if i had to pick a KC strain it would be mango

Brick Top

New Member
id spend 10 bucks more and get seeds from green house seed co.

but if i had to pick a KC strain it would be mango

I would agree with that if they are your only acceptable options but I would add one thing. Is what you picked the high or stone you prefer the most or were you influenced by colors and description of tastes and by scent and by yield and worse yet by price/cost?

I see so many people pick a strain or strains for all the wrong reasons so very many times that it really makes me wonder what priorities people set for a purchase.

Being a sativa lover who thrives on a soaring clear cerebral head high that is my singular priority and things like color and scent and taste and even yield and price are of little to no importance to me and very seldom are factored in, in the slightest of ways.

To me the effects are of utmost importance and the reason to grow since most commercial growers will not spend the time and money and go to the effort to grow a sativa that takes 12 to 14 to as much as 20 weeks to flower. What most sell I do not like so when I purchase I only look for what I cannot find elsewhere and anything beyond that is of little importance to me.


New Member
You may also wish to consider which strain matches your environment best. You haven't mentioned, inside, outside, light system, space???

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Indoors or out? It depends on your preferences, look up strain reviews or ask at your local seed supplier (if you have one) if they can recommend a strain.
The cristal limit description is confusing - 'Will grow to a height of 2 metres indoors and 1 metre indoors.' LOL
There's 2 types of indoors, didn't ya know.
Like brick, I love sativa's and I'll only smoke indica if it's offered - I wouldn't pay for it.


Well-Known Member
KC throws lots of males ratio wise. If you can, spend a little more. If not go with the mango. Had 8 out of 10 of my mango were males but the other 2 were true females.


Well-Known Member
I'd also spend a few more bucks and go with something from Serious Seeds. If I had to choose from those 3 - I would pick the Mango


Well-Known Member
im gonna get something else guys...ive heard some shitty stuff about KC recently. im just gonna say fuck it and get something from soma or serious i think...any suggestions? im under a 400W HPS in a 1 cubic meter space, bottom half of my closet. i need a high yielder but short plant. mostly indicas because of their shortness. i love sativas but i need mostly an indica. any suggestions for anything? i am hesitant on spending 100 bucks and then getting either 5 males or something go wrong with the seed. i dont wanna spend a bunch and loose out ya know? i think im just gonna drop some money on seeds tho. that way i get the bonus seeds too from attitude. i dont think im gonna go with KC now that i think about it.


Well-Known Member
oh, and does anyone know anything about the company white label? i really dig some of soma's strains ive smoked prolly 4 or 5 of em. somango was one of my faves. i just need a company with a high female to male ratio and good quality. what worries me about soma's strains is it says 15-20 grams minimum on his pages. i dont know why it is so low. most companies have like 150g's or so per plant indoors. anyone know of a cmopany that has really good genetics along with high female to male ratio? i also was thinking about feminized seeds....but i dont want hermies! no one does for that matter! i just dont want them to pollinate my whole crop and fuck it all up. im growing for sensimelia...if i was not gonna sell any of it i wouldnt care about hermies, fuck id love the free seeds, but i sell some, and as ya know, no seeds = high price around here :P. i mean along with quality of course. but yea. back to the question, anyone know of anything like that? and if u grow fem seeds do you ever get hermies? ive heard some people say that only if u stress it at all it will be hermie otherwise it wont if there is NO stress at all. since ill be indoors when i get my lights next week (400W HPS) there shouldnt be any stress on the plant...


Well-Known Member
oh , and another thing. does different strains require different nutrients? cos ive got some 12-4-8 MG shit...i hope this works...it's liquid. i was thinking of dropping some dough on quality nutes too tho...dunno tho. funds arent the greatest


New Member
I don't know about White label so i won't comment further, but as far as nutes go...no. It's still weed...you can use the same nutes on all of them but you may have to change schedules as some flower quicker than others.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I don't know about White label so i won't comment further, but as far as nutes go...no. It's still weed...you can use the same nutes on all of them but you may have to change schedules as some flower quicker than others.

out. :blsmoke:
thats what i figured. ill figure all that out when i pick out a strain and ask someone else who has grown it sucessfully. i want some of subcools strains, so danky danky. mmm... agent orange looks good. but yea, i was gonna go with soma, paradise, DNA genetics, white label, serious seeds, or if someone gives me some input, mabye something else. i just need to find a company with a good female ratio and some quality shit ya know. and another thing...are fem seeds worth it? do i have a high chance of getting hermies if i dontcause any stress? j/w


New Member
You know I have always considered Fem seeds a push. You pay double or you pay the same as reg but get half the seeds. i would rather get my full 10 seeds and hope (and usually get) 50/50. Sure i end up with males but since i never kill a plant just because it turns out to be the wrong sex, I;m never disappointed. i merely move them away from my fem's and collect pollen and bracts for smoke while i wait on the fem's. There have been studies that males are only about 20-25% less potent than females, but only with superior strains. My wife and i and recently i got my cousin to try some male pollen bracts, never complain. It tastes a bit like honey and gives a nice mellow head high. And you can keep harvesting as they grow. Also, if you get a BOMBER female going and wish to set seed....you have a stock of males from which to find the strongest pair. :peace:

I just enjoy growing weed, no matter the sex.

out. :blsmoke:

Brick Top

New Member
You know I have always considered Fem seeds a push. You pay double or you pay the same as reg but get half the seeds. i would rather get my full 10 seeds and hope (and usually get) 50/50. Sure i end up with males but since i never kill a plant just because it turns out to be the wrong sex, I;m never disappointed. i merely move them away from my fem's and collect pollen and bracts for smoke while i wait on the fem's. There have been studies that males are only about 20-25% less potent than females, but only with superior strains. My wife and i and recently i got my cousin to try some male pollen bracts, never complain. It tastes a bit like honey and gives a nice mellow head high. And you can keep harvesting as they grow. Also, if you get a BOMBER female going and wish to set seed....you have a stock of males from which to find the strongest pair. :peace:

I just enjoy growing weed, no matter the sex.

out. :blsmoke:

That is valid enough IF someone has a setup where they can keep males.

If someone has a limited space, say only enough to grow 2 or 4 or maybe 6 plants at a time if you use regular seeds you may not get a single female or just one and you will not have a place to keep males so for some feminized seeds are a bargain. All they have to worry about is one or more going hermi and even if that happens they will still end up with more than a male plant would ever give them.


Well-Known Member
oh, and does anyone know anything about the company white label? i really dig some of soma's strains ive smoked prolly 4 or 5 of em. ...
im growing doublegum from white label right now..i think it was $20 for 10 beans...out of 10..3 germed..2 hermaffed ..the 1 female however is solid sticky sweet smelling at @ 37 days into flower...for $20 im stoked..some of the frostiest i've grown..:blsmoke: thats it in my avvy