my clones are under my 55g fishtank, so my tank is
semi-relevant, right?
anyways, i replaced my huge puffer w/ some small cichlids, and i wanted to share. i loved my puffer, but i wanted some color in the tank, and he'll eat ANYTHING you put in with are my pretty malawi's (and a couple johanni's)....
this johanni is my favorite.....
him and his new mate....
heres a baby malawi...(2 months old)
he's a punk....
he's also a pimp...he fought for this girl for over an hour.
this is mid-fight....(notice the color difference? he's the top-right.)
the BOSS.. none of the other cichlids will even attempt to mess with this one. its wierd. he used to be a really pretty shimmery purple, but since he bossed up he's all brown and ugly....whatev's...
where they live...