I'm 23, smoking for 6 years heavily, and during May of the past two summmers, i've given it a rest. mainly to save money b/c i don't have a job during that time, i just do a lot more drinking and what not. because of the alcohol, may be why i do not lose sleep. Overall my anxiety does seem to increase along with my temper.
marinol does suck...my grandma was given it on her deathbed to encourage appetite. let's just say she wasn't "high" at all.
i like the feeling of being sober sometimes, from "medicine." It's kinda trippy being straight when you've been being high for months and months.
What if you only used a Volcano Vaporizer to smoke your pot?? Would that change some of those 420 chemicals that we only need 20 of? Would u get withdrawls from vaporizing every time?