What is the best kinds Of Bud That You Can Grow Outdoor In Canada?


Active Member
Hi friends, what would be the best type of strain to grow in the Ontario, Canada area, im looking for a strain that can survive Canada's weather conditions and produce a considerable amount of marijuana?


Active Member
I guess its my job as a newbie to point out the search button to this guy. The vets are too busy doing important shit to answer something thats been answered 100 times already. Use the search button on this site and also check some breeders and seeds retailers as to what they recommend for your climate. Dont know where to get seeds? Theres a search button for that on this site too. Welcome and good luck. But you have got A LOT of reading to do.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
How do I grow outdoor in northern countries?

Contributed by: olibrocoli
Submitted: 04-09-2003

Here are a few tips to help people growing in northern countries (Canada & Alaska for example). The biggest problem (in northern climes) is frost;
frost during the spring can damage growing shoots on young plants and seedlings in the spring, and fall/winter frosts can cause problems during harvest. In summary, frost shortens the period of time we have to grow.

Here is how you can grow in a short season location, and still get huge yields :

1. Start your plants indoors

Fluorescent lights will do a great job and are very cheap. If you start the plants in late March, you can easily have mature plants (at about 1 or 2 feet tall) for the beginning of June. If you top them , you'll have small bushes to plant. Plant during June, there is no more risk of late frost and the vegetation will already have started to grow, making your plants more stealth and less tempting for deer (or other animals)

2. Choose a growing location carefully

This is a crucial decision; you need a location with a lot of sun. It is best to prep the site by May for out-planting in June.

My tip would be to choose a place where your plants will NOT receive direct light in the morning. This way your plants will defrost slowly in the morning as the air is warming up, and will tolerate a couple of nights where temperatures go below 0C. This is important, because of lot of strains will need these extra days or weeks to be 100% ready for harvest.

If you can't find a spot like this, you can try to find a place near a river or a lake, because water will help mioderate night time temperatures.

If none of this is possible, try to water a lot your plants during the evening before a frost is forecast this should protect your roots from freezing

Valley bottoms have an earlier frost

If it is possible, you can plant very close to your house; the heat of the house will prevent early frost.

A friend told me that he planted his clones in buckets and buried them in the soil to give temperature protection to the roots. Plants in pots must be buried, or your soil /root zone will become hot during the day and more cold in the night – this could unduly stress the plant.

Of course, you could use protective fences from the north wind, reflective surfaces or dark objects (warm up in the day and slowly release their heat in the night) but this are things that will decrease the stealth of your grow.

3. The choice of strain is very important

Forget about long flowering sativas - choose great strains with 9 or less weeks of flowering. Here are a few I know :

Northern Lights, M39 (Shiva Skunk), Freisland, C99, Early Pearl, Early Girl ( or any "early" ) Chemo, lowrider.

Look in Strain Guide for short period flowering strains. I also suggest to try some of the Canadian seed banks - they have outdoor strains adapted to early frost.

If you can , try 2 or 3 strains, you will have more chance to find the perfect one for your region.

In summary:

Start clones during beginning of spring, choose a short or medium flowering time strain ( try different strains, you will find the best for your region) . Find a good spot who will prevent early frost and at the end of September or begining of October you should be able to enjoy the results of all your work!

Copy and pasted from another thread. I'd start germinating and getting them ready asap. Happy smoking


Well-Known Member
I guess its my job as a newbie to point out the search button to this guy.

no as a noob your job is to sit down stfu and read. The vets dont reccommend the search button on this site because it doesn't fckin work. Maybe you should try and use the damn search button you noob.:roll:

Saul Good

Active Member
no as a noob your job is to sit down stfu and read. The vets dont reccommend the search button on this site because it doesn't fckin work. Maybe you should try and use the damn search button you noob.:roll:
Grassified....you really need to up your meds or check on some mellowing strains. We're all here trying to learn about a number of things, and searching through a hundred thousand posts can be a bit time consuming. Unless that's all you do. Is that all you do? Just wondering.
I'm a noob myself, and I do a LOT of searching and reading, but once in a while I need to ask a brother or sister for some help and direction.
Don't flame a guy for wanting to learn...Jeeez.....

Dr. Haze, MD

Well-Known Member
You can't really be expect some one else to make one of the most important decision for you :(

Go to some seed bank websites and search for seeds that might interest you (i.e. Outdoor seeds, maybe some that are adapted to northern climates)

Some good websites would be:


Some suggestions I can make are:
Hollands Hope, Durban Poison, Super Skunk, Arjan Haze


Well-Known Member
"I guess its my job as a newbie to point out" Holland's Hope and Durban Poison to the OP. Both are supposed to be the best for Ireland. My take is a strain that can survive Irish "summer" will flourish in Ontario.

Brick Top

New Member
Hi friends, what would be the best type of strain to grow in the Ontario, Canada area, im looking for a strain that can survive Canada's weather conditions and produce a considerable amount of marijuana?

The obvious answer to what is the best "type of strain" to grow in the Ontario Canada area is an indica. Now if you meant to ask what singular type of indica would be best that would be something else and that would in part depend on your personal likes and dislikes because there is no such thing as a singular best strain because people’s likes and dislikes differ.

You need to list your priorities and then search seedbanks for strains that meet your top priorities the best and if possible also at least to some degree meet your lesser priorities.

Just saying; "and produce a considerable amount of marijuana" really is a very broad question to ask and it puts all other factors lower on the list of priorities.

If yield alone is your singular priority it should not be at all difficult for you to find a strain or strains that will give high yields in your conditions.



Active Member
I DO use the search before I start asking simple to answer questions dick. I was being informative and helping him, Youre just being a tool. And just cuz im new to THIS site doesnt mean I dont know my way around the plant or message boards.


Active Member
What you said was not constructive at all, why bother posting?
Typed grow outdoor Ontario into google
That came up.
Tho if you look at the link I sent previously the seeds have an indoor and outdoor rating.
Seems people on here would rather use the same amount of energy talking shit then it would take to lend a hand.
And yes I know some questions are redundant, but being a dick still makes you a dick.


Well-Known Member
im in east coast canada, growing LSD (26% THC :) ) and a few different lowryder strains, big bang, the church and a lemon skunk lol. Just look for a strain that finishes b4 october. Check out the ata tundra, originated in alaska. great tolerance to frost and cold weather and good yields.


Well-Known Member
Go for white rhino /ams by green house boyh strains can tolarate a little cold and the best thing is they are realy mould resistant, go for a green house mix if they surrvive the british weather with good results then you should be ok.i also did a arjon ultra haze#1 last year but suffered a little mould had to through a ounce but 1 plant produced 1 and harf pound the thing was a tree bro.the others were not far off a pound a plant the runt off the litter produced 6 ounce stonker grow.pictures were in last years weed world.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Has anyone tried Early Pearl? I just got some of those seeds but have never tried them.
Northern Lights, kush and skunk mixes do well outdoors here. The sativa dominant ones take longer and can go into the frost if you don't get them planted early enough. :)


Well-Known Member
Go for white rhino /ams by green house boyh strains can tolarate a little cold and the best thing is they are realy mould resistant, go for a green house mix if they surrvive the british weather with good results then you should be ok.i also did a arjon ultra haze#1 last year but suffered a little mould had to through a ounce but 1 plant produced 1 and harf pound the thing was a tree bro.the others were not far off a pound a plant the runt off the litter produced 6 ounce stonker grow.pictures were in last years weed world.
im doing a outdoor grow this year, howd u manage 2 get a p per plant? im looking for some ideas


New Member
allthough asking people on here is helpful, (sometimes...) you definately should make the final decision on your own. i suggest going to BCbuddepot.com and checking out what they have to offer for outdoor.

as for myself, im considering buying some BCsweet tooth because it grows extreamly quickly and gives off lots of good quality bud!

-happy tokin! :)