First Ever/CFL Grow


Mr I Can Do That For Half
wow so many issue here lol. dont expect much if the cfls are just regular store bought you need at least 105 actual wattage cfls to grow anything much at all. cfls are good to replace your home bulbs with to lower usage for an hps ballast. You can get a 70 watt hps at home depot for under $50.. Anyways if these are from seed you have to wait til you have 8 nodes to flower. If they were from clone you can flower real small as the plant has to be mature. 3 plants one pot your already gonna have issues roots are a mess and breaking them stresses young plants so you might hermie these.Not sure on the soil but looks like a nitrogen deficiency going on.And the clear 2 litwer bottle is bad also light on roots is bad


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I just read your trying to flower these you cant do it. If you can force the flower they wont yield more then 2 or 3 grams dry. They have to be mature before flowering at least 8 nodes and those are not 8 nodes.Go back to veg if it hasnt been more then a week if it has your screwed anyways probably go hermie or male from the stress you have them under


Well-Known Member
Hope you don't mind the bif multi quote but I had a few thigns to say.

Yeah, All I could find was the 2700 as well.I plan on getting another 65w and clamplight prolly tomarrow or the day after. But I'm on day two of trying to flower my one biggest plant. I'll take a pic of that one prolly later tonight as it wasn't in my last set. How long after I start 12/12 should signs of sex appear? Remember this is still a little plant with maybe 5-6 nodes and around 10" tall.
Your plant is the perfect age for flowering with CFLs. After a week you should notice a rapid growth spurt followed by signs of sex - this can take up to two weeks after starting 12/12. Good job on getting another big bulb - the more the better.

Also the one I'm flowering I canged to a 3 gallon bucket.
3 gallon is great - perfect size for the plant your aiming at.

wow so many issue here lol. dont expect much if the cfls are just regular store bought you need at least 105 actual wattage cfls to grow anything much at all. cfls are good to replace your home bulbs with to lower usage for an hps ballast. You can get a 70 watt hps at home depot for under $50.. Anyways if these are from seed you have to wait til you have 8 nodes to flower. If they were from clone you can flower real small as the plant has to be mature. 3 plants one pot your already gonna have issues roots are a mess and breaking them stresses young plants so you might hermie these.Not sure on the soil but looks like a nitrogen deficiency going on.And the clear 2 litwer bottle is bad also light on roots is bad
Def agree about clear containers - roots don't like light! 3 plants in one pot is no problem - you are starting them eary and they are staying small - look at RandyRockets 1 oz plants in 20 oz cups. I have 8 clones in a 3 liter pot and they are doing ok. About the CFLs - Where else would you get them other than a store? Yes they do work - I just harvested my first and smallest plant and yielded 21g dry (this plant was under 2 months old seed to harvest). The rest of my plants I expect to get over a zip each from. Again more ligths the better - I'm running about 360w for 6 plants.

I just read your trying to flower these you cant do it. If you can force the flower they wont yield more then 2 or 3 grams dry. They have to be mature before flowering at least 8 nodes and those are not 8 nodes.Go back to veg if it hasnt been more then a week if it has your screwed anyways probably go hermie or male from the stress you have them under
Plant can be flowered at any time - of course yield and size of plant correspond but you can definately expect mroe than a few grams. Inducing flowering early has nothing to do with herming.

-Just my observations - I don't have 1000's of posts and am just a newb bio student.


Active Member
Appreciate all the opinions, thanks a ton guys. Ok, so the one with 3 in it has been split up for about 4 or 5 days and I have four plants total. Had to move them all to my small cabinet so I guess the big one i'm trying to flower young i'm going to have to move it to a dark area for my 12/off period. And the blueberry is growing like crazy. The ones that had the yellowing leaves and brown spots have really started to come back with a vengence since I've switched to water only, so i'm pretty sure my prob. was over-nute. Will post a pic of my newest set up shortly.


Active Member
ahha nice .380 hommie.......... to gastanker, do u have a link to RandyRockets 1 oz plants in 20 oz cups i wana check it out


Active Member
I've never posted just been watching, but I'll take my first seat here. :D your first 2 or 3 pics look kind of like mine (I just started) like two days ago.They don't have that long stems though.h Hopefully mine are half was good as yours. :D


Active Member
That's cool man, yeah mine stretched due to being too far away from the light. But I've still got 3 goin, the one Blueberry and the two bagseeds. They're all starting to look great, I'll put up some new pics tonight, they have absolutely blown up since last time I posted, especially the one I'm flowering, but still no signs of sex.


Active Member
plants lookin gooood bro. whats that in pic three though?... im still waitin for the specs on the .380. looks like we have similar intrests lol


Active Member
Haha Thats actually a bb gun in pic 3, as I live in the city I can only pick off some tin cans every now and then. But the one in the earlier pic was actually a PT111pro 9milli.I've read some reveiws on it that said after around 700 shots fired the polymer frame actually starts sheering, but these reveiws were dated like 03 so i'm hoping they fixed the problem before I bought mine. But I love it because it's lightweight and pretty compact, for easy carry on long trips, and the girlfriend can handle it, sortof. I'm planing on getting her something like a .25 compact in the near future, cause the the crazies grow in numbers everyday with this economy, most the people shooting up places across the country had just lost their jobs and/or houses.


Active Member
hey how did u start off thoese clones? i made an attempt at stating clones with root stim powder but its not rooting.


Active Member
I started it off in just a little bottle of water since I can't go buy rockwool or gel, but after noticing it wilting I added a few pellets of root blast. It has been about 5 or 6 days and it came back but still no roots. I read somewhere on here it can take two weeks sometimes longer. I don't know about this, never done it so if anybody has any input on cloning it would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Also I'm thinking BS2 is a male. pretty sure actually. Now, a few questions... I know males are less potent but how potent are they? If grown right could they still do the trick? Maybe for some butter? Also i'm nervous about the clone making it, so I might just leave the male in there to pollinate my BB. I know I'll lose some of my bb genetics in the seeds and potency from the plant, but would it be horrible to cross these two strains and see what I come up with or should I just flower the bb and ditch the male? Basically I'm asking if the seeds created would still retain enough of their bb traits to make it worth it, as the BS2 came from swag. Cause if i'm going to come out with shit seeds I don't wanna sacrafice my potency...opinions...?