suggestions on where to go for honeymoon


Well-Known Member
you know whats really shit.

im trying to plan out a holiday, lets say i go from MAN international airport to .. err i dunno, Turkey or Italy or somewhere. then i want to go from that airport to Amsterdam and no1 does it.... surely some airlines from italty and other countries must go to amsterdam.


Well-Known Member
im trying to get seperate flights,lol.

trying to do a 1 way to sharm el sheikh and then after a week there, go to amsterdam and then back to england but its not letting me do it :(

looks like ill have to have a smoke and start studying places to visit when i get chance.


Well-Known Member
im trying to get seperate flights,lol.

trying to do a 1 way to sharm el sheikh and then after a week there, go to amsterdam and then back to england but its not letting me do it :(

looks like ill have to have a smoke and start studying places to visit when i get chance.
Forget that! I bet it'll be cheaper to come back to UK and fly to Adam another time. And it will be more fun too.
If you go for Sharm, make sure you can handle the heat, get an AC room and WATCH WHERE YOU EAT!


Well-Known Member
Forget that! I bet it'll be cheaper to come back to UK and fly to Adam another time. And it will be more fun too.
If you go for Sharm, make sure you can handle the heat, get an AC room and WATCH WHERE YOU EAT!
never thought about that.

well the heat is about the same as in a grow room,lol. 91F in july/august. only spending a week there, get as much as poss.

now that u mention it, i have heard some dodgy stories about the food.


Well-Known Member
Before you go inquire on Thorntree forum where to eat and/or ask tourists in Sharm where they have already eaten.
This problem will arise at any cheap destination. There is no such thing as free lunch, literally.

Also keep your mouth close when showering and brush your teeth with bottled water. That applies to any hotel, never mind their *****


Well-Known Member
wow, water that bad? mouth closed when showering? lol if the waters that crappy then im bathing in the pool or sea :D

lol @ tooth brush with bottled water. i felt like doing that in greece

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
wow, water that bad? mouth closed when showering? lol if the waters that crappy then im bathing in the pool or sea :D

lol @ tooth brush with bottled water. i felt like doing that in greece

Third world places pump their sewage directly into the ocean---it just floats around the coast---exactly where you swim :)

Hope you can deal with hep c :)


Well-Known Member
Third World is cheap but Third World Water is never healthy unless boiled or bottled.
That applies to pools, rivers, lakes and oceans.
First World Water is excellent but you wanted cheap.

If you want to be absolutely safe take your wife to Australia, the Seychelles, Bora Bora, Fiji etc



Well-Known Member
nah......... really?

sharm el sheikh is supposed to be one of the best diving places in the world. i doubt they would fill it with sewage. must be the other side of the country,lol.

after lookin at all these places, im desperate to get away!


Well-Known Member
yer it would of been ok there. i would of drove from FL. even if i did have the money to go to, it wouldnt be much of a honeymoon. id be gettin smacked around the head every 2 mins for looking at girls in bikini's roller blading everywhere.


Well-Known Member
I guess you'll be fine swallowing some water in the Red Sea but in general you can get plenty of nasty infections from the oceans as well.

You describe Miami like you've seen it.

Nice pic SonofMan. Know Manu Chao "Welcome to Tijuana .... sex and marijuana" ?