you have them in veg. 24/7 or 18/6 is veg.. the debate between which is better will start i use both and see no difference. your call broI have a few seedlings I started a week ago. Once they sprouted I put them under constant light. So when should I put them under the vegetative light cycle?
how did we not get his question. he asked when to start veg... he is in veg so how can he start something he is already doing. now if he asked when to go from 24 to 18 then we would not of gotten his question.i dont think they got ur question, or maybe i dont, but i put mine in 18/6 they day the cotyledons (first nodes) were decently sized (a third to a hallf inch). and to debate the 24/0 or 18/6 thing, 18/6 is theoretically better, because plants can build on themselves better when they are in the dark, but need the energy from the light phase. howeve i can not say ive seen one being better, cause ive only done 18/6. if u dont have a timer, then 24/0 will be fine i guess
Thats useful info.......fuck lolYou should ALWAYS veg first, and flower second.